How Do I Convert a Word Document to Excel Without Losing Formatting

It is a matter of knowing how to convert it to excel or word, if you already have the right tools. There are different programs available in the market, but they are not able to give the best output, some are free, and some are paid. You can simply use the free information which will be provided here. These programs will help you way better, than you think.

When you want to move data from a Word table to Excel, you can avoid having to retype that data by copying it from Word directly. When you copy data from a Word table into an Excel worksheet, the data in each Word table cell is pasted in an individual cell on the worksheet.

There are a lot of reasons why you might need to convert a Word document to Excel. Maybe the document is technical and requires some formatting that the spreadsheet program can easily apply. Perhaps you need to work on a document with someone else and having it in .xls format will make things easier. Whatever your reason may be, it’s quite easy to convert Word documents into Excel spreadsheets.

Computer Operating Systems are constantly changing. Because of this, there is a new version every few years or so. While you may have a version of Microsoft Word that was written for an older version of the operating system, it may not function correctly with a newer version. If you have an older document and want to save it as one that can be used with a newer operating system, you will need to save it as an Excel spreadsheet. This article explains how to do just that.

Can a Word document be converted to Excel?

If you have information in a Microsoft Word document that you need to import to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, Excel provides functionality to do the conversion. Select the version of Word and Excel you’re using and follow the steps to make a plain text version of your Word document and importing it into Excel.

Important: After pasting the data, you may have to clean it up so that you can take advantage of the calculation features in Excel. For example, there may be unwanted extra spacing in cells, numbers may have been pasted as text rather than as numeric values that you can calculate, or dates are not displayed correctly. For help with formatting numbers as dates, currency, percentages, etc., see Format numbers. For help with formatting the style of your table, see Format an Excel table.

  1. In a Word document, select the rows and columns of the table that you want to copy to an Excel worksheet. Make sure there aren’t any extra carriage returns in the cells of the table, otherwise this may cause extra rows in Excel. 
  2. To copy the selection, press CTRL+C.
  3. In the Excel worksheet, select the upper-left corner of the worksheet area where you want to paste the Word table. Note: Make sure that the paste area is empty before you paste the data. Data in Word table cells will replace any existing data in worksheet cells in the paste area. If necessary, review the table first in Word to verify its dimensions.
  4. Press CRL+V.
  5. To adjust the formatting, click Paste Options Button image next to the data that you pasted, and then do the following:
    • To use the formatting that is applied to the worksheet cells, click Match Destination Formatting.
    • To use the formatting of the Word table, click Keep Source Formatting.

Two Easy Ways to convert or import Word document contents to Excel worksheet

Sometimes, you may need to convert a Word document to Excel worksheet or import the Word document data to worksheet, do you know any quick way instead of copying and pasting? This tutorial provides two easiest ways to handle this job.

Method A: Convert Word to Excel with the Save As and the From Text utility (7 steps)

To convert Word document to Excel worksheet, you can combine Save As function in Word and From Text function in Excel.

1. Open the Word document you want to Excel worksheet, click File > Save As command, then click Browse to open Save As dialog, choose one destination to place the new file, and in the Save as type drop-down list, select Plain Text.
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2. Click Save to save the Word document as new text file, then a File Conversion dialog pops out, just click OK to close the dialog.
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3. Then enable the Excel workbook you want to import Word document data, click Data > From Text, and in Import Text File dialog, select the text file you want to import.
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4. Check Delimited option, click Next.
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5. In the step 2 of the wizard, check the delimiter you want to split the data based on, click Next.
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6. In the last step of the wizard, you can specify the format of data, if you do not need to change the format, check General option.
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7. Click Finish. Then the Import Data dialog pops out, you can choose one cell of the active worksheet to place the import text data, or check New worksheet option to import data in a new sheet. Click OK.
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Then the Word document contents have been imported in Excel worksheet.


If you want to convert Word document data to Excel worksheet (convert data delimited based a separator in Word document to a table in Excel) as below screenshot shown, this method will be a good choice,but if you just want to import all Word document data including graphs to Excel worksheet, please go to method B.

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quickly convert multiple XLSX. files to XLS or PDF. files in once time
In many cases, you may want to convert between XLSX and XLS, or convert a workbook to PDF file, but in Excel, you only can convert one workbook once time, have you ever imaged to convert multiple workbooks at once time? With Kutools for Excel‘s File Format Converter, you can quickly convert multiple workbook to pdf/97-2003 workbook/2007 or higher workbook at once and save them in a folder, at the same time, a converted report is generated!  Click for free full featured trial in 30 days!
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Method B: Convert Word to Excel with the VBA (4 steps)

If you want to convert or import all data in Word document to Excel, you can use VBA code.

