Software for Construction Management is not difficult to find. Software is needed when managing a construction project . It is commonly associated with the development of a building, retaining wall or bridge. The construction can be residential or commercial in nature.
Construction software refers to software that is employed in the field of construction management. It helps manage projects smoothly and run business operations remotely. The industry today is glad to have a number of choices when it comes to software for construction management. However, how do you choose what best suits your needs? Read more…
What Is Construction Project Management Software?
Construction project management software is collaborative technology that allows the parties involved in a construction project to find, share, and update information related to the project. Common functions of these tools handle various aspects of the project such as scheduling, contract and permit management, quality assurance, and safety.
Construction project management software is often the primary collaboration tool for individuals and teams working on construction projects to share information and collaborate on documents once the project has broken ground. Teams use this technology to track the progress and costs of one or more projects.
Typically, construction management software is separate from the technology used to design and engineer project plans. However, these tools frequently integrate with each other or use compatible file types.
Construction Project Management Features
There is no official template for the features that a construction project management software will offer. Most construction management software companies even have their own workflows and terminology for their product’s specific features. But in general, companies who identify as construction project management software are solving similar problems and offering most of the same core functionality.
Here, we’ll cover the key features that most construction project management software will include.
1. Document Storage & Management
Over the course of a construction project, many documents are shared between the contractor and the owner, their subcontractors, suppliers, or other involved parties. Managing the flow of these documents and files can become exponentially more challenging as projects grow in size. Luckily, many construction management tools take care of this with storage and collaboration capabilities for project plans, subcontractor contracts, receipts, and other important documents.
2. Submittals
A submittal is information about materials or equipment that a contractor submits to the architect or designer prior to ordering, ensuring that the materials are appropriate for the project. Many of the best construction software products provide a platform for sending and receiving submittals.
3. RFIs
RFI stands for Request for Information, which is simply a message to one party involved in the project requesting additional information. Most often, this is a question for the designer, engineer, or architect clarifying details about the project plans. Most construction management software products offer a solution for this.
4. Change Orders
A change order is sent when one party in the project needs to make a change to the existing project plans. Change orders are submitted for any change to the plans, no matter how small or large. For example, both a different hinge on a door or an additional two floors to an apartment building would need to be submitted in a change order.
5. Instant & Remote Syncing
Every cloud-based product will be accessible from most devices remotely, as long as the user has an internet connection. That is the beauty of the cloud and online software. In addition, information that a user updates remotely will be instantly available for all users.
6. Daily Logs
Some software will include a daily log to track project progress and keep owners and contractors informed of what is happening on the project. This can also be useful to reference later if mistakes are made or if questions come up.
7. Plan Markup
Often, if changes need to be made, it is common to mark up the original plans with notes, rather than redrafting. Some construction project management software will include the ability to digitally mark up plans so that notes and changes can be shared with the team instantly and digitally. This avoids the need to make reprints each time the plans are updated.
8. Punch Lists
Sometimes after construction has concluded, there are several items that the contractor must still address in order to meet the contract specifications. Often, this is work that was completed incorrectly or forgotten. When this happens, the owner or another party will create a punch list, to specifically itemize each thing that must be addressed before the project is completed according to the contract’s terms.
9. Reporting
Most construction management software will provide summary reports and statistics about individual construction projects or groups of projects. The types of reports available will vary, but they typically summarize things like project progress, budget, and spending information.
10. Integrations
For any features that construction management software doesn’t include, most of the leading products offer extensive lists of integrations to work with. Common examples include integrations with construction accounting software, legal and compliance, CRM, takeoff, and bidding software.
Additional Information
If any features, reports, or aggregate information is crucial for your business, make sure to get a product demo before subscribing and verify the tool offers exactly what you need. Fortunately, the best software products are incredibly comprehensive. They’re designed to handle a wide range of business needs and project types.
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Construction Project Management Software Cost
Construction project management software is actually some of the least transparently priced software used in the construction industry, especially for enterprise accounts. While several products designed for small businesses and independent contractors have straightforward and transparent pricing, enterprise-level software products typically do not.
