What Do Millionaires Do

What is considered fun differs for many people, but most agree that it’s about spending time enjoying yourself with family or friends doing activities that you enjoy. People often do not realize that millionaires are no different than the rest of us in the way they look at fun with one exception, they can afford … Read more

What Do Millionaires Do For Fun

When you get to the point of wealth where you’re making more money than you can ever spend, then the question becomes: what do millionaires do for fun? After all, we all know that money can’t buy you happiness — and so if you’ve got all the money in the world, but not a lot … Read more

What Do Millionaires Do All Day

I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be a millionaire. 99% of people spend their lives wanting to make more money, wondering how to become millionaires someday. What would I do if I had millions of dollars? The truth is, the things listed below are about all you would ever need to spend … Read more

What Stocks Will Make You Rich

Stock investing can be a great way for you to grow your wealth and retire early. You don’t need to be a millionaire or have a lot of high priced stock market investments to retire early. In this article, I’ll share with you the stocks I believe will help you retire early by making you … Read more

What Stocks Make You Rich

At the beginning of every year, investors set out to pick out which stocks are going to make them rich. Many times, they’re looking for zeroing in on stocks that will pop 50% 5 years from now. However, this kind of approach is usually pretty bad. There are opportunities to be had in finding companies … Read more

Why Do People Buy Stocks

Investing in stocks has historically outpaced practically all other investment classes. Since 1950, the stock market has returned about 9.8% on average per year, which gives the investor an approximate doubling of his or her investment every seven years. But why stocks? Many investors are looking for ways to develop an investment portfolio that will … Read more

What Are Stocks

What are stocks? Well, that’s a great question. The fact is, not all stocks are created equally. If someone wants to be successful in the stock market, they should understand how it works. This article will tell you what stocks are and would give you some pointers on how to be successful in the stock … Read more

Stocks That Will Make You A Millionaire In 5 Years

If you’re currently trying to find stocks that will make you millionaire in 5 years then it sounds like you are on the right track! Below is a list I have compiled of companies that I consider to be stocks that will make you a millionaire in 5 years. This article is based on technical … Read more

How Many Millionaires Are In The Uk

How many millionaires and billionaires are in the UK? I remember hearing a figure like 400,000 but it’s hard to pin down an accurate number. One approach is to look at how much they’re worth – that puts them into 5 groups: There is a current of thought that the millionaires in the UK are … Read more

How Do Rich People Live

The rich can afford to spend money on anything they want for themselves. These things are not just the normal conveniences that the rest of us get used to day by day, but also luxury goods that can give them great comfort and satisfaction. How do rich people live? Have you ever wondered how the … Read more

How Do Most Millionaires Make Their Money

How do most millionaires make their money? There are three ways most millionaires made their money. The first is they earned an above average income in the beginning of their career. The next is they saved 25% or more in their 20s and 30s through their 40s. The last way is to become an entrepreneur … Read more