Coding and developing are considered as a time-consuming task, which demands a lot of time, effort and is quite expensive. The most important thing in any world valuable business is the speed. So for the businesses that demand high speed, it makes sense to work with a team of experts who are familiar with the idea’s of code documentation. In this article we would like to introduce you a powerful tool – Best C++ Documentation Generator which will really help you meet all your needs in order to create a powerful documentation for your online business. The main function of this tools is to generate and generate c documentation based on c++.
C++ language is one of the most powerful languages in the world. It has been used in so many successful applications from a coding perspective too. But what people forget sometimes is that they won’t be able to create a great application without creating quality documentation. Thus, you need a tool which can help you generate high-quality documentation for C++ language in a very simple way.
Best C++ Documentation Generator is a documentation generator for C++. It enables you to define structure, content and similar characteristics in the comment of header file then generate the whole documentation with one click.
We are generating best documentation for C++ by utilising standard HTML, XHTML and XML markup. Where appropriate, entity references are used to enable easy adaptation of our style sheets to other alphabets.
What is Software Documentation?
Software documentation is any written document that explains how a piece of software is built, operates, or used. For more complex software, it typically includes a section on general use as well as sections about each of the software’s various functions and features. Documentation comes in many forms, including user tutorials that demonstrate how to perform tasks, printed manuals or books with step-by-step instructions, or knowledge bases and FAQ pages on a company’s website.
Software documentation varies depending on the complexity of the software and the technical knowledge of the audience. For example, it can walk end-users through the basics of a piece of consumer software, assist IT and system administrators with software installation, and help software developers build or update programs.
Types of Software Documentation
There are many types of software documentation, from internal documents only accessible to software developers to user manuals for those who use a piece of software regularly. Two main types of software documentation are developer documentation and software documentation targeted toward the end-user.
Developer Software Documentation
Developers use a specific type of documentation created as part of, or in conjunction with, the software development process. These documents can include release notes that describe features and updates, README files in text documents that offer a brief explanation of the software, system documentation that describes requirements for installation, and API documentation explaining how to integrate and work with an API.
End-User Software Documentation
End-user software documentation provides information about how to install, use, or configure a piece of software. This type of documentation helps people understand how to operate a product. End-user documentation can include user guides, tutorials, troubleshooting manuals, and knowledge bases.
There are areas where the lines blur between different types of software documentation, especially when it comes to technical documentation. An example of this is the minimum system requirements for installing a piece of software. Even though it’s considered a technical document, it falls under end-user documentation because it’s written for software users.
Software documentation tools streamline the process of creating and managing documents by making writing or distributing documentation faster and easier.
Many documentation tools give you the ability to publish your documents once complete and distribute documents to internal teams or external users. Some documentation tools offer version control systems so your teams can track changes made over time.
1. Whatfix
Whatfix is a Digital Adoption Platform that allows you to create step-by-step walkthroughs that act as real-time software documentation by guiding employees through your software. If you already have a knowledge base, you can display your documentation in a self-help widget.
Whatfix is redefining how software documentation is displayed and consumed, with new content embedded directly within your software applications in forms such as interactive guidance, contextual walkthroughs, self-help FAQs, popup notifications and beacons, and more. The platform also allows you to measure the usage and effectiveness of your documentation with user analytics.

2. is a documentation collaboration platform that allows you to manage all of your documents in one place. It allows you to create notes, documents, and wikis, and you can manage your company’s documentation across teams or departments.

3. ProProfs
ProProfs knowledge base software is a knowledge management tool that lets you create searchable online FAQs and help docs. In addition, you can add videos, audio, images, and infographics to your documentation to make your software documentation more interactive and compelling.

4. Dropbox Paper
Dropbox Paper is an online document workspace that lets you organize and display text, media, and files all in one place. It’s a web-based tool, so it’s accessible as long as you have an internet connection. If you’re already a Dropbox user, you can create and edit documents without leaving Dropbox.

5. Tettra
Tettra is a tool for internal company use. It’s a wiki and knowledge management system that lets teams create content other employees can read and comment on. This tool is specifically built to work with Slack and features integrations with several other tools, including GSuite, Microsoft Teams, GitHub, and Zapier.

