There are many different writing styles which will catch your attention. Copy writing is one of them which I considered to be one of the finest forms of writing styles. These days, most copy writers are encouraged to write with an audience in mind. This approach expressed by the writers expressed via various blog writers online is what makes copy writing blog examples most fascinating to read these days.
Copywriting is truly an art form. Merchants are constantly attempting to make their advertisements more compelling, but it’s not easy to do. Copywriters are important to the success of many businesses because they know what works. So if you want to make your business thrive through copywriters, you need the best sites with the best examples of this type of writing.

Content Marketing Institute:
If you only have time to read one blog, it has to be The Content Marketing Institute’s. Producing a huge variety of articles every week, CMI covers every aspect of content marketing to keep you informed of marketing trends, improvements you can make to your strategy and how to market with a content mindset.

Marketing Tech News:
A blog for all dynamic marketers, Marketing Tech News will keep you informed of the latest industry trends, technology, and insights.

Buzzsumo is a tool that analyses which content performs best for any topic or competitor in your industry. As a bonus, Buzzsumo also matches you with influencers to promote your content. Their blog is chockers with key content marketing, social media and digital insights that you need to get amongst.

Quicksprout seems like a one-stop-shop for just about everything related to online business. They have useful pages about both copywriting and blogging. It’s also interesting that they list related content pages for copywriting and blogging such as SEO, content marketing, and website creation. So you might spend a lot of time there if you like what they recommend.
Quicksprout is dedicated to helping freelancers develop their skills. Among its top tips are:
There’s even an article called “How to Make Money Blogging in 2021,” which mentions how much the top bloggers make. (We didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.)
Founded by Brian Clark in 2006, Copyblogger has been teaching people how to create persuasive online content for over a decade. In addition to the blog, Copyblogger offers focused, strategic content marketing courses taught by industry pioneers, such as Brian Clark and Sonia Simone.
Copyblogger has one aim – teaching the skill of creating killer content. Learn about content marketing as well as how to write copy that turns prospects into clients. Our favourite posts are:
Recent blog posts:
- 5 Smart Ways to Use Metaphors to Create Irresistible Content
- How to Write 16 Knockout Articles When You Only Have One Wimpy Idea
- A Quick Copywriting Lesson Taken Directly from an Email Marketing Fail

2006 must have been a good year for marketing writers, because that’s also the year that Copyblogger started up. They run a service that helps companies with their content marketing strategy. In addition, the Copyblogger blog (say that 10 times fast) has dozens of articles related to the fine art of copywriting.
Read “22 Sure-Fire Headline Formulas that Work”—you’ll definitely recognize the style, and maybe get some ideas for your next headline writing session.
American Writers and Artists Institute:
Founded in 1997, American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI) is a leading provider of copywriting training programs.
Known within the industry as a go-to resource for Marketers, Creative Directors, Business Owners, AWAI connects online businesses with copywriters who can help you build your opt-in mailing list, get your targets to open your emails, drive organic traffic to your website, convert your website visitors to buyers, and increase the response rates on your promotions.
In 2011, AWAI launched The Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA) – the first-ever professional organization dedicated to helping writers in the direct-response industry improve their skills, network with writers and marketers, and find exciting projects.
Bob Bly:
Robert Bly is an American writer on the subjects of copywriting, and freelance writing, science, science fiction, satire, and small business.
Bob Bly has written more than 95 books including Selling Your Services (1991), Public Relations for Dummies (2000), Complete Idiot’s Guide To Direct Marketing (2001), Write More, Sell More (1998), and 101 Ways To Make Every Second Count (1999).
He has a degree in chemical engineering and has worked as a freelance copywriter for the AARP, IBM, and Lucent Technologies, among others.
Convince and Convert:
A content marketing blog with a focus on strategy and persuasion, Convince and Convert will inspire you to reach higher content marketing goals. This blog outlines exactly what marketers need to say and do to improve engagement and convert leads.

NewsCred’s Insights provides loads of perceptive marketing tips. We particularly like its case studies, which showcase best practice content marketing techniques and teach us all how we can make our writing even more impactful.

If you ask us, Contently’s The Content Strategist is a must-read. With combined themes of copywriting and content marketing, it’s great for freelance writers as well as marketers who want to better understand the work they commission.

Make a Living Writing:
Founded in 2008 by Carol Tice, Make a Living Writing offers over 1,200+ free articles about how to break in, move up, and earn a full-time living from freelance writing.
The blog has been named one of The Write Life’s Top 100 Websites for Writers.
Make a Living Writing helps writers: find first clients, locate paying markets, get better writing jobs, use social media to get noticed, earn through blogging and content writing, convince flaky clients to pay up, increase your writing productivity, and discover the secrets to self-publishing income.
ABC Copywriting:
ABC Copywriting helps copywriters find the right words to tell their story and sell their product. Many of its posts are older but still offer points worth reflecting on now and again even for the most seasoned copywriters.
- The illustrated copywriter’s dictionary (a little humour to finish with
We love grammar-checking tool Grammarly. But we love its blog more. The blog provides advice on how to avoid the most common grammar and writing mistakes. (Useful because we all know there’s very little sympathy for a marketer who doesn’t know the difference between ‘they’re’, ‘their’ and there’.)

Copywriting is a very subtle art, but it’s a very important part of internet marketing. When done right, copywriting can make or break your chances for success. Copywriting grade blogs or copywriting tips from pros?
What makes a blog one of the “best blogs on copywriting”? The answer to that question is based on how well they help you learn new things about copywriting, reach more people, and get more traffic. The blogs above help with such.