JavaScript is well-known as an essential programming language for building websites. But if you’re not using the right development environment, it can be incredibly frustrating.
That’s why I’ve tested and reviewed three of the best JavaScript IDEs out there – to find out which one is the best. Whether you want a free online IDE or a desktop alternative, we cover it here.
RJ TextEd

RJ TextEd is a full featured text and source editor with Unicode support. It is also a very powerful web (PHP, ASP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS) development editor. The functionality extends beyond text files and includes support for CSS/HTML editing with integrated CSS/HTML preview, spell checking, auto completion, HTML validation, templates and more. The program also has a dual pane file commander, as well as a (S)FTP client to upload your files.
RJ TextEd is developed in Delphi XE6 from Embarcadero and is released as Freeware.
It supports the following features (and more):
- Auto completion.
- Code folding.
- Column mode.
- Multi edit and multi select
- Document map
- Annotation bar
- Advanced sorting.
- Handles both ASCII and binary files.
- CSS and HTML wizards.
- Highlighting of colors in CSS/SASS/LESS.
- Advanced color hint that can convert between color formats.
- Dockable panels.
- FTP and SFTP client with synchronization.
- File explorer, text clips, code explorer, project manager…
- Convert between code pages, Unicode formats and text formats.
- Unicode and ANSI code page detection.
- Open/Save UTF-8 encoded files without a signature (BOM).
- Unicode file paths and file names.
- HTML validation, format and repair.
- Tools available like syntax editor, color picker, charmap

Codepen is one of the finest places to discover your frontend talent. It is a JavaScript, HTML, and CSS playground. With, you can play with the code and preview the changes in real-time. And, if you love exploration, the website is a goldmine for you, as it offers hundreds of examples. CodePen also act as an inspiration to new developers and designers — an amazing online JavaScript editor with which to start your journey.
CaspainSeagull from Махачкала, Russia frequently use Codepen for his project. In the video below, he is working on HTML5 canvas animations and showing how capable Codepen really is
Best Professional Online IDE: AWS Cloud9
When Amazon bought the Cloud9 IDE in 2016, it was already a firm favorite with developers. Full integration with Amazon Web Services makes it arguably the most powerful and extendable online development platform currently available. The online IDE combines a code editor with a terminal and powerful debugging tools.
Cloud9 also features a pair programming mode similar to VS Live share allowing collaborative remote programming in teams. Need fast prototyping? Cloud9 gives you direct access to AWS services through the integrated terminal assist.
Best Free Online IDE: CodeTasty
CodeTasty is a fully featured cloud IDE in the cloud, and is quick and simple to set up.
All major languages are supported, along with linting and transpiling for Typescript among others. The editor itself is a full virtual development environment complete with terminal and output windows. CodeTasty is free and fully functional, though paid tiers are available for more project options and team collaboration.
Best Online IDE for Beginners: Codeacademy
Codecademy combines an online IDE with lessons to teach coding from beginner to expert. Their diverse catalog covers popular languages including Python, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and Ruby.
Alongside language learning, Codeacademy provide Pro and Pro Intensive paid courses designed to cover whole subjects. Expert courses on machine learning, test driven development and front end web development are just some of those available.
Best Online IDE for Artists: p5.js
The p5.js library is based on JavaScript and provides tools for creating interactive art through code. Rather than installing the library and running a local server, the p5.js web editor allows you to code instantly online.
As well as creating beautiful visuals, the p5.js library offers opportunities for interaction. Our Voice-Sensitive Robot Animation tutorial shows how quick and easy it is to create reactive art with p5.js.
Best Online IDE for Python: Codevny
An online Python IDE needs to be quick, easy to use, and have a terminal for testing. Codenvy provides all of these things and much more. Codenvy is language agnostic, and each instance of the IDE is an independent development environment.
Extra packages and modules can be installed using the online terminal. Codenvy is a robust development and collaboration tool, and capable of almost all forms of modern development.
Best Online IDE for JavaScript: JSFiddle
Fiddling around with JavaScript? Try JSFiddle, with template projects to help get your web app ideas off the ground fast.
JSFiddle is entirely free (ad supported) and used by giants like Google and Facebook alongside thousands of developers.
Best Online IDE for GitHub Users: Gitpod
While the concept of a GitHub IDE might seem strange at first, it makes a lot of sense. Gitpod exists as a way to edit files on GitHub in the browser. A browser extension adds a button to the GitHub page, which when clicked opens a workspace for the current project.
Editing takes place in an IDE based on VS Code. Side by side code comparison is built in, along with commenting for collaboration within a team. Gitpod is a unique idea and currently in a free beta stage for public and private repos.
Best Online IDE for Ruby and Ruby on Rails:
Ruby holds a special place in many coders’ hearts. It is easy to read, concise to write, and the backbone for the ever trendy Ruby on Rails platform. An online IDE for Ruby should be bold, simple and aesthetically pleasing. has environments for both Ruby and Ruby on Rails and is the perfect place to sharpen your skills.

