One of the most difficult parts when starting a blog or online business is coming up with fresh ideas for your project. Having fresh ideas increases your chances to gain more traffic, generate sales, and keep your visitors coming back. At the same time it can be hard to come up with really good ideas that are unique. Here are our favorite tools that can help you brainstorm content ideas, increase website visitor engagement, and help you generate more traffic in general.
You use your brain differently when you brainstorm, whether independently or with a group of people. You’re imagining new possibilities, thinking of the big picture, spotting gaps to turn into opportunities, and generating good and bad ideas in bulk. You need tools that can keep up.
We all know the classic brainstorming tools: pen and paper, post-it notes, and whiteboards. These are great when everyone on the team is in the same room, but what if you’re remotely located? And what happens to all the good ideas when the session is over? Does someone take a poor-quality photo on their phone and spend precious time transcribing the whiteboard markings later?
Brainstorming tools are specifically designed to help spark and then gather and organize ideas. They open up the ability to collaboratively brainstorm remotely while simultaneously recording the ideas. Some allow for teams to vote and comment on the collected ideas, making it easier to prioritize next steps. To make this easier on you, we gathered up all the best brainstorming tools on the web & categorized them for your convenience!
Having great brainstorming tools can be the difference between implementing great ideas or missed opportunities. Number 7’s our favorite in the best free brainstorming tools, here’s why!
Brainstorming is essential to almost every other individual these days. Especially, when it comes to harnessing productivity in entrepreneurs these days, the importance of brainstorming can never be over-emphasized.
Therefore, having great brainstorming tools at your disposal is vital.
With everything online nowadays, sitting with a pen and paper sometimes just doesn’t cut it. Hence, having a bunch of great brainstorming tools at your fingertips can allow you to access your great ideas on the go and have them present whenever the need be. Plus, you just never know when inspiration will strike.
Brainstorming not only allows you to generate ideas that may have otherwise been overlooked but also lets you grasp your business while considering its problems and issues. This, in turn, enables you to come up with solutions to the reasons your business is not performing to its utmost.
Why Using Brainstorming Tools Is Important in 2020?
Brainstorming can be approached both formally or informally. Brainstorming is important in all stages of a business. During the formation stages of a business, brainstorming allows the generation of ideas. However, even while your business is underway, brainstorming can be used for problem-solving.
For continued success, entrepreneurs must always be on their toes coming up with innovative ideas to stay ahead of the game.
Moreover, involving your team will additionally create and promote a culture where everyone is working towards the success of the business.
Entrepreneurs can be viewed as “idea filters”. And if you want to be a successful entrepreneur you need to always be taking in ideas and information. You need to brainstorm vigorously, collaborate with others, and decide what will work and what won’t.
“Brainstorming is the nexus of ideas” – Asa Don Brown
Here is a list of great brainstorming tools to reap all the benefits of a good brainstorming session.
1. IdeaBoardz

IdeaBoardz is a teamwork tool that allows collective brainstorming. Using IdeaBoardz allows for members of a team to combine inputs and ideas in one centralized location online.
Created in the format of a whiteboard with sticky notes, IdeaBoardz allows different members to add post-it notes with their ideas to a collaborative board.
The tool gives the option to log in, to allow you access to previously viewed boards but does not require an account to use the tool.
IdeaBoardz is a great team brainstorming tool and allows for easy sharing through its URL as well as the option to export the board as a PDF.
Learn about the Burndown Chart:
What’s the Role of Burndown Chart in the World of Scrum?
A bit about Tallyfy
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Let’s resume the rest of this article!
Virtual Brainstorming
Virtual brainstorming is a great way to gather ideas from a remote team. It’s also been proven that online brainstorming helps participants to be more creative and productive. Virtual brainstorming tools facilitate remote, online idea gathering. They can be as basic as a shared Google Document or as advanced as an online whiteboard where you can add post-it notes in real time, categorize them, and vote or comment on your favorite ideas.
To get the most out of these tools, you might want to combine them with some of our favorite brainstorming techniques.

Price: Free
IdeaBoardz is a web-based tool that allows you to set up a virtual board and invite collaborators. Create sections for the different areas you want to collect ideas for. Then have everyone add “stickies” with their ideas.
The vote function allows participants to give a thumbs up to the stickies they support. This can help with deciding which ideas to pursue or prioritizing next steps. Sort stickies by the highest number of votes, view different sections or filter ideas using the keyword search. At the end, export the board to easily store the ideas for later.
Google Documents

Price: Free
You can use Google Documents for more than file sharing and version control. They also make a simple brainstorming tool. The more familiar your team is with Google Documents, the easier it is to get started.
Simply create a new document, share it with the members of your team, and give them permission to edit. Start building a list of ideas as a group. Everyone can either capture their ideas separately and then add them to the document or add them in real time to inspire each other. You can see who’s writing what and leave comments on each other’s ideas.
Brainstorming is a very important element in the process of building a new website. It’s the brainstorming that really helps you tackle problems.