The frame rate of a video refers to the total number of frames produced by your recording equipment per second. The best frame rate for video recording is 24 or 25 fps, though you can use this information to determine what the best frame rate is for reference or computer monitors. You can also use this information to produce the best frame rate for 4k video if this is what you’re aiming to shoot with your video camera or camcorder.
This article provides information on the best free screen recording software programs. It also shows you how to use an advanced screen capture program. This program is easy to add to your computer and has multiple features that make it simple to use. Take the world in at a pace dictated by the laws of nature, but human beings have never been very good at accepting the status quo.
Frame rate is the number of video frames that are displayed in one second. Average frame rate for home movies is 24, feature films and TV programs use frame rates from 24 to 30 (movies), and for sporting events and other professionally recorded presentations, frame rates usually run in the high 50s up to 60 or more. Frame rate for videos is different for each type of presentation:
Video recording nowadays has become the best way to capture any moment of life. Most people use it in different situations, like holidays, birthday parties, weddings and many other moments. It is a great way to look back and remember that happened day in your life.
What is frame rate?
Frame rate (frames per second or fps) is the speed at which individual still photos, known as frames, are captured by a recording device and/or projected onto a screen. Normal motion is achieved when the capture frame rate equals the projection frame rate (e.g., 24/24). Slow motion occurs when the capture fps is higher than the projection fps (e.g., 48/24). Likewise, fast motion occurs when the capture fps is lower than the projection fps (e.g., 12/24).
Standard Frames Per Second:
- The standard frame rate for cinema is 24fps
- The standard frame rate for television is 30fps
The best frame rates for video
Commonly used video frame rates
Selecting the best movie frame rate for your project can be tough since there are a lot of factors to consider. Ultimately, it’s dependent on what the desired effect you’re going after. If you want to showcase slow motion video, you need to shoot at a higher frames per second.
Human beings are used to these rates now, so anything else looks odd. You can certainly deviate from the standard frame rate for creative storytelling purposes. For an overview of video frames rates, this video will walk us through the considerations for any deviations you might want to take.

What you need to know about video frame rate
Standard frame rate was established in the early years for each medium. Cinema determined that films should be captured at 24 fps, and then displayed by double and triple shutter projectors at 48 fps or 72 fps.
This allowed the motion in the recordings to remain smooth and natural.
Standard frame rates for television (in the US) came due to the power standard of 60hz. Images were not being projected by reels of film, but actually sent to your TV through power signals.
Again, depending on the goal of your project, there are a variety of optimal choices for the best frame rate for video.
What is the best video frame rate?
The most popular frame rates for video is 24 FPS, 30 FPS, and 60 FPS. However, this changes depending on the desired effect you’re looking to achieve.
The best frame rate for video:
- >16 FPS: recreating the look of the silent era movies
- 24 FPS: the most cinematic look
- 30 FPS: used by TV and excellent for live sports
- 60 FPS: walking, candles being blown out, etc.
- 120 FPS: people running, nature videography, etc.
- 240 FPS: balloons exploding, water splashes, etc.
- 480 FPS: skateboard tricks, skiing, surfing, etc.
- 960+ FPS: Hyper-slow motion. Think about the explosion sequence from The Hurt Locker
How do I get slow motion video?
Slow motion video is any display of moving images that appears slower than real time. It is most commonly created by capturing frames at a higher rate than the intended display speed. There are cameras designed for slow motion but this can be achieved with any film or video camera.
As an example, take a look at this scene from Get Out which achieved a slow motion effect by shooting at 200 fps. This is a great example of how slow motion can create iconic moments.
Cameras that get you slow motion
Many modern cameras have the ability to capture video at higher movie frame rates, which in turn will allow you to obtain slow motion video.
Frame Rate FPS Equipment
the best high speed cameras
What are the “fastest” cameras currently available for shooting slow-motion video?
- 1000 FPS: Phantom Flex4K, Sony RX10 III
- 960 FPS: Sony FS700, Sony FS5:
- 300 FPS: RED Weapon 8K
- 240 FPS: Panasonic Lumix FZ1000, GoPro HERO5
- 200 FPS: ARRI Alexa Mini, ARRI Amira
- 120 FPS: Sony a7SII
Your smartphone might allow you to switch over to a slow motion mode, but that isn’t how it works when you’re creating professional slow motion video.
Here is 240 fps footage from the Panasonic GH5s:

What is a Video Frame Rate for Slow Motion? • Panasonic GH5s
Of course, you can slow down footage captured at 24fps or 30fps, and then time remap your footage in your editing platform, but it will come out with a choppy, unprofessional look that most people will notice.
To slow down a video, you must first capture regular footage at an increased frame rate. Then you place your footage into your Non-Linear-Editor (Premiere, Final Cut, Avid) and “time remap” the footage to the desired rate.
The video below shows you step-by-step instructions for Adobe Premiere Pro:

