Best Python Ide for Windows Free

A Python IDE is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development using the Python programming language. An IDE gives the Python developer an interface, which includes text editor, compilers, debuggers and interpreters in one tool. Different IDEs have different features and some may have all the features required for development in Python.

If you are a Python programmer then, you know that Python is an open source high-level programming language. It consists of basic elements like variables, statements, expressions, functions etc. This article consist of the best python IDE for Windows Operating System to ease your work.

VS Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free and open-source IDE created by Microsoft that can be used for Python development.

You can add extensions to create a Python development environment as per your need in VS code. It provides features such as intelligent code completion, linting for potential errors, debugging, unit testing and so on.

Visual Studio Code or VS Code is a cross-platform editor for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Developed by Microsoft, VS Code supports a variety of programming languages. All you need is to install the extension for the programming language of choice.

It is highly customizable, and developers can create their shortcut keys, change the theme, and customize preferences. To get started with VS Code for Python, install the Python-extension to activate support for Python development. Note, Visual Studio Code IDE should not be confused with Microsoft Visual Studio.


  • It offers support for different python modules. For example, if you are working with NumPy, you can install a particular extension
  • It comes with a built-in command line to run your code
  • The integrated GIT enables one to push, pull, or commit changes to GitHub projects
  • It supports a live share feature that allows one to run the debugger remotely
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code

Download Vscode IDE


GNU Emacs

Platform: Linux/macOS/Windows

Official website

Type: Text editor

Created in 1976 by Richard StallmanEmacs (Editing MACroS running on TECO) is a family of text editors with an extensible set of features. This free software is very popular with the developer community.

Richard Stallman insisted on the fact that the software must be completely free and customizable without any restriction in programming. After a few years, many versions of Emacs have appeared, including GNU Emacs, initiated by Richard Stallman in 1984 and XEmacs launched in 1991. GNU Emacs uses a powerful extension language called Emacs Lisp that supports advanced tasks such as writing, compiling programs, surfing the Internet, reading email, and discussion forums.

This software is available for free download and is available on all platforms. GNU Emacs uses various customization scripts for development in several languages, including Python.

For Python development, you can use the Elpy extension on Emacs to work with Python projects. This software is very feature-rich. Among its many features, we can mention the highlighting of syntax to differentiate document elements such as keywords and comments; Automatic indentation to have consistent formatting in a file, etc.

Advantage :

  • Free and fully customizable software.
  • Automatic insertion of elements required by the document structure, such as spaces, newlines, and brackets;
  • 24-bit color encoded support for the terminals supporting it


  • Not easy to use for beginners in programming

Jupyter Notebook

Cost: Free

Operating Systems Supported: Windows, Linux and MacOS

Jupyter Screenshot
Jupyter Python Notebook

Jupyter Notebooks are scientific computing and data professional’s favourite Python editor. Jupyter is best if your work involves data exploration, research and presentation.

Sublime Text 

Cost: $80

Operating Systems Supported: Windows, Linux and MacOS

Sublime Screenshot


Sublime Text is best in class Code Editor that’s extremely fast and allows developers to write their own plugins. With numerous features like multi-line editing, block editing, regex search, etc – it’s definitely one of the top code editor for Python developers.

Vim Python Code Editor

Cost: Free

Operating Systems Supported: Windows, Linux and MacOS

Vim Screenshot
VIM Python screenshot


Vim for most of the part is a command line interface code editor, but it can also work as a standalone application. Among other things, VIM is fast, cross platform and extremely performant.

While Vim has its upsides on using it as a text editor, it certainly isn’t the first choice for beginners. Learning Vim while learning Python is like learning two things at the same time. If you’re a seasoned developer, you’ll find yourself way more productive with Vim than what an entry level Python developer would.


Atom is an open-source code editor developed by Github that can be used for Python development (similar Sublime text).

Its features are also similar to Sublime Text. Atom is highly customizable. You can install packages as per your need. Some of the commonly used packages in Atom for Python development are autocomplete-python, linter-flake8, python-debugger, etc.

Personally speaking, I prefer Atom to Sublime Text for Python development.

Atom for Python development

Learn more:


Thonny is a Python dedicated IDE that comes with Python 3 built-in. Once you install it, you can start writing Python code.

