In order to write a good novel, you need good story writing software. In the old days, people used notepads to write their stories which was very troublesome because they had to rewrite the whole thing manually every time it was edited. There is a lot of software designed to make life easier for writers. But not everything is created the same, and the best software for novel writing will be different from someone writing a short story.
Novel writing is the creation of an original, creative work of fiction (or even nonfiction), with the intention of putting it into print. Novel writing is a kind of literature making. It will attract more and more people in the process of modern, high-level development of the society. No matter what kind of culture or knowledge we pursue, we can not deny that novel is one of the most important parts of our daily lives. Novel writing software is what we need to have a good experience with it! There is a lot of science in writing a novel. From plot development to character building, there are a few things you can do to make sure your plot and characters are strong and believable.
1. Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is one of the oldest word processors out there, and it is still widely used for writing books. Word has a lot of features to offer, and with a new suite of productivity features added regularly, this software makes writing more accessible to the average writer.
Furthermore, Word has been around for so long that most people are already familiar with using it. If that’s you, it’ll probably be a lot easier and better to keep using Word than switching to another program because it takes time to learn new software. You can use headers to organize your chapters, use the navigation pane to navigate through them, and create templates that you can use repeatedly with multiple manuscripts or projects.
You can collaborate with co-authors and editors, reorganize your draft in outline view, use it as a brainstorming tool, and even go distraction-free when you want to. You can even format and publish an eBook using a Microsoft Word template for free.
Most editors still prefer Word documents for manuscripts, so it’s a great tool to use for writing because it makes tracking and reviewing changes and comments really easy.
2. Scrivener
Scrivener is an advanced writing software created with serious novelists and nonfiction writers in mind. It has a collection of templates for both fiction and nonfiction writing. Both Mac and PC users can use Scrivener. You can export books easily to other digital platforms like Kindle, Kobo, and iBooks which is handy because it’ll save you time when it comes to formatting your manuscript.
This software is made for writers, and you can tell. It’s easy to drag and drops sections, create outlines and scenes, and you can even develop sub-files so that your manuscript is organized. It is also super easy to keep track of all your research and notes with a project binder.
For more complicated work, you can split the screen, work in outliner views, or use the corkboard view and move index cards to plot your storylines.
3. Squibler

Squibler is the world’s best writing platform that simplifies the writing process for novel writers. It is an easy-to-use writing app that comes with a simple yet effective text editor and word processor. It doesn’t just help you in writing, but it has ready-to-use templates and plot generator with over 500 story ideas for novel writers.
Squibler Features
Squibler offers some of the best features and tools for novel writers:
- An easy-to-use and intuitive dashboard, text editor, and interface
- A drag-and-drop user interface for arranging and organizing chapters, sections, and notes
- First line generator tool for novel writers with more than 500 first line suggestions and ideas
- Story prompt generator and plot generator for novel writers of all genres
- A note-taking feature that helps you organize and manage your ideas
- More than 30 plot outlines for writers
- Distraction-free writing mode to write your novel with complete focus and attention
- An on-screen sidebar gives you quick access to all the essential elements and different novel sections
- Arrange different sections of your novel by dragging and dropping on the board
- Built-in grammar checking and editing tool to improve your novel and its readability in real-time
- Auto-save feature with version control that lets you access older versions of your novel
- Import feature that lets you import your novel from other another app
- Integrates and sync with Google Drive and Dropbox allowing you to save your work on the cloud
- Get your novel in publish-ready format for Kindle
- It works online and on Mac, Windows, iPad, and other devices. Your work is synced in real-time across all devices where you use Squibler.
4. Google Docs
Google Docs is a simpler version of Microsoft Word. It’s a barebones, simple word processor that does not offer much regarding formatting and outlining. While it is simple, it is quite a capable word processor for those writers looking for free writing software. Its features offer that it can share files and content and communicate via comments too. You can even access previous versions of your work to review all the changes that have been made to your book file.
However, if you want to use Google Docs as your main writing software, you’ll want to make sure you enable Google Docs for offline use so you can still write without internet access.
5. Grammarly
Grammarly is one of the best-known grammar correctors used by millions of people. You can install it in any web browser, and it’ll automatically let you know when there are any errors in your grammar, spelling, or other typos in anything you write online (including email, websites, and other documents).
It can detect errors such as grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, contextual spelling, and writing style. Grammarly is free. You can upgrade to a premium plan that supplies language enhancement hints to increase your writing knowledge and skills. The premium version also includes a plagiarism checker software tool that’s pretty awesome as well.
To get started, just download the software extension and install it in your web browser in a few seconds.
6. AutoCrit

