Are you looking for best book writing software free download? Writing is the hardest part when you are trying to build a book. Even when you are told to use one of the top best book writing software, it can still be hard to write your book. You will have to invest too much time in it if you are not following some tips.
Have you been looking to get a great book writing software? Are you looking for a book writing software free download? On this page, I am going to show you a guide on how to find the best book writing software. You will also learn some information about authoring tools that can help us write the present guide.
Word Processors:
Every word processor is essentially the same. You should use the one you like best.
I like Google Docs because it’s simple to use and makes collaboration very easy.
You might like Microsoft Word or Pages best. That’s totally fine.
I can promise you though, there is no “right” choice here. The key is familiarity and comfort. Writing a book is hard work—you don’t want clunky software slowing you down, so go with what you know and with what feels right to you.
Hemingway Editor:
An alternative writing assistant is Hemingway Editor.
You can copy + paste your writing into their online editor or download the desktop app.
Some writers love Hemingway Editor, some don’t. I kinda like it, but don’t use it. It’s helpful for sentence structure and common problem areas: passive voice, excessive adverbs, and poor word choice.

One unique feature of this software is that it assigns a readability grade level as you write.
This doesn’t necessarily reflect your target audience, but the grade level needed to understand your prose. Hemingway’s work, while written for adults, scored as 5th grade. Seems bad? Wrong. That’s great. The more simple and direct your writing, the better it is.
If, like most people, you struggle with overwriting, this might be a tool you like.

Every word processor will check your spelling and grammar for basic mistakes. What spell check won’t help you do is make your writing short, simple, and direct.
If you would like help with that, check out Grammarly, a free writing assistant that integrates with Google Docs and Microsoft Word. If you have a Mac, you can download the desktop app, and it will integrate to most everything you use to write.
There are paid plans available, but the free version is enough for writing a book.
I tried Grammarly for a while and found it clunky, but many excellent writers I know love it. Test it and see if you’d like.
Sigil (Free):
Sigil is open-source, free software that is well regarded for producing e-books in epub format.
In this respect, it is similar to, if not even better than Calibre.
It has multiple views, including book view, code view, and preview, as well as a WYSIWYG editor.
It also has a Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support.
There is a metadata editor as well as a spell check with default and user dictionaries.
It also supports the import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets.

Microsoft Word:
Before any other writing tools came along, Microsoft Word was the only option available. Everyone used it.
Today, even though there are many other word processors out there, Word is still the most widely used book writing software in the U.S. Millions of people continue to use it for their writing needs.
And it’s easy to see why. Word has a lot going for it!
It’s been around a long time. It’s trusted, reliable, and gets the job done well.
It also provides a relatively distraction-free writing experience; much better than working on Google Docs in your browser, for example, where you’re only an errant mouse-click away from the entire internet.
If you just need to wake up in the morning and meet your word-count goals by keeping your head down and getting those words pounded out onto the page, then Word is an obvious choice of book writing software. No fuss, no muss. It’s about as simple as it gets and can help you finish your draft easily.
Word also offers some simple organization.
While writing your chapters, changing the chapter’s heading (seen in the example below) allows easy navigation as your book progresses further and further.

Using headers, you can organize your book into chapters—and then you can navigate through them quickly using the Navigation pane:

You just learned that Microsoft Word is the most widely used word processor in the world. But does that mean it’s the best book writing software?
Think about it this way. The fact that Word is so prevalent means that it has to cater to all sorts of users—students, businesspeople, writers, teachers, marketers, lawyers, the list goes on and on and on.
But Scrivener was created for one type of person only:

And if you’re a writer, chances are you’ve heard of Scrivener. A lot of writers absolutely love this program, with its advanced features and distraction-free writing experience.
Focus Writer (Free):
FocusWriter has one key attribute. It is about total distraction-free writing.
It has many options you need to set things up for your writing your book.
But it has a hide-away user interface that lets you concentrate on the one big thing you want to do. Stay focused and write.
Forget about menus, toolbars, drag and drop or copy and paste with this app.
There is all focus mode with nothing between you and your words.
It is very user-friendly, free, and available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.

Google Docs:
We’ve looked at the appealing simplicity of Word and the in-depth power of Scrivener, but there’s another book writing software that more and more people are starting to use for various reasons:
Google Docs.

Essentially, Google Docs is a stripped-down version of Word that you can only use online. It’s a simple, yet effective writing tool.
The beauty of this program (and Google Drive in general) comes in the ability to share content, files, and documents among your team. You can easily communicate via comments, for example:
This program keeps a complete history of all changes made to a document, so if you accidentally delete something you wanted to keep, simply click the link at the top of the screen that says, “All changes saved in drive.”
That will bring up the version history, where you can review all the changes that have been made to your book file and revert to a previous version if you so choose.
You have a great plot in mind for your novel, but you need help putting your thoughts into words that will stick in your reader’s minds. You want to have the most entertaining plot in the world, but not if it doesn’t stick with people. If you’re looking for some free book writing software free download, read above to learn about excellent writing software programs which provide the best solutions for creating amazing stories.