The best Mac apps for entrepreneurs. As an entrepreneur, you need to know about all the best Mac apps that help you to save time and boost your productivity. This is why we’ve developed our list of the best Mac apps for entrepreneurs. We’ve got everything your busy brain needs to help you succeed as an entrepreneur!
So, here are a couple of apps that I think are interesting.

Noizio provides ambient background sounds for your Mac. Just turn on Noizio, select the ambient sound you’d like to play in the background, and block out all the distractions.
Want to experience the feeling of meditating on a desolate sea shore? Just select sea waves. Want the hustle and bustle of a coffee shop to help you concentrate on your work? Select Coffee House.
The ambient sounds will help you relax, but at the same time, also boost your productivity by helping you maintain your focus on the task at hand.
Price: $2.99
Spark for Mac

Bored of Apple mail and Outlook? Then try Spark for Mac. Spark is one of the best email clients for Mac and highly popular among entrepreneurs and freelancers.
Spark is loaded with features. The Smart Inbox feature lets you quickly see what’s important and clean up the rest. All new emails are categorized into Personal, Notifications, and Newsletters.
It’s also customizable and has a design that’s both minimalist and fresh – not an easy feat for an email app.
Price: Free
Escape 2

Do you ever get distracted by social media when you have important things to do? Then you’ve got to use Escape. Escape will remind you every time you open something distracting and it will show you how many minutes you already gave it in a week.
It also lets you set aside a ‘quota’ for each social network to help you stay within the limit.
Price: $9.99

Muzzle is a simple Mac app that lets you silence embarrassing notifications while screen-sharing. Automatically turn on ‘Do Not Disturb’ when screen-sharing starts. It works with almost anything – Slack,, Skype, FaceTime, etc.
Price: Free
Unsplash Wallpapers for Mac

Unsplash is a free stock image site which truly has some of the most breathtaking images you’ll ever find. And now they have a Mac app which lets you select one of their pictures as your wallpaper. Download this app if you’re bored of the standard wallpapers on your Mac.
Price: Free
Although the Notes app on Mac has its uses, Evernote takes note-taking to the next level. Being the most popular note-taking app in the world, Evernote lets you capture, organize, and share notes from anywhere.
Plus, you can enhance your notes with links, checklists, tables, attachments, audio recordings, and even handwritten notes.
Price: Free

Work with clients in multiple timezones? Then this app is for you.
FlagTimes is a MacOS timezone app for anyone working with people from multiple countries. Furthermore, unlike some other timezone apps, FlagTimes doesn’t drain your battery.
Price: $1.99

Vu is the most efficient Instagram client for your Mac. And the best part? It’s totally free. Vu allows you to upload photos directly from your Mac. Vu sits in the status bar and has minimal mobile-like design. You can add as many accounts as you like and switch smoothly.
Price: Free

Tyke is a tiny app that lives in your Mac menu bar. It’s your scratch piece of paper when you need to write something down. It’s a simple and efficient app that allows you jot something down without opening a text editor or a note-taking app.
Price: Free
Hemingway 3.0

Hemingway makes your writing bold and clear. It’s like a spellchecker, but for style. It makes sure that your reader will focus on your message, not your prose.
Hemingway recently released version 3.0 of their desktop app. With Hemingway 3.0, the team has rewritten the editor from the code up to increase performance and bring in pro-level features writers have asked for. Whether you want to edit without distractions or publish right to your favorite platforms, Hemingway 3.0 has got you covered.
Price: $19.99

Available for all iOS devices, Todoist is a note-taking and organization app that can keep you on top of all your projects—both personal and professional.
Its best features are all free to use, including browser extensions, task creation, and interactive boards you can use to organize all your notes.
If you want to pay the optional $29 yearly fee, you can get even more advanced features like backups and automatic reminders. Even with the free version, you’ll stay far more organized.
Download: Todoist

You may not realize it, but you probably spend a ton of time recalling your passwords, especially if and when you forget one to an app you use on a regular basis.
1Password is an app for Mac that saves and remembers all your passwords for you in one place, so you can access all your favorite sites with a single click.
You’ll save time and keep all your accounts secure simultaneously. A personal plan is $2.99 per month.
Download: 1Password