1. Press Alt + F11 key to enable Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

2. Click Insert > Module to create a new Module script, copy and paste below code to the script.

VBA code: Import Word To Excel

  Sub ImportWord()

Dim xObjDoc As Object

Dim xWdApp As Object

Dim xWdName As Variant

Dim xWb As Workbook

Dim xWs As Worksheet

Dim xName As String

Dim xPC, xRPP

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

xWdName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Word file(*.doc;*.docx) ,*.doc;*.docx", , "Kutools - Please select")

If xWdName = False Then Exit Sub

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set xWb = Application.ActiveWorkbook

Set xWs = xWb.Worksheets.Add

Set xWdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")

xWdApp.ScreenUpdating = False

xWdApp.DisplayAlerts = False

Set xObjDoc = xWdApp.Documents.Open(Filename:=xWdName, ReadOnly:=True)


xPC = xObjDoc.Paragraphs.Count

Set xRPP = xObjDoc.Range(Start:=xObjDoc.Paragraphs(1).Range.Start, End:=xObjDoc.Paragraphs(xPC).Range.End)


On Error Resume Next


xName = xObjDoc.Name

xName = Replace(xName, ":", "_")

xName = Replace(xName, "\", "_")

xName = Replace(xName, "/", "_")

xName = Replace(xName, "?", "_")

xName = Replace(xName, "*", "_")

xName = Replace(xName, "[", "_")

xName = Replace(xName, "]", "_")

If Len(xName) > 31 Then

    xName = Left(xName, 31)

End If

xWs.Name = xName




Set xObjDoc = Nothing

xWdApp.DisplayAlerts = True

xWdApp.ScreenUpdating = True

xWdApp.Quit (wdDoNotSaveChanges)

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
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3. Press F5 key to run the code, a Kutools – Please select dialog pops out for you to select one Word document to import (only can import one document once time).
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4. Click Open, then the selected Word document will be imported as one new sheet. See screenshot:
Tip: The new sheet will be auto named with the name of imported Word.

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If there are multiple graphs (pictures, charts, formulas), they may be overlapped by each other.
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doc file convertFive File Format Converters Boots Your Efficiency By 90%, Leave Much Time To Enjoy Life ▲ Batch convert files with clicks, such as Format Converter (convert between xlsx and xls, convert Excel to PDF). ▲ Except tools displayed in picture, there are 200 advanced tools else in Kutools for Excel, which can solve your 82% Excel puzzles. ▲ Become an Excel expert in 5 minutes, gain people’s recognition and promotion. ▲ 110000+ high efficiency people sand 300+ world renowned companies’ choice. 30-days free trial, no credit card require

Relative Operation: Batch convert Excel workbooks to PDF files

In reverse, sometimes, you may want to convert Excel workbooks to other file formats, such as PDF file. In this section, it introduces an advanced tool – Format Converter can help you batch convert Excel workbooks of one folder to separate PDF files.

Before applying this tool, please take minutes to free install Kutools for Excel firstly.

Kutools for Excel is a powerful and helpful Excel add-in, which contains 229 utilities (is still increasing) can handle 91% Excel puzzles.

1. Click Kutools Plus > Workbook > Format Converter.
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2. In the File Format Converter dialog,

  1. Select the conversion operation as you need in Type drop-down list, such as Excel workbook to PDF;
  2. Click  doc add to add files or folders you want to convert.
  3. Select one destination to place the converted files.
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3. Click Ok, a new workbook created to list the conversion result for you, and at the meanwhile, the files have been done conversion.
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With the Format Converter tool, you can batch convert between Excel 97-2003 and Excel 2007 or higher versions also.
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Know more details about Format Converter.

Demo: File Converter

Other Operations (Articles) Related To File Conversion

Convert Excel table to PDF
This article introduces three ways on convert one or all Excel tables to separated PDF files.

Batch import multiple csv/txt/xml files to Excel
In this tutorial, it lists several VBA codes help you quickly import csv/txt/xml files from one folder to one single Excel sheet, also introduces a helpful add-in tool which can solve almost of importing and exporting puzzels in Excel

Convert PDF to Excel sheet
Here introduce the way to convert one PDF to one Excel sheet, and the way to convert a Excel range to PDF file with steps.

Convert a text file to an Excel sheet
Here using the Open command or a trick to insert a text file to Excel, data is delimited by a separator.

Convert XLSX file to XLS or PDF file
In some cases, we may want to convert Excel 2007 or higher xlsx file to Excel 97-2003 xls file or PDF file. In Excel, we may use the Save as command to solve this task, but here I can introduce you a good converter to quickly convert multiple xlsx files to xls files or pdf files in Excel.

Convert Excel to Word document
In this article, it provides two ways to convert a Excel sheet to Word document, one is using the Copy and Paste Command, the another one is inserting Excel sheet to Word as object.

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 Excel pastes the contents of each Word table cell into a single cell. After you paste the data, you can distribute the data across additional cells in a column (for example, to divide first and last names so that they appear in separate cells) by using the Text to Columns command. For more information, see Distribute the contents of a cell into adjacent columns.

Convert Word document to Excel has been a very popular issue in Excel communities over the internet. If you want to know how to convert a word document to Excel without losing formatting, please checkout the tool on this page. It is a very powerful tool, which can help you solve the problem in word document to MS Excel converting.

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