Popular C compilers/IDEs include:
Name | Website | Platform | License | Details |
Microsoft Visual Studio Community | Visual Studio | Windows | Proprietary, free of charge | Powerful and student-friendly version of an industry standard compiler. |
Xcode | Xcode | macOS, OSX | Proprietary, free of charge | Available free of charge at Mac App Store. |
Tiny C Compiler (TCC) | tinycc | GNU/Linux, Windows | LGPL | Small, fast and simple compiler. |
Clang | clang | GNU/Linux, Windows, Unix, OS X | University of Illinois/NCSA License | A free, permissively licensed front-end using a LLVM backend. |
GNU C Compiler | gcc | GNU/Linux, MinGW or mingw-w64 (Windows), Unix, OS X. | GPL | The De facto standard. Ships with most Unix-like systems. |
Text Editors and IDEs[edit | edit source]
Aside from a compiler, the only other software requirement is a text editor for writing and saving your C code. Note that a text editor is different from a word processor, a piece of software with many features for creating visually appealing documents. Unlike word processors, text editors are primarily designed to create plain text files. On Windows, the Notepad text editor can be used but it does not offer any advanced capabilities such as syntax highlighting and code completion. There are hundreds of text editors (see List of Text Editors). Among the most popular are Notepad++ for Windows as well as Atom, Sublime Text, gedit, Vim and Emacs which are also available on other operating systems (“cross-platform”). These text editors come with syntax highlighting and line numbers, which makes code easier to read at a glance, and to spot syntax errors. Many text editors have features for increasing your coding speed, such as keystroke macros and code snippets, that you can take advantage of as you gain skill as a programmer.
You may also be considering the use of an integrated Development Environment (IDE) to help you write code. An IDE is a suite of integrated tools and features in one convenient package, usually with a graphical user interface. These programs include a text editor and file browser and are also sometimes bundled with an easily accessible compiler. They also typically include a debugger, a tool that will enable you to do such things as step through the program you develop manually one source code line at a time, or alter data as an aid to finding and correcting programming errors.
However, many IDEs do not offer a command line interface to the compiler and/or offer only graphical buttons or a menu for executing programs. So for new programmers, an IDE is not ideal. Instead, a simple text editor will suffice along with the ability to issue simple commands on the command line to help you gain a hands-on familiarity and understanding of core development tools. Of course, an IDE may still be useful to you if you have experience with one. But as a general guideline: Do not use an IDE unless you know what the IDE is doing for you!
How to Learn the C and C++ Languages: The Ultimate List
C is often called a middle-level computer language since it combines the elements of high-level languages with the functionalism of assembly language. C allows the manipulation of bits, bytes, and addresses—giving the programmer more control over exactly how the program will behave and a more direct access to the mechanics of the underlying hardware. C was created, influenced, and field-tested by working programmers. The end result is that C gives the programmer what the programmer wants. C++ is an enhanced version of the C language. C++ includes everything that is part of C and adds support for object-oriented programming (OOP). In addition, C++ also contains many improvements and features that make it a “better C,” independent of object-oriented programming.
The C programming language was originally developed for and implemented on the UNIX operating system by Dennis Ritchie. The C language, which is quite simple, is not tied to any particular hardware or system. This makes it easier for a user to write programs that will run without many (or any) changes on practically all machines.
The C language is often called a middle-level computer language as it combines the elements of high-level languages with the functionalism of assembly language. C programming allows the manipulation of bits, bytes, and addresses—giving the programmer more control over exactly how the program will behave and more direct access to the mechanics of the underlying hardware.
C was created, influenced, and field-tested by working programmers. The end result is that C gives the programmer what the programmer wants.
C++ is an enhanced version of the C language. C++ includes everything that’s part of C and adds support for object-oriented programming (OOP). In addition, C++ also contains many improvements and features that make it a “better C,” independent of object oriented programming.
The C++ language is actually extensible since we can define new types in such a way that they act just like the predefined types which are part of the standard language.
If you just use C++ as a better C, you will not be using all of its power. Like any quality tool, C++ must be used the way it was designed to be used to exploit its richness. Some of the new features include encapsulation, inline function calls, overloading operators, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Why would I want to learn C or C++?
C and C++ are still two of the most popular programming languages out there. The syntax and concepts of C, especially, has stood the test of time, and you can see them being carried on to other popular programming languages, even the modern ones, such as Go.
Even if you are going to build web applications or fancy web front-end components for the rest of your life, learning C will help you understand how software and hardware actually interact.
Besides, C and C++ are everywhere.
C in particular powers a lot more technology than we give it credit for.
On the other hand, some of your favorite software – possibly even the web browser you are reading this article on—is built on C++. Knowing C is a good base, but in many cases, software development will require you to learn C++ and its paradigms.
If you want to develop software that needs to make the most out of a computer’s performance and capabilities—high-end desktop games, sophisticated productivity tools, or complex computationally intensive programs, for instance—or if you just want a programming language that lets you interact with a computer’s hardware directly, C and C++ are the languages for you.
So, why would you not want to learn C++ or C? It’s not like 25 years ago, when you might have had to invest in a proprietary compiler to get started—today you can certainly learn C++ free.
How can I get started with C and C++?
To get started with C or C++, what you’ll want in most cases, at the very least, is a compiler—although nowadays you can also learn C online by experimenting a bit with “hello world” C projects in-browser.
Compilers are programs that can be run through command-line interfaces (CLIs). They read the entire program and convert it into object code, which is a translation of the program source code into a form that the computer can execute directly.
To make life easier, you can go for full-fledged IDEs that can make your experience with C or C++ even more pleasant.
There are a lot of good compilers available on Windows.
On Windows, Visual Studio provides a C++ compiler.
The compiler can also build C programs.
Visual Studio comes with its own powerful, feature-rich IDE, making it a neat choice for anyone getting started with C or C++ or someone primarily targeting the Windows platform.
If you are looking for something more standard compliant, GCC (MinGW) might be what you need. The Codeblocks IDE works exceptionally well in this setup.
Clang, too, is now a formidable choice on Windows—it’s even used to build Google Chrome nowadays.
Other cross-platform IDEs exist, such as Eclipse CDT, Jetbrains CLion, and Netbeans, that provide fully functional C and C++ development environments. Lately, however, these are being eclipsed (pardon the irony) by Visual Studio Code, which is also available for Linux and Mac environments.
If you are on Linux, you probably have GCC installed as a part of your distribution already. If not, installing it should be just a matter of a single command:
# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install build-essential
# Fedora
sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++
# Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S base-devel
The Codeblocks IDE and Eclipse CDT work equally well on Linux as they do on Windows.
Mac / Mac OS X / OS X / macOS
On a Mac you can use Clang or GCC—both are available for free. While GCC has support for a wider range of C and C++ standards, Clang will work fine for most cases.
Clang should already be installed.
You can install GCC using Homebrew:
brew install gcc
You can use XCode, a great IDE that is a part of the Mac OS developer tools.
C++ is one of the most popular programming languages among software engineers. A major reason for its popularity is its flexibility. This flexibility makes it possible for different programmers to use their own style when coding. However, this flexibility can also be a drawback to some extent.
Nothing acts as a substitute for well-written documentation. It can save a lot of your bones in the event that you lose yourself in the flurry of development activity and have to revisit something later on.