That said, many of these products are priced similarly in concept. Usually, products that don’t have a flat monthly or annual rate for a license charge by the amount of business done within the software. The exact methodology for measuring business volume is not always the same, but the goal is to price the software as a percentage of business done within the platform. This is meant to keep the software affordable relative to the size of the project.
Since pricing models vary so much across products, we recommend testing out and getting quotes from a number of providers. Unfortunately, there isn’t a table or simple formula we can show that would provide a reasonable estimate of what you might expect to spend. That said, most software companies will readily give you a quote if you share some key information about your business or upcoming projects with them.
Finding The Best Construction Project Management Software
Buyers in the market for construction management software should consider several factors when weighing their options. This section will outline the most important things to consider.
Business Size & Type
Some products are designed for large businesses while others target smaller firms and contractors. Pricing models that work well for enterprise clients, for example, are typically not favorable for smaller companies. So, make sure you’re looking at products that are designed for similarly-sized businesses. Also, if you have specific project management needs as a subcontractor or developer, it’s helpful to find a product that’s developed specific workflows for your field.
Many construction project management solutions will offer very similar functionality, allowing users to manage schedules, communicate changes, request information, and monitor budgets. However, they are not all built identically and many offer unique features that competitors don’t. Take a hard look at the features that these companies offer. Firms who work on specific types of projects or within specific industries can often find products that offer specific workflows for their use case.
Customer Service
In an ideal world, once the software is implemented, you should rarely need to contact the software provider for support. In reality though, there are going to be times when you’ll likely need to connect with customer service to ask questions or troubleshoot an issue. Because of this, customer service should be a top consideration when comparing companies. Websites like the Better Business Bureau and Construction Coverage will give buyers information about each company’s reputation and the quality of their customer support teams.
Product Usability & Experience
Almost all construction project management software companies will give prospective buyers the opportunity to test the software either by offering a free trial or providing a live product demo. Take advantage of these opportunities because they will allow you to experience the product’s interface and ensure that its workflow fits the needs and processes of your business.
Software Deployment & Accessibility
Construction management software will either be cloud-based or locally-installed, which will impact the accessibility of the software. Online tools can usually be accessed from any device with an internet connection, making them the preferred option for users who need remote access. Online tools are also ideal for companies with highly collaborative processes because data is immediately updated and shared any time a user makes an edit.
Because most construction project management systems are not priced using flat monthly, or annual, pricing schemes, it is often difficult to get an exact estimate of product costs without the help of a company representative. Regardless, it’s worth doing the due diligence with each company you are considering to determine if their pricing model fits your business. In rare circumstances, the pricing method of a product can be very unfavorable for a businesses workflow, causing the price to exceed the value of the software. But usually these products are priced as a percentage of the business run through the platform.
Expert & Customer Reviews
Until you become a user of the software, product reviews, like the ones below, can be the best insight into a piece of software and the company who makes it. Read what others have to say about these products before making a decision, starting with the detailed reviews below.
Construction Project Management Software for Mac Users
Fortunately for Mac users, most of the best construction project management software companies offer cloud-based products. This means that users can access the software from any device online using a web browser. Additionally, many of the same companies also offer an iOS app that builders can use in the field on their iPhones or iPads.
These are the best construction project management software options for Mac users:
- Procore (cloud-based + iOS app)
- Buildertrend (cloud-based + iOS app)
- BIM 360 (cloud-based + iOS app)
- PlanGrid (cloud-based + iOS app)
- CoConstruct (cloud-based + iOS app)
Procore (Best Overall Construction Project Management Software)
ProcoreBest OverallCheck PriceWatch Demo
Procore is one of the most popular and complete construction project management software products on the market. Their customer reputation is stellar, with an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and positive reviews across the web. Procore went public in May of 2021 after operating as a private company based in California since 2002. Along with project management, Procore offers field service, quality and safety management, and financial management software as well.
Procore is intended primarily for general contractors, but is also a great fit for construction managers, subcontractors, and owners. The product is totally customizable at purchase, so users can choose the tools they need, making it a good fit for any size user or business. However, it is probably best suited for businesses doing about $5 million or more in annual revenue.
Procore’s platform is offered as an online, cloud-based app for desktop computers. Procore is also available via mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows devices. This makes Procore convenient and easy to use when on the go, and ideal for users who need collaboration capabilities. Procore’s online platform and mobile apps have some of the cleanest and most modern interfaces of any construction management tool.