Thonny is intended for beginners. The user interface is kept simple so that beginners will find it easy to get started.

Though Thonny is intended for beginners, it has several useful features that also make it a good IDE for full-fledged Python development. Some of its features are syntax error highlighting, debugger, code completion, step through expression evaluation, etc.

Quick Tip: If you are a beginner, go to View and click variables. This will open variables view that contains your program’s variable list and their values.

Thonny IDE

Learn more: Thonny Official site


Image Credit:

Created by JetBrains, this Python scripting tool can run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. It is one of the leading IDEs enabling developers to apply various PyCharm application programming interfaces (APIs) to create Python plugins.

With this IDE, you can write maintainable and neat code, mainly due to its smart assistance functionalities. It has automated features, saving you time, and improving your productivity at the same time.

PyCharm comes in three versions – Apache Licensed Community, Educational (Edu), and Professional versions. You can acquire the first two for free (open-source), while the professional package is billable.


  • Used for code completion, inspection, and live code verification.
  • It has a smart code editor and navigation, and safe and secure refactoring.
  • It comes with a variety of database tools, including debugging, mentoring, deploying, monitoring, and testing.
  • It has multiple web development frameworks, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web programming, Angular JS, Flask, and Django.
  • The paid version has more advanced vital frameworks and full database management capabilities.


It has active community support, which developers can access through the open-source and paid versions.

Features like syntax highlighting and code verification are also useful in executing edits and debugging the development code without the need for external tools.


PyCharm has a slow loading time. You might also have to modify the program’s default settings before using the existing products, consuming more time for your project.

The leading companies using PyCharm Python IDE include Lyft, Alibaba Travels, and trivago.

Use this link to download PyCharm.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Python: An Extensive Guide


Image Credit:

Spyder is one of the best Python IDE for developers in 2020 because it is open-source, which is appealing to programmers seeking free code development tools. Developers can redistribute it as desired.

You can also enhance its usability with plugins and APIs.

Due to its debugging, editing, and data exploration capabilities, Spyder is suitable for engineers and scientists seeking advanced tools with robust scientific functionalities.


  • Advanced capabilities like syntax highlighting and auto code completion.
  • Easy to install and an intuitive developer interface.
  • Can be easily integrated with scientific use libraries, such as IPython, NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib, enabling developers to flexibly alter variables for a smooth line by line coding.
  • Enables developers to explore and edit GUI-based variables.


Using Spyder is beneficial because the support team is always available to clarify issues with programmers. The tool’s comprehensive documentation is also useful in fixing errors whenever they arise.

The scientific software version has visualization capabilities, including a documentation viewer, interactive console, and other development tools.


The main demerit of using Spyder is that some developers, especially newcomers, find the execution and optional dependencies challenging to use. 

Use this link to download Spyder.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text

Platform: Linux/macOS/Windows

Official website

Type: Python Text editor

First conceived as an extension for Vim, Sublime Text is a generic text editor coded in C++ and Python. Since version 2.0, this software supports 44 major programming languages, including Python. It was first published in 2007, and Jon Skinner developed it. To create this software, Jon Skinner has adopted three principles:

  • Discreet, minimal interface: we must be able to focus on the text and not a myriad of toolbars;
  • The text is not hidden by the windows;
  • Use as much space as possible: full screen, multi-screen, side-by-side file editing should be possible.

Once you have installed Sublime Text as a Python IDE thanks to the different plugins and packages, you get high quality and powerful IDE that allows you to develop very easily in Python. It incorporates most of the features of a basic Python text editor, including customizable syntax highlighting.


  • Fast with very few bugs (big advantage)
  • Opens large files
  • Supports many languages


  • Difficult to modify, everything goes through JSON.
  • License required
  • Learning the shortcuts


PyCharm has been my IDE of choice for the last 5 years. To me there isn’t currently a better IDE on the market, and I doubt there will ever be one. Everything about it is close to perfect. However, Pycharm is a commercial product with a cost attached to it. If you though don’t have a fortune to spare, you have plenty of other good choices available to you. Below I have compiled a list of all the best Free Python IDEs that can help you learn Python quick as lightning.

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