How to Make a Simple Personal Budget in Excel

If you’re new to Excel, you might be wondering how to make a simple personal budget in Excel. If that’s the case, then you’ve come to the right place. A personal budget spreadsheet is a financial planning tool that helps you get a clearer picture of your income and spending levels. Use this tutorial to learn how to make a simple personal budget in Excel, or about how to make a personal budget excel.

This article will teach you how to make a simple personal budget in excel, also known as creating a personal budget spreadsheet. The most important element of personal finance is setting up a budget. There are many different ways to do this and different people may have different methods that work best for them. A basic, easy way to create a personal budget spreadsheet is by using MS Excel.

If you’ve been struggling to get on top of personal finances, budgeting is something that can help you achieve that. In this article, we are going to look at creating a simple personal budget in Excel. It’s an easy process that will allow you to plan your future finances and get a better understanding of where your money is being spent at present.

Using spreadsheets, you can make a budget that tracks your expenses and net worth. With the use of financial formulas, you can create a budget spreadsheet that will help give you a clear picture of where all of your money is going. You will then be able to make necessary changes in order to achieve your financial goals.


If you don’t understand your finances, it’s too easy to get lost in the abyss of credit card debt or to feel like you’re drowning in late bills. However, if you’re able to see your income, expenses and bank balances in one document that’s easy to read and understand, then you can take control of your money with confidence! This is a simple budget template with formulas already set up for you. Just enter in your info and the budget will tell you how much money is left over at the end of each month or whether you need to cut back on some spending.

Choose a Budget Template

There are plenty of free budget templates available on the internet. Choose one that best fits your needs, and then tweak it to suit your unique situation. If you’re not sure what to use, consider using a simple template and adapting it as time goes on.

As long as you have Excel, you can make a personal budget in no time at all.

Create a Budget Sheet

  • Open a new Excel spreadsheet.
  • Create a list of categories that you’ll be tracking, including income, expenses and savings goals.
  • Choose the time frame you’ll use for your budget: one month or a year.
  • Add a formula in cell B1 (or any other cell) that subtracts your total expenses from your total income. For example: =IF(A4>”0″,A4-D4,””). This formula will return zero if there is no positive number in A4 (that is, if no money was earned). If there is any amount of money earned, it returns an error message because it can’t subtract zero from anything else. The result looks like this:

Fill in Your Income and Expenses

The next step is to fill in all of your income and expenses. This includes both monthly and annual amounts for each source, so be sure to include everything you make and spend throughout the year, no matter how small or inconsequential it may seem. There are two reasons for this: first, it’s important to be honest with yourself about your finances. Second, by being aware of every cent that comes into—and goes out of—your budget, you’ll be able to see where money leaks are occurring so they can be plugged up before they turn into bigger problems later on down the line.

And while we’re on the topic: don’t just estimate expenses! If there’s an amount missing from one particular category (like groceries), go back through your checkbook transactions for at least three months prior (or however long) until you find something that matches up with what was entered here.

Group Your Expenses

The next step is to group your expenses into categories. Make sure you include irregular, expected and unexpected expenses.

  • Irregular expenses are things like gifts and holidays that come at random times throughout the year. You can’t predict when these will happen, but once they do, you need to be prepared for them.
  • Expected but irregular expenses are things like taxes or insurance payments that come out of your account at regular intervals throughout the year (e.g., once every 2 weeks). They may not occur each month or week, but they do happen consistently over time so it’s important to plan for them.
  • Unpredictable but expected expenses are things like car maintenance or house repairs that usually occur on a regular basis throughout the year (e.g., once every 2 months). They may not occur each month or week, so they’re not necessarily predictable either — just know that they’re likely to happen eventually!

Link Your Budget to Your Transactions

Once you have a budget and have spent some time tracking your expenses, it’s time to link your budget to your transactions. Linking your budget to actual transactions will give you helpful information about where money is going and help you make better decisions in the future.