Procore offers much more than a slick interface, having one of the most complete feature sets of any tool we’ve reviewed. These features include tools for bidding, daily logs, drawings, emails, meetings, project photos, punch lists, RFIs, scheduling, project specifications, submittals, time cards, and transmittals.
For the features that Procore doesn’t include, it offers one of the largest selections of third-party product integrations through the Procore Marketplace. Some popular integration partners include Sage 300 CRE, Sage 100 Contractor Connector, Docusign, Microsoft Project, Primavera P6, Vista, Spectrum, Quickbooks, Buildingconnected, Isqft, and ProEst (for estimating).data:text/html;;base64,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
Procore advertises that its project management software by itself starts at $667 per month, while a combination of Procore’s project management and financial management tools starts at $811 per month. However, Procore’s pricing cannot be simplified to a one-size-fits-all model: pricing can scale up according to the types of projects and volume of business you run through Procore, and additional modules or other products you include in your package will cost extra as well.
While you may not be able to get a firm price until you speak with the sales team, the majority of users find significant value in Procore’s platform. According to surveys of Procore customers, users save an average of 11 days on projects using Procore, and 83% of users agree that Procore helps identify areas for improvement on projects. These efficiencies can save your business money and help make investment in Procore well worthwhile.
Finally, Procore also distinguishes itself with outstanding service. With a subscription to the product, Procore includes product training and ongoing support with an outstanding staff of representatives. Product reviews show high satisfaction with Procore’s customer service team.
Because of Procore’s extensive feature set, convenient integrations, and great reputation, it is our top recommendation, and we rate it the Best Overall Construction Project Management Software.
Buildertrend (Best for Remodelers)
BuildertrendBest for RemodelersCheck PriceWatch Demo
Buildertrend is a fairly new software company, founded in 2007. However, it’s already become one of the most widely used construction project management tools. The company offers exceptional customer service and scores an A+ with the Better Business Bureau.
Buildertrend is designed primarily for home building, remodeling, and specialty contracting, but can also be used for commercial projects. And beyond just construction project management, Buildertrend includes features that span presales, financial management, and customer relationship management. This review speaks only to its project management capabilities, but to learn more about what else Buildertrend can do, you can also check out our review of Buildertrend’s estimating software.
Buildertrend’s cloud-based platform can be accessed via any device with a web browser and also through its iOS and Android apps. The same easy-to-navigate and clean interface is used on each of the Buildertrend products. Since the platform is online and app-based, the developers at Buildertrend constantly release updates and improvements, which all users receive instantly.
Buildertrend has a powerful suite of features addressing project management and much more. Their construction project management tools include daily logs to keep teams accountable, work in progress reports, to-do lists for creating and tracking action items, scheduling functionality, in-platform messaging, and other collaboration features that help with efficiency and meeting deadlines. Other features include document and photos storage, punchlists, and plan markup.

Buildertrend’s product covers a lot of needs, but it also offers a large suite of integrations for users who work with other technologies. Some popular software that Buildertrend connects with include:
- ProEst and Clear Estimates for estimating
- Stack, eTakeoff, PrebuiltML, and PlanSwift for takeoff
- Quickbooks and Xero for accounting
- Several file-sharing and design tools
Buildertrend has two price tiers, Core and Pro, both of which support unlimited projects and users. Core starts at a base cost of $99 per month and includes key project management features like scheduling, daily logs, to-dos, communications tools, a client portal, and select integrations. Pro starts at $299 per month and includes the functionality of the Core level along with features for warranties, surveys, bids, change orders, and much more.
Buildertrend includes a 30-day money-back guarantee with the purchase of a license, meaning that there is no commitment if the software doesn’t work for your business. The same money-back guarantee also applies to buyers that decide to pay annually.
Buildertrend is an incredible product that was specifically designed with home builders and remodelers in mind. Because of this, we rate it the Best Construction Project Management Software for Remodelers.
As a construction company, you need to know how to manage the project that your customers hired you for. Otherwise, you will lose a lot of time and effort trying to manage your business. You might even end up going bankrupt if you still refuse to use a computerized construction management application for keeping track of all your projects.