The Flaming Text Logo Generator is a simple generator that will help you create a logo with a flaming text look for use in your website.
The Flaming Text Logo Generator is an online tool that generates text art logos. You simply enter your text, then select which colors you would like to use, and it will create a logo for your company.
Logo Design Tips & Tricks:
Use empty space to keep your logo design clean
Coco Chanel once said, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off”. The same thing applies to design.
You want to make sure people can read your logo from a distance, or when it’s really small – keeping it “clean” (designer speak for “lots of blank space”) will achieve this. Here we can see how Savant Yoga has utilized blank space to invoke a feeling of calmness.
This logo for a photography business takes minimalism to a new level, and creates a camera icon out of two brackets and the letter “o”. This logo proves that you don’t always need a whole bunch of colors or symbols to create a great logo.
Using blank space in your logo design is also helpful when it comes to brochure design, poster design, t-shirt printing, and plenty of other marketing collateral. Your logo is easier to integrate seamlessly into different designs and formats.
Imagine your logo in situ
Boy, wouldn’t this logo look great on a coffee cup! When designing your logo try to make sure you think about its intended uses – are you looking to use it on a uniform, or will it just be for your website design? You can use a Mock Up Generator to see how your logo will look in situ.
It’s also good to think about how you’re going to promote yourself when creating a logo. If you’re going to be doing a lot of networking, create a logo that looks good on business cards. This coral logo from Bird View Photography is arranged in a horizontal manner and would look great on a card.
Be literal with your logo
Your name is Electric Box Productions, huh? Have you considered…putting electricity inside a box? Sometimes it really is that easy.
If your name is a thing, make that thing your logo. Don’t be afraid to lean into the obvious, there’s a reason that Apple’s logo is, well, an apple.
Brewery logos are notorious for being literal, like this Cigar City Brewing logo:

Take note that some brands had to protect themselves from competitors infringing their registered trademark because the words at their logos weren’t translated into local languages or the logos literally depicted something that wasn’t translated.
For example, a South Africa-based Jordan Winery that was using an image of a chameleon on their sued one of the competitors, Lovane, for featuring the images of chameleons on their merchandise.
The problem was the word “uluvane” meant “chameleon” in one of the local languages in the country, which could potentially create associations between the two brands. The two brands spent quite a lot of time in court and paid thousands in legal fees, which could have been avoided had Jordan Winery used trademark translation to protect their brand.
Gold Spoon have been really clever with their logo design here, and have used their titular icon (the gold spoon) as a replacement for the letter “p”. This reminds me a lot of the hidden arrow in the FedEx logo and just goes to show that literally doesn’t mean boring.

Create visual salience with a pop of color
In our blog post “How to pick colors“ we explained how color is the most valuable tool in a designer’s toolbox, and it’s no different when making a logo.
In design, we call this “visual salience”. It’s a great term to use in casual conversation to impress your designer friends, and also a great way to create an impactful logo.

One easy way to create visual salience is to use a ‘pop’ of color.
In this Evergreen logo, the pop comes from a green leaf icon above the black text, but you could also make the first letter of your name a different color or even a whole word.
Adding this small pop of color stops your design from feeling flat, and is a trick designers use all of the time. The Amazon logo is a great example of this.

Don’t be afraid to rejig the wheel

Pepsi has been around for 120+ years as a brand. The modern Pepsi logo we know is drastically different from how it had started. But the transformation from then to now was a gradual one. That’s because Pepsi was always building on the brand it had established, it wasn’t trading its old brand for a new and shiny one.
Besides, a drastic change would have been confusing for its consumers. People might not have recognized the Pepsi brand or product as easily, in stores or in advertisements.
It’s ok to be bold and try new things. Use patterns, overlapping shapes, and contrasting colors to create a modern logo. The “C” layered over the semi-circle helps elevate this design to the next level, and the contrasting blue and purple tell us that this company is bold and forward-thinking.
Modernization doesn’t have to be ‘in your face’ to work. For this logo, Discovery Education chose to use an overlapping box effect. The subtle geometric pattern on the top box really helps to bring the logo right into 2019 – helping the brand feel fresh. Also, they have used a sans serif font which stops the logo from feeling stuffy and dated.
The most important steps to designing a logo
Define your brand identity

