While Java has long since given up its former position of top programming language, it still remains the most popular. When you Google for “java tools”, thousands of hits appear.
The best tool for you is the one that assists you in performing your duties/tasks better. That means depending on your language, platform, operating system the list of tools will vary.
Docker is an instrument that permits clients to rapidly collect applications from parts and work cooperatively. On the off chance that you are taking a shot at web development, for example, creating and conveying applications for the cloud, at that point, Docker is a fundamental tool to learn. Python framework Django version 3.0 released with MariaDB
This is suitable for overseeing holders of an application as a solitary gathering and grouping an application’s compartments to streamline assets and give high accessibility.
This is another fundamental tool for Java software engineers, which encourages you to assemble and deal with a Java venture. It’s been there for a long while, and a decent possibility is that you as of now may have found out about Maven or utilizing it in your undertaking.
It, not just assist you to fabricate your task, for example, order source records yet additionally run your unit test and can send your antiques or expectations to live conditions. It additionally assists with overseeing conditions, for example, all the outsider JAR records you use in your undertakings. Top 10 Web Development Trends That will be in Demand in 2020
Apache Maven:
Apache Maven is a build and project management tool. It is based on the concept of a project object model (POM). Maven can manage the project’s build, reporting, and documentation from a central piece of data. Another important feature of Maven is it’s dependency management.
Since we use many third-party libraries in our Java projects, managing each of those JAR files and their dependencies manually can be a complicated task. Maven solves that problem by automatically downloading JAR for you.
- Simple project setup that follows best practices to get a new project or module started in seconds
- Allows easy writing of plugins using Java
- Instant access to new features with very few extra configurations
- Ant tasks for dependency management and deployment outside of Maven
- Release management and distribution publication
- It encourages the use of a central repository of JARs and other dependencies
- Versioning managed by Maven
- Maven provides conventions
- Extensibility, reusability
- Better quality in deliveries
- Less time
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- Straightforward venture arrangement that follows best practices to get another task or module began in a moment or two
- Permits simple composition of modules utilizing Java
- Moment access to new highlights with not very many additional designs
- Insect undertakings for reliance the board and sending outside of Maven
- Discharge the board and circulation production
- It supports the utilization of a focal archive of JARs and different conditions

I think Git and Github ought to be the most basic tool all Java software engineers ought to learn and an ace. I know a significant number of you definitely know Git, yet the individuals who are as yet working in SVN and CVS truly think about learning Git and Github this year. What is Git and GitHub?
It is extremely unlikely you can maintain a strategic distance from Git any longer, regardless of whether you don’t utilize it in your present undertaking. It has gotten a standard for source code storehouse, and the greater part of the new development is utilizing Git.
Regardless of whether you know, Git, you can, in any case, learn things, similar to the Git direction line, to additionally improve your insight. Constantly and cash you put resources into learning Git will serve you for quite a while.
Git is one of the most essential tools for Java programmers. Git is a DevOps tool that’s used for source code management. It is free to use and has open-source version control system used to efficiently handle small to big & complex projects. Git is used to tracking the source code changes, enabling multiple developers to work together on non-linear development.
- Tracks history
- Free and open source
- Supports non-linear development
- Creates backups
- Scalable
- Supports collaboration
- Branching is easier
- Distributed development
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Jenkins is an open-source automation server that’s written in Java. It is highly popular for continuous integration and implementing continuous delivery in your project
- Simple Easy Installation: Jenkins is a platform-agnostic, self-contained Java-based program, ready to run with packages for Windows, Mac OS, and Unix-like operating systems.
- Easy Configuration: Jenkins is easily set up and configured using its web interface, featuring error checks and a built-in help function.
- Available Plugins: There are hundreds of plugins available in the Update Center, integrating with every tool in the CI and CD toolchain.
- Extensible: Jenkins can be extended using its plugin architecture, providing nearly endless possibilities for what it can do.
- Easy Distribution: Jenkins can efficiently distribute work across multiple machines for faster builds, tests, and deployments across multiple platforms.
- Free Open Source: Jenkins is an open-source resource backed by heavy community support.
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IntelliJ Idea:
IntelliJ IDEA is a multi-purpose IDE which focuses on Java development. It offers advanced support for the web, mobile, and hybrid application development.
- It analyses source code between all project files and languages
- It gives a list of the most relevant symbols applicable in the current context
- It allows cross-language refactoring
- Finds duplicate code fragments on the fly
- Inspections and quick-fixes
- Editor-centric environment
- It allows user to use static methods or constants easily
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The JIRA is an essential tool in the world of Agile development. Jira is used for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management.
