3 Agile Practices

Agile is a set of values and principles for how to run a project. Agile software methodology was as a response to traditional software development approaches as they were failing to keep pace with the speed at which technology is changing. In this article, we’ll look at three of the most common agile practices and show you how you can use them in your next project.

Agile is an engineering term that has it’s roots in Extreme Programming (XP). It was born out of the notion that software could be built to satisfy customer requirements quickly, and tested often. And like all things, Agile has evolved over the years. So let’s talk about the three agile practices.

The agile methodology is one of the easiest and uncomplicated routes to transform an idea and varied needs into feasible software solutions. Agile method is an iterative and incremental tactic to software design that utilizes constant planning, understanding, upgrading, team partnership, development, and delivery. The agile process is fragmented into separate models that teams work on, thereby encouraging flexibility to changes.

Driven by the principles of providing value and collaborating with stakeholders, the agile methodology originates with customers defining the end uses of the final product and the kind of problems the final product attempts to address. This exercise helps in resolving and clarifying the customer’s anticipations and requirements for the project development team. 

As the project commences, the designated teams start to plan and work on a complete process through planning, implementing, and appraising. As the development process is iterative, errors are resolved in the intermediate stage of the project. This process enables the final deliverable product to match the customer’s wants better.


There are various types of agile methodology available in the market to suit every project’s wants. Although there are different agile methodologies, everything is based on the main principles in the agile manifesto. 

Therefore, every framework or behavior that adapts these principles is named Agile, and, notwithstanding the different types of agile methodologies a team implements, the agile methodology benefits can be copiously apprehended only with the collaboration of all the involved parties. 

By using an iterative framework, the Agile approach relies upon the interaction of self-organizing teams who have the cross-functional skill-sets required to develop and test the working software. The most commonly used programming practices are based on the following tactics:

  • Test-driven development
  • Code refactoring
  • Continuous integration
  • Simple code design
  • Pair-programming
  • A common codebase and a single coding standard

It all contributes to the quality, flexibility, and sustainability of the software in Agile software development. To better understand the Agile methods, here are some of the best practices for efficient and effective interaction on Agile teams.


The benefit: Increased transparency and increased communication among the team.

Your team will have greater insight into progress and challenges. The project manager can “lead” if needed, but Agile teams are self-organizing and can do this even if the project manager can’t be there.

How to do it: This is a very short meeting (15 minutes or less) that gives the team an opportunity each day to touch base and share information.

Each team member briefly answers these three questions:
• What did you do yesterday?
• What are you working on today?
• Do you have any roadblocks keeping you from doing your job?

In traditional Scrum/Agile the scrum master works to remove roadblocks, but the project manager can do that, too.

Warning: This is NOT a 30-minute status meeting. It’s not a long discussion of details. Rather, it should be very short – 15 minutes or less. It’s a touch-point for your team every day to level set. If the team needs to discuss more detail, do it after the stand-up.

A friend of mine suggested to his boss that they try this out. They were having very long status meetings. His boss agreed and loved the idea. But instead of the team members having a quick daily meeting, his boss runs it. Worse yet, it’s turned into an extended status meeting every single day – a worse situation than before. Avoid the temptation to drag it out – stay on point and keep long conversations for after the stand-up.


The benefit: continuous improvement.

Your team will identify ways to improve during the project, rather than waiting until the project is over. You’ll gain the benefits of continuous improvement through the course of the project.

How to do it: At various points during the project, the team assesses how they’re performing.

There are 3 key questions to ask:
• What worked well for us?
• What didn’t work well?
• What can we do differently to improve?

Choose various points during the project to use this Agile practice. Once you’ve done the exercise and identified things you can improve, pick one or two you’ll target first. Incorporate those changes and see how it goes. Then repeat this process at various points throughout the project.

Your team can incorporate improvements while the project is still underway, rather than waiting until the project is over.

Note: There needs to be an environment of trust and support among team members. Don’t criticize others for suggestions they make. Don’t blame team members for faults, but rather identify ways to improve. Be open to hearing the challenges as opportunities.


The benefit: transparency and customer collaboration.

The customer benefits by seeing the product so far and giving feedback. The team gets the advantage of customer feedback for any necessary adjustments.

How to do it: Show working software to the customer at appropriate points throughout development. Don’t only wait until it’s ready for end user acceptance testing.

This is NOT a PowerPoint presentation. You’re showing the actual software. Don’t worry about this being flashy and slick. Your goal is to show the customer how the product is progressing and to get feedback. You don’t have to rent a huge conference room and make flashy powerpoints. You’re not showing a finished product at this point.

Manage customer expectations about what you’re showing. You don’t want to surprise them if they expected something else. Make sure they’re aware that this is early and not the end product. Explain why you’re doing it and what you hope to gain.

Adopt the spirit of collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement. Do it with respect for all your team members as you adopt new practices.

And be patient with one another. You won’t get it perfect right away. But you’ll benefit and probably enjoy it, too.

Benefits of Agile Methodology

As defined, Agile is a mindset that directly benefits faster, lighter, and more efficient development processes. The process delivers products and services that customers look for, and the entire product development process is more quicker in response to changes;

  1. Faster: One of the major benefits of Agile methodology is faster/speedy development and response. A quicker software development process significantly reduces times between paying and getting paid and leads to a profitable business. 
  2. Upgrade customer satisfaction: There is no requirement for a longer queue to get exactly what customers want with agile development. Infact, a swift set of iterations are done very closely for what they look for, very quickly. The system adjusts rapidly to reshape successful customer solutions and adapt it as it would alter the overall environment of product development.
  3. Values executives: Employees are highly valued when providing productive ideas rather than following a fixed set of rules. Agile methodologies enable employees to set their goals and achieve them appropriately. With these methodologies,employees are in the best position to respond to challenges, resolve obstacles and meet the goals and objectives at hand.
  4. Eradicate rework: Implicating more customers into each phase of the requirements and delivery helps in aligning project on-task and in-tune with customer requirements at each step that lead to less backtracking and save time amid development cycle and customer suggested revisions.


Agile is a set of values and principles for how to run a project. Agile software methodology was as a response to traditional software development approaches as they were failing to keep pace with the speed at which technology is changing. In this article, we’ll look at three of the most common agile practices and show you how you can use them in your next project.

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