You can do this by importing information from an online bank account into Excel using tools like Mint or YNAB (more on that later). You can also connect directly with some banks through their APIs so that they automatically import transactions into Excel for you.

I personally prefer the latter approach because I don’t want any third-party website tracking my spending habits—but either way works just fine!

As long as there’s an interface between Excel and your bank account(s), linking them together should be fairly simple if done correctly–and once set up, it should stay that way indefinitely unless something goes wrong (e.g., if one of those services shuts down).

Finalize Your Budget

Now that you’ve made a budget and have it in Excel, how do you know if it’s working? The best way to tell is by comparing your actual spending with the budgeted amount in each category. If there are no unexpected changes or expenses, then your budget will show that everything is on track. However, if there’s an adjustment needed, then it’s time for some adjustments! You can make a few tweaks here and there until everything balances out just right.

Also keep in mind that life happens: sometimes we’ll have unexpected expenses (like car repairs) or even windfalls (like winning the lottery). There may be months where our spending exceeds our income; this doesn’t mean something must change immediately—it just means we need to make adjustments later on when things are more stable again

A budget can help you achieve your goals.

It’s important to set your own goals. You shouldn’t compare yourself to what other people are doing, and you don’t have to be an expert in any field before you start. If you want to lose weight, for example, it’s okay if your goal is something specific like losing 20 pounds in 3 months.

Just make sure that the goals you set are realistic; otherwise they won’t help you much. For example, if getting fit is one of your New Year’s resolutions but after a few days into January you find yourself unmotivated and exhausted from being so busy with work and family responsibilities, then maybe making fitness one of your main priorities wasn’t such a good idea after all!

But if instead this scenario happens: You decide to go jogging every night after work until 8 p.m., then by day 10 or so when jogging isn’t as fun anymore (or maybe even day 7 since jogging at night isn’t as safe as during daylight hours), try adding weights into the mix too! This way even though there might be times when exercising gets boring or hard or scary due to personal safety concerns.”

To make the most of your money and your choices, educate yourself on how to make a budget that works for you.

The first step to making a budget that works for you is knowing your financial goals and priorities. Do you want to put money aside for a vacation, or pay off debt? Are there any recurring bills that need to be prioritized over others? Maybe the most important thing for you right now is saving up so that one day—soon—you can get out of this crowded apartment with its too-small kitchen and into an actual house!

Once you’ve got a handle on your goals, it’s time to start creating a budget. This can seem scary if it seems like there are too many variables involved in creating one, but don’t worry: this step-by-step guide will walk through each point so that even those who are new at managing their own finances can learn how they work!

You’ll want to know what personal finance software works best to track your expenses, or use a worksheet or household budget template to create your own personal family budget.

You’ll want to know what personal finance software works best for you and your family, but if you don’t already have a system in place, it’s worth considering. Some programs allow users to set up automated deposits into savings accounts, which is great for those who are short on time and would rather not deal with multiple monthly bills. Others have features that help users see where their money is going by tracking daily expenses and automatically categorizing them (e.g., food vs. utilities). You can also adjust spending limits based on your budget categories so that you’re aware when they’re getting low or high—or even out of control!

If you haven’t already started tracking your finances, now’s the perfect time: there are plenty of tools available online that make it easy for anyone with an internet connection. If you’re looking for something more detailed than Microsoft Excel provides but less complicated than Quicken software does, check out Mint or Personal Capital—and then get started on making those numbers work for YOU!

You may even be interested in learning how to create an excel spreadsheet for household budget, and fill out a monthly budge worksheet pdf.

You may even be interested in learning how to create an excel spreadsheet for the household budget, and fill out a monthly budget worksheet pdf.

In this article, we’ll go over what a household budget worksheet pdf is and how you can use it to get control of your finances. We’ll also show you some examples of what the template looks like so that you know exactly what to expect when using one.

Personal finance software like Mint or Quicken can help take the work out of creating a budget by downloading your banking and credit account information and pulling it into one place so you can see where your money is going.