In the Agile development methodology, like- Sprint and Scrum, it allows you to create Sprint cycles and track the progress of your software development effectively.
- It supports roadmap requirements: Jira has tools that enable users to sketch out the big picture, communicate plans, and connect the bigger roadmap goals to the team’s everyday tasks.
- Great for agile: The software provides a single view for all user stories and can generate the needed reports for various sprints, such a burndown charts, sprint velocity, etc. Also, users can organize tickets into sprints and releases and monitor the team’s workload and task assignments.
- Available integration: The issue and project tracking software integrate with much popular third-party software. For example, integration with Hipchat and Slack makes it easy to communicate issues and respond to notifications. More than 3000 apps are available at the Atlassian Marketplace to extend the features of the software.
- Highly customizable: Jira allows users to create any issue. They can also customize workflows to fit any requirement of a particular company. Users can create and customize various elements, such as tables, forms, timelines, reports, fields, and more.
- Works for different types of users: The software can be used by developers, project managers, engineers, managers, and other non-tech business professionals.
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JUnit is an open-source unit testing tool for the Java programming language. It is an essential tool for test-driven development and deployment.
- Preparation of input data and setup/creation of fake objects
- Loading databases with a specific known set of data
- It provides annotations so that test classes can have fixture run before or after every test
- JUnit includes support for writing and running tests
- It provides annotations to identify test methods
- Provides assertions for testing expected results
- JUnit tests allow writing codes faster, which increases the quality
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Gradle is a project automation Java tool. It builds on the features of Apache Ant and Apache Maven. It also serves as the default build tool for the Android platform.
Gradle introduces a Groovy-based, domain-specific language (DSL) instead of the XML used by Apache Maven to declare the project configuration, which makes it easier to configure project dependencies customize it based on your need.
It combines the best features from other build tools. It has flexibility and control of Ant, dependency management of Ivy, convention over configuration, and plugins of Maven, and, on top of that, it uses Groovy DSL on top of Ant. This makes it one of the best top ten tools for Java projects.
- Better modeling of dependencies using the Java Library plugin reduces the size of the compile classpath
- It comes with a remote build cache with convenient management tools
- Gradle Wrapper allows to execute Gradle builds on machines where it is not installed
- It supports multi-project builds and also partial builds
- It can easily adapt to any structure
- Its smart classpath helps to avoid unnecessary compilation when the binary interface of a library not changed
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Ehcache is an open-source, standards-based caching tool for Java language. It is a robust, proven, a full-featured tool that can be integrated with other popular libraries and frameworks.
- Ehcache strives to maintain a small footprint to keep apps as light as possible
- Revamped API that leverages Java generics and Cache interactions
- API is very simple and easy to use
- Scalable to hundreds of caches
- Allows box Spring Caching and Hibernate integration to with javax.cache support
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Cobertura is a free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests. It can also be used to identify which parts of the Java program are lacking test coverage.
- It allows line and branch coverage in a detailed tree view
- View source code and colored according to line coverage
- Launch Scala, Eclipse JUnit, and PDE in the covered mode
- It filters out uninteresting classes and packages
- Instruments Java bytecode after finishing compiling
- Allows to generate reports in HTML or XML
- Display the percentage of lines, branches covered for each class, package, and the entire project
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This is another great apparatus for framework robotization, as to assemble another server and introduce your application. The chef is setup the executives’ tool composed in Ruby and Erlang.
It utilizes an unadulterated Ruby, space explicit language for composing framework design “plans”. With Chef, you can oversee servers countless serves effectively.
Tedious exercises like manual fixing, setup updates, and administration establishments for each server would all be able to be computerized. To put it plainly, a valuable tool for both senior Java developers answerable for dealing with their surroundings and DevOps engineers. Monolithic vs Microservice Architecture
10. Apache JMeter:
JMeter is an open-source load testing tool. It is designed to load functional test behavior and measure the performance of websites.
- JMeter allows performing load and performance test for various server types
- This load testing tool store its test plans in XML format, which allows users to generate the test plan using a text editor
- The tool can also use for automated and functional testing of the applications
- Data analysis and visualization plugins allow extensibility as well as personalization
- Functions should provide dynamic input to test data manipulation
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Where to start with Java Tools? If you have already decided that you need a particular tool for your project, just click the link to download the tools that you need .