The Best HR Analytics Software helps you with collaboration, so you can work better with your team. The Best Workforce Management Software is meant for HR professionals who are looking for a comprehensive solution that helps with manpower planning, monitoring, and analysis.
Hr analytics software helps improve your employee’s productivity by anticipating upcoming problems and providing an integrated view into core human capital management processes. Power everything from employee training to complex pay systems with a single, unified platform.
R is the most used HR analytics tool. R is great for statistical analysis and visualization and is well-suited to explore massive data sets. It enables you to analyze and clean data sets with millions of rows of data. It also lets you visualize your data and analysis.
You can download R here.
The most often used Integrated Development Environment, or IDE, for R is RStudio. An IDE is software that provides additional facilities for software development and data analysis. This makes the software more userfriendly.
Simply put, RStudio does everything that R does but more and better. The RStudio interface contains a code editor, the R console, an easily accessible workspace, a history log, and room for plots and files. The picture below shows all these elements.
As previously stated, R is useful because it enables you to work with much larger datasets compared to, for example, Excel. Furthermore, R has a very extensive library with R packages.
These packages are easy to install and allow you to run virtually all statistical analyses and create beautiful visualizations. Take, for example, the caret package. This package enables you to split data into training and testing sets to train algorithms using cross-validation.
Another example of an R package is ggplot, which helps you to visualize graphs. In a previous article on R Churn analytics, Lyndon showed the distribution of employee turnover for a large Canadian company as seen in the following chart using ggplot.
All in all, R is an excellent tool for analyzing and visualizing vast amounts of data. You can download RStudio here.
Python is another programming language and can be used interchangeably with R. In the data science community, there’s quite some buzz about which of the two will become the data scientist’s tool of choice.
R is better at doing statistical analyses, has a more active community when it comes to statistics, and is better suited for visualizations. Python, however, offers only slightly less functionalities but is easier to learn.
Often used IDEs are PyCharm and Spyder. These tools are to Python what RStudio is to R. Both are open-source IDEs that provide data scientists all the tools they need to use Python. Spyder, short for Scientific Python Development Editor, is specifically made for data science. It includes an advanced editor, an interactive console, documentation viewer, and a whole suite of development tools that also include visualization options.
Spyder, a data science IDE for Python
In short: if you already have experience in Python, or want to get started quickly, use Python. If doing statistical analyses will be your job for the next five years, use R. For more information on the difference between Python and R, check this article.
Tableau is one of the most preferred business intelligence tools used for data aggregation from various sources, which can be converted into insights and presented over a dashboard through data visualization. It visually represents the data through easy-to-understand charts and graphs, making data reading an extremely easy and quick process for any individual. It comes with cloud support and real-time data analytics capabilities.
As a workforce analytics software, Microsoft’s Power BI will allow you to connect with multiple data source systems, like Excel sheets or SQL databases or Machine Learning APIs, or a live Twitter feed. Data aggregated from all these various sources can be integrated into Power BI. The consolidated data can be transformed into an HR dashboard for the reporting and visualization of data using the Power BI’s dashboarding capacity. It has three licensing methods: Power BI Free, Power BI Pro, and Power BI Premium.
Visier is a comprehensive workforce analytics software that focuses on providing actionable insights on workforce data. It can connect with multiple HR systems and integrate them into one Business Intelligence (BI) tool. Visier uses algorithms to predict exits, internal movement, promotions, etc. Likewise, it can show you different trends in your workforce data to help understand methods that drive productivity and performance.
Board is a web-based HR solution that offers the best of the bunch HR analytics features along with workforce planning and performance management. The tool strives to facilitate you with detailed workforce insights to help you make data-driven decisions. Board’s HR analytics solution gives you visibility of the key value drivers and helps you track employee productivity pertaining to the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Board gives you the freedom to dive deep into human resources insights with its self-service feature – making it a unified decision-making platform. The tool’s insights come in handy for human capital management – enabling managers to boost the efficiency of their respective teams. Board is a one-stop-platform facilitating you to design human resource metrics, forecast data, monitor KPIs, segment employees, and more. Here’s why you should prefer Board as an HR analytics solution:
- Workforce planning
- Behavioral analytics
- KPIs monitoring
- Employee segmentation
- Data modeling
- Data mining
- Forecasting
- Performance management
- Self-service analytics

Derive action-oriented insights and make data-driven decisions seamlessly with Visier – an online HR planning and analytics solution. Visier facilitates HR managers and corporate leaders with clear insights – helping them make better and data-driven decisions. The self-service feature of Visier empowers you to process complex data and extract insights pertaining to your predefined KPIs. The built-in analytics feature facilitates users to access hundreds of data indicators and peoples’ data to help them make seamless decisions. The analytics integration and customization features come in handy to transform complex data as per your needs to extract valuable outcomes. Furthermore, the role-based security model ensures data security and protects valuable information from unauthorized access. Here are some of the benefits of using Visier as an HR analytics solution:
- Workforce planning
- Performance management
- Built-in analytics
- People analytics
- Self-service
- Strategy assessment
- Data integration
- Data security and management
- Scalability
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