Bear is a unique kind of note-taking app designed to make it easier for Mac users to jot down notes on the go. With it, you can create to-do lists, give yourself reminders, and outline concepts for future brainstorming sessions.
It comes with many different inline styles so you can customize your notes to your personal preferences, and remember the context in which you wrote them. The core version is free, with a $14.99 per year version available as well.
Download: Bear

Hazel by noodlesoft is an automated organization tool designed for Mac that will help you automatically organize your files based on any custom rules you want to create.
For example, you can set it to move untouched items from one folder into another folder labeled “action items” if they haven’t been addressed within a week. It can save you hours of organization over the course of a few weeks. A single license is a flat $32.
Download: noodlesoft

Alfred is an all-in-one app designed to save you time with Mac shortcuts and convenient custom actions. You can use it in a variety of ways.
For example, you can access Alfred’s clipboard memory so you don’t copy and paste the same material over and over, or set up custom workflows to automate some of your most repetitive tasks.
It’s a paid app, with multiple price points based on the features you desire.
Download: Alfred

TextExpander does exactly what the name suggests; it allows you to type a short snippet of text, and expand that text automatically.
For example, you can create a custom expansion that allows you to conjure a full paragraph you type repeatedly by simply typing a unique abbreviation. Once you get used to your custom combinations, you’ll spare your fingers from typing thousands of words.
An individual account is $3.33 per month.

If you’ve ever experienced a crash, or theft of your Mac, you know how much time a system restore can cost you. You’ll spend hours replacing the files you lost, and lose thousands of files that are irreplaceable.
Backblaze is an automated, inexpensive way to back up your entire Mac for just $5 a month.
Download: Backblaze
Keyboard Maestro

Keyboard Maestro is an older app that still has the power to make your life easier. With it, you can automate any number of tasks based on a certain trigger (such as a hotkey combination, or an event like connecting to a wireless network). A single license only costs $36.
Download: Keyboard Maestro

There are many applications for a good screen-capture app, whether you’re trying to illustrate a tech problem you have or just want to make an interesting meme. Snagit makes it easy, with built-in editing for both still images and video. A single license covers two machines, and costs $49.95.
Download: TechSmith/Snagit

Bartender is the cleverly-named app that helps you clean up and organize all your menu bar icons. You can also access them quickly with keyboard shortcuts.
If you’re like most Mac users, those icons get cluttered quickly and stop you from working efficiently. It’s free to try for 4 weeks, after which you’ll need a $15 license.
Download: Bartender

Otter is the Mac app for the note taker who hates typing. It’s an intelligent voice-recognition system and note-taking app that will help you transcribe your conversations, keep notes during meetings, and even take contextual notes to yourself in your own time.
Best of all, it’s free to get started!
Download: Otter

Do you often find yourself feeling tired throughout the day, or feeling unable to get to sleep after a day of staring at your computer? That could be because of the unnatural blue light that radiates from your Mac.
Flux naturally adapts your display to emit light that matches the time of day, so you can sleep better and feel less tired. It’s also free!
Download: Flux

If you deal with PDFs on a regular basis, you probably find yourself wishing for some kind of tool that can let you mark up those PDFs however you want. Without a dedicated app like PDFpen, this can be difficult.
PDFpen lets you edit PDFs in almost any conceivable way, giving you more power and saving you time. A single license is $74.95.
Download: Smile Software/PDFpen

OmniFocus is all about task management. It has a clean interface that allows you to tag your tasks, schedule events, and even automate certain features.
It’s one of the most comprehensive solutions on the market, so there’s a bit of a learning curve to get the most out of it.
A standard license is $39.99, while the pro version is $79.99.
Download: OmniFocus

It’s tiring to switch between dozens of different chat programs like Facebook Messenger, Slack, and WhatsApp, whenever you want to have a conversation with a different contact.
Franz’s solution is simple; offer access to all these apps in one convenient package. And best of all, it’s completely open source.
Download: Franz
As a small business owner and entrepreneur, you likely don’t have much time for app-hopping — well, unless you’re checking your stats on out of this world apps like WordPress. But if you want to save money and time, you should know about the best Mac apps for entrepreneurs. From productivity to virtual assistants to free apps that will organize your life into a fine “apple” pie, we’ve got you covered.