You want your logo to communicate your brand’s personality. And in order to do that, you first need to understand what your brand’s core personality is. Once you have a clear idea of what makes you unique and what your brand is all about, it will be much easier for you to make design choices that complement and complete that picture.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself, to get to the bottom of your brand identity:
- Why did we start this business?
- What are beliefs and values that are important to us as a company?
- What do we do better than anyone else?
- What makes us special?
- If we could describe our brand in three words, what would they be?
- What are the three words we would want our customers to use to describe us?
Check out the competition
The best place to steal borrow ideas? Your competition! Check out what’s already out there, what works well with your audience and what you should avoid. While stalking those other businesses, think about what makes them different from you and how you can emphasise these differences in your logo design.
Be sure to clearly set yourself apart from your competition. If all the other businesses in your industry are going monochrome, maybe you should opt for some color to stand out. If everyone else is traditional, maybe a fun and modern logo will attract attention.

A classic accounting logo for Orthrus Ventures designed by Genovius

A modern accounting logo for Tidy Finance designed by minimalexa

A fun and lighthearted accounting logo for HotToast designed by scribe
Check out the three accountant logos above and how they communicate their brand personalities. The lion logo for Orthrus Ventures is classic and reliable, while the Tidy Finance logo seems modern and cool. However, if fun and approachable is what you’re going for, let Hot Toast inspire you with its bright color and whimsical illustration.
Find the right type of logo
In addition to the overall style there are 7 main types of logos you can choose from when you are creating your logo. You can pick the one that suits your company name or overall aesthetic best, or combine them to create something unique.

Lettermark for Mark & Scribe designed by mm graphics

Wordmark for One designed by artsigma
Lettermarks (or monogram logos)
Lettermark logos can be great to streamline your company logo, especially if your name is very long or hard to remember. Lots of businesses choose to go by their initials, just think of HP, CNN or H&M. These monograms can be great for minimalist logos, but remember that they are not very good at expressing what your business is about.
Wordmarks (or logotypes)
Wordmarks are a very straightforward way of using you company name as a logo. To give them personality and recognition value, they are all about typography—just look at the wordmark logo for ONE. If you’ve got a great name for your brand, this could be the perfect way to put it in the foreground.

Pictorial mark for Storm designed by Spoonlancer

Abstract logo for Printy designed by artsigma

Mascot for Gadget Mole designed by 3AM3I
Pictorial marks (or logo symbols)
Pictorial marks or logo symbols are what we think of when we hear the word “logo”. They are iconographic images that are easily recognizable and represent your brand with an image. You can choose something simplistic or more complex, but make sure to pick a symbol that creates a unique connection to your brand. Oftentimes these are paired with a wordmark (ya know, so customers know your name… at least until you’re on par with Apple and Target in terms of brand recognition).
Abstract logo marks
Instead of a recognizable symbol, abstract logo marks are geometric forms that don’t establish an immediate connection to an existing image but create something entirely new for your brand. An abstract logo mark will condense your business into a symbol that is truly unique to you. The logo for Printy shows how modern an abstract symbol can look, while having lots of personality at the same time. If you want your abstract logo to create a certain mood or feeling, find out the meanings of different geometric logo shapes.
Mascot logos are a fun way of giving your brand a personality. They are often colorful, cartoonish characters that represent your business in a family-friendly and approachable way, like the cheerful Gadget Mole above.

Combination mark for Brite Side designed by ludibes

Emblem logo for Rockwell Lighthouse designed by Project 4
Combination mark
A combination mark does exactly what it says on the tin: it combines a symbol with a word mark to create an easily recognizable logo. The brand name is either placed next to the symbol, or is integrated in the graphic element, like designer ludibes demonstrates with the Brite Side logo. People will associate both elements with your brand, which allows you to use them both alone or together.
Similar to combination marks, emblem logos are also often a combination of word and pictorial elements. They usually consist of text integrated in a symbol or icon, such as badges, seals or crests. The Rockwell Lighthouse emblem shows, how these traditional shapes can give you a very old-school and classic appearance.
The Flaming Text Logo Generator allows anyone to create their own personalized Flaming Text Logo. The generator consists of several different typefaces and colors, each with their own parameters for users to customize.