JSFiddle stands in the league of It is slightly complicated in comparison to Codepen. So, what makes JSFiddle different from Codepen? The customization ability to add tools and also the fact that you can use JavaScript frameworks and other features seamlessly. The interface is interactive and enables you to collaborate with other developers, thanks to the TogetherJS support. Furthermore, you can save your work and share it with a unique URL. Proper Git support is also provided.

JSBin is very similar to JSFiddle, and is also known for its collaboration features. The support ranges from HTML templates to CSS frameworks. You can also use JavaScript frameworks such as React, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, etc. In addition, JSBin comes with pro version where support for private bins, Dropbox sync, etc. are provided. Check all the features on the list here.

Koding is much more than a simple online JavaScript editor. After you signup, you will be provided with a virtual machine for your development purposes. The interface is clean and well- designed. With Koding, you can get started with a pre-made development environment. Collaboration is also one of the features of Koding that enables you to easily work with your teammates.

Rendera is a very simple JavaScript playground. It offers support for HTML and CSS, which is kind of obvious. The simplistic outlook of Rendera makes it a good option for trying out simple coding examples. It is hosted on Heroku app. Rendera doesn’t come with any framework or tool support, which is its only downside. So, if you are looking for customization and more power, check out other JavaScript editors in the article.

CodeEnvy is a cloud-based development environment similar to Koding. It offers one-click Docker environments. Just like Koding, it also allows you to collaborate with your team. As this is a cloud-based development environment, you can use any programming language supported by the development environment. In the age of mobility, cloud-based editors provide better control over your work.

Want to test a simple code? Then, Liveweave is for you. It comes with the support of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The interface is sleekly divided into four sections: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the output window. The unique interface makes it easy for developers to test complex code examples. But it is not a good idea to develop a complete website on Liveweave, as it won’t do justice with the current interface.
Liveweave also comes with library support for all the different technologies. Furthermore, you can use “Team Up” feature to easily collaborate with other coders.

CodeAnywhere is a cross-platform cloud IDE, perfect for web development. You can get started by signing up with social accounts such as GitHub, and enjoy the powerful editor that CodeAnywhere has to offer. As it is a cloud tool, it supports connections to diverse media storage services such as Dropbox and GoogleDrive. If you like, you can also connect with FTP and SFTP. Another unique feature of CodeAnywhere is SSH support. The Cloud IDE also supports revisions and collaboration.
CodeAnywhere is frequently used by Livecoding users. One such user 5short is using CodeAnywhere to develop app in FeathersJS and Meteor.js. Check him out below.

If you are looking for all-in-one development environment in your browser, SourceLair is for you. It is a fully-featured editor with zero setup process. You can work with your JavaScript or choose to move on to the PHP side of things. SourceLair also supports major database solutions such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB. Apart from the support of different frameworks, SourceLair offers a powerful code editor. You can try it for free.
Sometimes you want an IDE that is flexible, powerful, open source, free of charge, and runs in your browser. Kali is one of the best online IDEs to use when JavaScript coding. It offers code completion, code execution and live debugging to allow you to focus on writing code and not worrying about syntax issues.