There are quite a few personal finance software packages available, but the two most popular are Mint and Quicken. Mint is free to use, but only works with bank accounts. If you have investments you want to track as well, Quicken can do that for $3 per month (or $30 per year). It’s also more advanced when it comes to budgeting tools and other features like tracking your net worth over time.

The basic steps of creating a budget using software or an excel spreadsheet are basically the same: You’ll enter all of your income sources (like your paycheck) then, list all of your fixed expenses (what you spend money on every month).

The basic steps of creating a budget using software or an excel spreadsheet are basically the same: You’ll enter all of your income sources (like your paycheck) then, list all of your fixed expenses (what you spend money on every month). Then, subtract the fixed expenses from the income to get how much is left over for variable expenses (what you spend money on less regularly).

Positive budgets have positive numbers in them, negative budgets have negative numbers in them. Negative budgets are easier because they’re already built into Excel’s formulas—you don’t need to do any math! We recommend positive budgets because they help prevent overspending and provide more flexibility for saving goals and financial emergencies.

The difference between the two is that with software, the program will pull in all of this data for you based on accounts (and transactions) you link to it.

The difference between the two is that with software, the program will pull in all of this data for you based on accounts (and transactions) you link to it. So if you link your bank account and credit card, it will automatically pick up all of your transactions and categorize them for you. Then it’s just a matter of putting in how much money you make each month, what bills or expenses are due each month and when they’re due. The software does the rest!

This makes creating a budget using software incredibly easy because all of the hard work is done by their algorithms and programming team. You just have to enter some basic information about yourself (like income) and then they’ll take care of everything else!

That makes it easier and faster because if you’re keeping track manually, you’d have to go back through receipts or statement records to itemize everything each month.

Here’s a quick example:

Let’s say you have an expense tracker that automatically pulls in all your transactions. If it’s set up right, then it will pull in data from your bank accounts and credit cards and categorize it for you so all you have to do is enter a few details about an expenditure (the name of the restaurant, the date of the event etc.) and then boom—you can see how much it cost each month.

If you did this manually instead—and many people do since they don’t want or know about online budgeting software—then every single transaction would require its own entry into your tracking document. And if there are monthly payments like car insurance premiums or utility bills that don’t come as physical checks but rather show up as line items on statements? Those would require going back through those statements over time to itemize them by month. That makes it easier and faster because if you’re keeping track manually, you’d have to go back through receipts or statement records to itemize everything each month.

But, with software, once everything is linked, it’s just a matter of logging in and deciding if there’s anything there that needs adjusting or not.

With an Excel spreadsheet, you can categorize your expenses and compare them to your income. The categories will make it easier for you to see if there are any areas where you’re spending too much money. You can also use the software to set up a budget that works for your family’s needs and helps keep track of what’s spent each month.

It’s easy to use the budgeting tools that come with Microsoft Excel; however, if this isn’t something you’re familiar with or prefer a different program such as Quicken or Quickbooks, no problem! We’ve got those covered as well!

What is a Budget?

What is a budget?  A budget is a listing of your income and the amount you can afford to spend on your expenses and put into savings.  Income includes your wages and returns you get from your investments.

Expenses include every dollar you spend, from income taxes to housing costs to food to fun stuff like vacations, sporting events and going out for a nice dinner and drinks.


When you’re finished, your budget will look like the image below. You can copy the values in the “Actual” column and paste them into your spreadsheet. This way, you’ll have a clear view of how much money you spent on each category this month! It can be difficult to know where your money goes each month. Help support the community by using a budget spreadsheet for tracking income, and expenses and creating a realistic budget to save money.

Budgeting is simply the process of deciding how much money you want to spend and how to allocate it towards your various expenses over the course of a month or year. Once we have built our spreadsheet, we can specify the income that we bring into our household on particular dates and set up columns for common expenses like rent and groceries. Then, by using formulas in Excel, we can quickly project whether or not our monthly income will cover our expenses.”

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