AutoCrit is an editing tool for novel writers that help you improve readability without getting help from a professional editor or proofreader. It compares your manuscript with the best-seller novels and books in your genre and gives you recommendations on how to improve dialogue, word selection, repetition, etc.
AutoCrit Features
The main features include:
- Easy-to-use word processor
- Up to 30 editing reports to improve your novel
- Built-in editing and grammar checking tool
- Specific guidance related to your genre
- Progress tracker and goal setting
- Online storage space
- Readability analysis
7. Ulysses

Ulysses is a writing app for Mac, iPad, and iPhone for novel writers. If you are a proud Apple user and need a novel writing app that works on all Apple devices, Ulysses is the writing software for you. It has a lot of handy features that help you write better novels.
Ulysses Features
Here is what this novel writing software offers you with:
- Clean and simple user-interface
- Distraction-free writing mode
- Set and track writing goals
- Autosave and backup feature
- Supports multiple file formats
- Sync your data in real-time
- Create and manage your library with a single tap or click
- Organize your novel with a group feature
- Integrates with Dropbox and iCloud.
8. Scrivener

There is writing software for almost everything from the broadest of categories to the most specific tasks. If you are looking for a versatile and not a specific writing software like Squibler, Scrivener is your best bet.
Scrivener can do a lot of things and it has a special set of advantages for writers of long-form fiction. You can buy it at a one-time price of $45.
Is Scrivener really the best novel software for you? Let’s find out.
Scrivener is a master at keeping you organized.
If you work on multiple projects at a given time (I’m sure you do), you will love this tool. Each project will involve outlines, research, notes, brainstorming, etc. Scrivener keeps all files and documents associated with a project in the same folder. One place for everything.
This is sure to keep your “projects” file clean, lean, and organized.
Good novels require some level of research.
The level of research may vary, but you will definitely need to do research for your novel. Readers will relate better to your story when things are logical and believable. You need your readers to trust you if you want them to enjoy your novels.
Scrivener gives you a space within your project for all your research, then let’s your organize it with cards. It is kept out of the way but still accessible. Each project has a “binder” which lays out all sections in an organized and easy to follow way. You can create multiple documents for different areas of research.
Scrivener also allows you to import existing files for research and reference purposes. You can also keep track of links, images, and notes.
Once you know how to write a novel, the next thing that you should know is how to outline a novel. And that’s where Scrivener fits.
You can create and manage your novel outline hassle-free.
Everyone has a different outlining style so it can be hard to pinpoint a process that will work. If you don’t know what you like to do, you will just have to go through some trial and error. Regardless of how you end up doing your outline though, Scrivener is there to help.
Plain Outlines
Outlining becomes easy with Scrivener.
You can store your outline like research by using documents and keeping them under an “outline” section within the binder. If you like seeing things in list form, this will work best for you.
It is also helpful if you like to keep everything in one central place. You can create a new document for each chapter outline, or each character, whatever works for you.
9. Scapple

Are you more interested in a book writing software with a narrower and focused approach that lets you brainstorm and manage your novel easily?
Scapple is the novel writing tool you need.
It is a special-purpose novel writing software that helps you brainstorm and manage your notes and ideas in a clean interface.
It comes with a free trial so you can try it for free. It will cost you $14.99 should you need to purchase its full version with all the features.
Whether you are writing novels for kids, young adults, or even adults, you can improve your effort by using the right software. It is said that the secret of success is to do the thing you love with all your heart. Apart from that, it is always wise to make use of the best software.