How to Maintain Frame Rate Video Quality with Premiere
Some professional cinema cameras have the ability to capture video at extremely high frame rates (like the Phantom), but a micro-four-thirds mirrorless camera like the GH5 captures video up to 240 fps.
Frames Per Second in FAST MOTION VIDEO
Ideal fps for fast motion video
Fast motion video takes you to a world of instant gratification.
Invisible trends appear in mere seconds, entire forests grow and die, and the sun rises and sets before our eyes.
To speed up video, you will still prefer to capture regular footage at an increased movie frame rate. You might think that you would need fewer frames to allow a fast motion video, but the general rule is that you never want fewer frames than your medium requires.
The video below shows you step-by-step instructions on speeding up your footage with Adobe Premiere:

Low Frame Rate Video • How to speed up your video with Premiere
Most filmmakers don’t get video purely to be sped-up but prefer to “speed ramp” or “time ramp” their footage from slow motion to fast motion. The more information you have to work with, the better, even when blazing through your shots.
Similar to creating slow-motion video, you would then place your footage into your NLE and “time remap” the footage to the desired rate.
Go from slo-mo to high speed
Frame rate ramping or “speed ramping” refers to a method where footage is played at a specific speed at one point in the clip, but then “ramps” to another speed while the the viewer observes the speed transformation.
Here is a great example of speed ramping in 300:

Changing frames per second for speed ramps in 300
This can be normal to fast, fast to slow, slow to normal…whatever.
Low Frame Rate Video: Timelapse
Show time with time-lapses
A great way to understand frame rates is to look at a time-lapse video. This is one of the best time-lapse videos you will find, and it took tens of thousands of photos to put together this three and a half minute video.

What is Frame Rate in Video? • Time lapse example by Luke Shepard
A time-lapse video is not a recording sped up, but rather a massive collection of still photos that are taken over a large amount of time, which are then strung together to create a hyper-motion video.
Let’s say you want to capture a time-lapse of a 120-minute event (like a sunrise) so that the final play duration can be 20 seconds.
If you want the video to perform like a recording at 24fps, then you need to capture a single frame every 15 seconds for a total of…480 photos. For more, here are some essential tips on how to shoot time lapse video.
FPS Plus Camera Movement
Super hyper time-lapses
Now, if a time-lapse is when you speed up a scene, a hyperlapse is when you speed up a scene, but you add heavy camera movement.
For example, you might use a dolly shot (or slider) if you’re doing a time-lapse, but hyperlapses show you the action over considerable distances and are often much more complex setups.
But the end effect can be really cool.
Here’s a video of how Matt Komo plans a shoot showcasing many elements that we discussed earlier. Slow-motion, speed ramps, timelapses, and finally, hyperlapses:

Matt Komo experiments with time • Subscribe on YouTube
To plan out your hyperlapses, much like Matt, it’s important to create a shot list (or storyboard) showcases the details of your scene. That way you’ll have a clear gameplan of actually shooting it.
Here’s what Matt’s storyboard looks like:
The Complete Guide to Shutter Speed
Now you understand how frames per second works and have the knowledge to record slow-motion video, fast-motion video, speed ramps, and time lapses. There is something you’ll want to brush up on before you run out to get footage… shutter speed. This is a camera setting that a direct relationship between the frame rate you choose and how motion is captured.
The Most Commonly Used Frame Rates
Invention pioneer Thomas Edison emphasized 46 FPS being the base frame rate for motion pictures, and anything less will “strain the eyes.” Evidently, the projectionists and talkies at the time were shuffling between 22-26 FPS, owing to audio adaptability with a 35mm video feel.
The most commonly used frame rates are varying across different genres, displays, and mediums of entertainment. Let’s meet them.
The silent era movies were made in 8-16FPS. In modern times, it is used to exude a silent film era.
Stop-motion movies are generally shot in 16 FPS and sped up to create a motion effect that is good for the eyes.
A universally accepted frame rate for the movies, which provides larger than life details in videos. Technically the frame rate is 23.97, based on the NTSC due to color and hue issues corrected using the toned down FPS.
It works for landscapes along with dialogues being played simultaneously.
The 25FPS is the European standard known as PAL, also the Internet standard, compatible with TVs across Europe.
Here we are talking about the standard frame rate for TV shows and sports channels. The 30 FPS helps provide a slow-motion video feel for sports broadcast and fast-moving objects in a regular video.
As soon as you touch the 60 FPS more, you are shooting in 720p and go as high as 8K in resolution. The sweet 60 represents an added layer of smoothness to videos, grace to the subject at hand. Don’t forget the typical slow-motion capabilities.
That’s now all, and the buck does not stop here. The 60FPS reduces motion blur to a great extent as compared to 24-30FPS. 24-30FPS videos compensate for its choppiness by adding blur on the screen to delve further into the lower frame rate.
When we go beyond 30FPS, we realize a gradual decline in the motion blur, which is replaced by added details in videos. Remember the fight scene involving hands that you saw in a movie at the theatres last week? The same fight scene will become more apparent when you watch it on your TV or phone, capable of 60FPS and more.
[P stands for Progressive Scan, as opposed to the general assumption of pixels]
The Best Frame Rate for YouTube Video
Talk about grandeur and monumental footage when 120FPS is mentioned. The supreme frame rate is ideal for shooting flabbergasting slow-motion footage, along with shots for establishing a scene or set the undertone for the footage.
Over 120FPS
Now we are in the endgame. Meet the Ultra HFR that is going beyond 120. The next pitstop is 240FPS, which is ideally used for ultra slow-motion videos. Recording 240FPS is currently only possible on high-speed capture cameras involving fast-moving pictures, objects, movements, and more.
What Frame Rate Should I Use for YouTube?
YouTube recommends and supports 24 to 60FPS with a maximum of 8K video support(recently added). Frame rates will vary according to the nature of the content, target audience, and camera equipment. Let’s take a look at the most commonly used frame rates by different genres of YouTubers.
Video Podcasts/Talk Shows – 30FPS
Look at the MKBHD or Vlogbrothers, for that matter. The slow, mostly still videos with hand movements often prefer 25-30FPS on all their videos, ranging from 360p to 4K.
The videos look crisp with high resolutions such as 720p and above, depending on the resolution supported on your screen.
Gaming Highlights/Montages – 60FPS
Gaming demands more FPS. Otherwise, they look choppy. In fact, playing any modern graphics game below 30FPS feels laggy, to say the least.
Switch to first-person, and 60FPS feels just right. Console gamers can join in on this one. Popular gamer YouTubers such as Shroud and Ninja publish their content on 60FPS for 720p and above(as supported by YouTube).
Makeup Tutorials – 60FPS
If you want the extra bit of video clarity for the viewers to learn about what you are doing, 60FPS would be the best bet.
Although 30FPS feels just fine, there is a jagged feel to it on most smartphones capable of 60FPS.
Learning and Academic Videos – 24-30FPS
When the video’s sole purpose is to teach a specific topic or subject to the audience, the extra frame rates may go down the drain. Anything between 24 to 30FPS should do just fine, given a decent amount of animation for explanation can also be accommodated in the given frames.
Fitness and Health Channels – 24-30FPS
Do you want those slow-motion workouts at 60FPS? The good news is that 30FPS works well for that as well. As a matter of fact, many popular fitness channels publish videos at 24FPS, focusing more on the camera and equipment.
Head to the popular channels such as Athlean-X and Yoga with Adrienne; both stick to 24 FPS for their videos.
Sports Highlights – 40-60FPS
Sports video will ask for the best view with clarity, peppered with slow-mo moments here and there. The fast-paced movements in any sports game can be ruined with lower FPS, providing a rather choppy experience.
Anything above 30, ranging between 40 to 60FPS, puts you in the sweet sport for including the game’s slow-motion moments.
Bonus Tip: How to Edit a Recommended Rate Video
Setting the right frame rate for your YouTube is essential. You want the viewers to watch on the devices of their choices without compromising on the experience quotient. First and foremost, transfer your file in original format to a folder.
There are lots of free video editor can help users edit a video to the recommended frame rate. Here let’s see the detailed steps.
Step 1. Run the Video Editor
Here we recommend FilmForth from Microsoft, the best free video editor. It has lots of great features to help users make great movies. Be sure to update it so that you can take advantage of the latest features. Tap the New Project to start the YouTube video editing workflow.
New Project on FilmForth
Then you can click on the upload button to manually load a video or drag and drop it into the editor.
Drag and Drop the Video to FilmForth
Step 2. Start to Edit the Video
After the video has been loaded, several editing options will appear and be at your disposal. Here are some editing tips and tricks with FilmForth that you may be interested in.
- Change the speed of the video if it feels slower or faster than usual.
- You can take advantage of the Trim feature to decide the video length you want. Reset the video’s beginning and end. For editing out moments from between, use the Split feature.
- The use of the Chroma Key feature in FilmForth can easily help users remove and change the video background.
- FilmForth also supports the audio editing tips to replace the audio of the video.
- Freeze a moment to talk about it in the video before moving forward.
There are quite a lot of popular video editing features FilmForth supports. You can download FilmForth and learn from its video editing center to reveal all.
Step 3. Set Frame Rate for YouTube Video
Once editing has been done, it’s time to export the video. Now, it’s time to set the Frame Rate. The dropdown menu will have an option of up to 60FPS, which is supported by YouTube. Now you can click on the Save button.
Select the Certain Frame Rate and Click Save
It is essential to understand that setting it any higher than the actual rate will not increase the FPS out of thin air. On the other hand, you can set it to lower, and it shall reduce the frames according to your setting.
You can also set the video resolution, whose original resolution should be kept in mind. Set it higher than the actual video resolution, and you may experience a stretch of pixels, leading to a loss of video quality.
The frame rate of video (whether the file format is MP4, FLV, AVI, etc.) refers to how fast or slow the frames are displayed. Frame rate is measured in frames-per-second (fps) and the more frames per second, the smoother the video is displayed. A fast frame rate means that each frame is displayed on your screen faster while a slow frame rate will display less frames in a given period of time.
Frame rate refers to how many times a picture is taken or put onto a video. Frame rate of video is expressed in frames per second (fps). However, the fps of video is not the same as that of still photography.