Best Free Online Bible Study Tools

Looking for a free bible study software software? I find myself asking this question all the time when I’m moving from one computer to another. The best online bible study tools can be really valuable when you need to search or study scripture verses.

If you have ever tried to study the bible online, you have probably come across a lot of spiritual websites offering free online bible study. But not all free online bible study tools are worth using. We’ve compiled a list of best free online bible tools for help you to integrate with Bible. You can choose the best one which fits the needs of your church and your personal preferences. With these online software, you can read from biblical texts from popular devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library 

Now this site is a lot different than the previous ones we have looked at. But this online bible study tool is COOL.

The best way for me to describe it is…that you have died and gone to commentary heaven. You have access to 100’s of classic Christian literature and commentaries.

For example here is a popular book from R.A Torrey. You have the option to read online, mobile, or download! How cool is that? 

Other Cool Features:

  • The have over 190 Audio Books
  • They have the early church father’s writings

Bible Study Tools website

What I love about is their selection of concordances, dictionaries, and encyclopedias… namely:

  • Nave’s Topical Bible
  • Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary
  • Easton’s Bible Dictionary
  • Hitchcock’s Bible Names
  • Smith’s Bible Dictionary
  • Torrey’s Topical Textbook

And the cool thing is that they are connected together with hyperlinks. Making it super easy to hop from one to the other as you study! WINNING!

Other Cool Features:

  • They have a YouTube channel that has cool Bible videos.
  • They have an app for IOS and Android 

Olive Tree

This is a new find to me, but I’m really excited about it (so much so that I’m updating this article just to tell you about it!)!

The Olive Tree app has both free and paid features and it’s one of the cleanest, easiest interfaces (and it’s pretty, too!).

I love that there’s no wifi needed to use this; it’s nice to be unplugged or to have access to it even when somewhere with poor reception.

The NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV versions of the Bible are included (as are a few other lesser known translations), plus there are more available for inexpensive purchase if you prefer.

This is a Bible study app you should DEFINITELY check out if you’re looking to have a great experience and wealth of information at your fingertips.

In fact, it’s now my go-to Bible study app in 2021.


This is one I’d never heard of before researching some new Bible study apps to check out for this article, and it’s impressive.

I have it on my laptop and downloaded it here. In the App Store it’s called Accordance Mobile, by Oak Tree Software Inc.

You can compare two Bible versions of your choice in parallel scrolling, as they sync together. This is awesome! I particularly appreciate this feature because it allows me talk with friends who prefer a different version (in their native language, for example!) and we both get more out of the it because of the parallel experience.

When you register your free starter account you can even download several commentaries and reference materials to be used offline as ell.

According to the app developers, “These materials range from Christian classics to Jewish publications to high-end reference works to the Dead Sea Scrolls in Hebrew.”

It’s certainly a growing platform and one to take notice of.


Biblegatway tools for studying

BibleGateway has slew of Bible translations! This is helpful when needing to compare verses. On top of it they offer the Bible in many different languages.

Recently they have created a membership called Bible Gateway Plus giving you access to tons of Bible resources. 

Sadly, this isn’t a free membership, but to be fair the price is rather good. It’s only $3.99 a month or $39.99 a year which comes out to $3.33 a month.

I can’t tell you if it’s worth getting or not. I will probably try out the 30-day free trial sometime this year. 

Other Cool Features:

  • Tons of Bible translations and even audio Bibles
  • They have apps for both IOS and Android 

Blue Letter Bible

There are several powerful Bible software packages that you can spend hundreds or even thousands (!) of dollars to help you study the Bible in the original language, with helps to parse the verbs, see lexicon (dictionary) entries to define the words used, or to see cross references to other places where those words are used. With Blue Letter Bible, however, you get 90% of that functionality for free.

I use Blue Letter Bible all the time—every time I prepare to preach a sermon, write something where I need to do some closer exegetical analysis, or just where I’m curious about what’s happening “behind the scenes.” Here’s how I use Blue Letter Bible.

First, from the search bar at the top of the home page, select the Bible verse you want to study:

Blue Letter Bible Tutorial: Select Verse to Study

Then, hover your mouse over “Tools” beside the verse you are interested in, and then select “Interlinear”:

Blue Letter Bible Tutorial: Hover over Tools and Select Interlinear

Clicking interlinear will pull up the original language of the verse (Greek or Hebrew), along with word-by-word comparisons from the original language to English. You might want to click “Parse” on the right side of the verb to get more information about the type of the verb you are dealing with, but most of the time, you’ll probably only need to click the Strong’s Concordance ID number:

Blue Letter Bible Tutorial: Study Verbs or Words

This is the page that you are going to want to spend lots of time on. From Vine’s Expository Dictionary, you can get a short dictionary entry, and in the section marked Outline of Biblical Usage, you can see the various ways that the word in question is used in the Bible:

Blue Letter Bible Tutorial: Dictionary and Outline of Biblical Usage

For a deeper definition, keep scrolling down to find the section marked “Thayer’s Lexicon” and get a very detailed definition of the word, including information about how the word was used in literature outside the Bible. But my favorite tool of all is the Concordance, where you can see all the places that the same word was used in other places in the Bible.

With the Concordance, it’s easier to see textual connections, where an author is deliberately referencing another passage, or where the same author develops a theme in another book of the Bible that he wrote.

Blue Letter Bible Tutorial: Lexicon and Concordance

You Version (aka The Bible App)

This is always the first app I install when I get a new device.

You Version is, to me, the best Bible study app around. You can make notes, highlight passages, and even make graphics from your favorite verses.

I even find my daily devotionals on here!

Just search for YouVersion Bible App or visit here (and it will be called The Bible App by Life Church).

You can use the live feature and send notes to Evernote (another favorite app!), highlight, or listen to an audio Bible. It’s incredibly versatile and works both on- and off-line which I appreciate.

One of the features that makes You Version my vote for all around best Bible study app is that it has nearly 2,000 versions of the Bible in over 1,000 language. WOW!

It also offers several different reading plans, accountability to them with friends, and some features you can use with your kids.

If you’re not familiar with the You Version Bible study app, then check it out ASAP.

When you’re a busy woman who wants to grow in the Lord, these free Bible study apps are an absolute must-have tool to have at your fingertips…and this one is one of the best.


Bible study apps are an incredible way to learn more about biblical teachings. When you live in a digital world, it can be hard to find the best bible study apps. Depending on the type of software you want, your options vary immensely. Some prefer to download their Bible Study App onto their desktop computer, while others choose to use an iPad to read their daily readings.

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