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1. ForEntrepreneurs.com
The name says it all: This website is the result of David Skok’s years of experience at Matrix Partners. With an MBA to complement his background, Skok’s approach to startup techniques and financial modeling is user friendly, though strongly technical, rich in charts and equations.
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2. OneVest.com
One of the most reputable of crowdfunding sites, this is where you can raise a maximum of $5 million from investors with a proven background. If crowdfunding is part of your startup strategy, head to the site with a reputation in the field for making it easy.
3. AudienceBloom.com
You’re an entrepreneur, not an SEO guru, so leave the technical aspects of your online presence to the pros. Plus, check out the blog to get the latest updates in laymen’s terms on internet marketing, SEO, mobile readiness, and the like.
4. Dutiee.com
The go-to site for social entrepreneurs, you can glean information on how to succeed as a nonprofit and ways to incorporate social into any type of business. There’s an emphasis on ethically made goods, too.
5. Quora.com
This one’s a no-brainer for many. Some of the most reputable entrepreneurs and leaders in the tech industry come here to dole out information, making it among the best websites to get your questions answered.
6. AngelList.com
Do you dream of finding an angel investor? A product of Venture Hacks, this is the platform for new companies to get equity from reliable investors; it also features templates to minimize attorney fees.
7. EpicLaunch.com
Even though this site is aimed at younger entrepreneurs, it’s brimming with resources no matter what your age. It’s a great tool for anyone new to the world of startups and has proved itself as a catalyst for building strong foundations.
8. BusinessOwnersToolkit.com
This simple guide is straightforward with no fluff. There’s zero risk of wasting time here, and it reveres versatility, so it appeals to all kinds of entrepreneurs. If you want to get straight ito the heart of things, this is where you start.
9. ChicCEO.com
Designed for female entrepreneurs, you’ll find plenty of downloadable resources here from a plethora of contracts to business plans. Even though it’s meant for women, there are plenty of resources for both genders.
10. AllBusiness.com
This site is rich with advice and tips for just about everything an entrepreneur may need to know. From office etiquette to internet marketing, it’s a favorite daily stop for many small business owners-to-be.
11. ForteFoundation.com
The product of premier business schools and mega corporations, this site is meant to encourage women to pursue business leadership roles. It combines the best advice from the best resources around the country.
12. Medium.com
Ev Williams, co-founder of Twitter, created Medium as a chic platform for blogging. However, there are also fitting reads focused on careers from successful entrepreneurs providing first-person perspectives.
13. TheBossNetwork.org
Join an online community of female entrepreneurs who encourage and support each other virtually. There’s zero tolerance for flaming and trolling here, so you get just full support from peers and mentors.
14. ASmartBear.com
This is the platform for Jason Cohen, who doles out marketing and entrepreneurial advice. More than 40,000 people subscribe and depend on Cohen’s lessons learned to help them shape their business.
15. StartupCompanyLawyer.com
Don’t have the budget to hire a full-time attorney? This is where you can get the requisite legal advice necessary via posts that tackle the most asked questions.
16. EscapeFromCubicleNation.com
Read the inspiring blog of someone who ditched the office life to become an entrepreneur. It’s easy to relate and always a better option to learn from the mistakes of others than to make them all yourself.
17. BrazenLife.com
The startup site for younger professionals, it’s worth taking a look at the entrepreneurial section. The advice is straightforward, easy to digest, and designed for those ready to branch out on their own.
18. AllThingsD.com
Technically, this is a news site for technical professionals but it’s a must for anyone who needs to keep up with the industry. Especially fruitful for coders, this is where you stay up to date on tech news that impacts entrepreneurs.
19. VentureBlog.com
Find out what Dave Hornik or August Capital has to say about venture capital. Whether you’re looking for investors or want to become one, this is where the inside scoop is found.
20. Reddit:startups
You might go to Reddit to distract yourself, but it’s actually an incredibly useful website if you can avoid the time-suck spots. Head over to the startup section to find truly helpful advice from those who have been there.
21. CopyBlogger.com
You don’t need to be a marketer to benefit from one of the best marketing blogs around. Get tidbits of advice that apply to entrepreneurs and startups (and not just in the marketing realm).
22. CrunchBase.com
Everything you need to know about funding your startup can be found here. Plus, learn about the early days of startups, get notified of changes to your industry, and find out how cataloging rounds work.
23. Entrepreneur.com
Another obvious one, right? However, signing up for Entrepreneur’s notifications or getting the app can help you stay up to date on the latest strategies and news affecting entrepreneurs. It’s a must for founders.
24. 500Hats.com
Dave McClure started this blog to share his pearls of wisdom on being an entrepreneur. It’s enjoyable to read, and learning from the founder of 500 Startups is a great way to get wisdom.
25. FTC.gov
The Federal Trade Commission has a section on the Franchise Rule that you need to get comfortable with. Find out all of the legal issues involved with franchise purchasing before you get in too deep.
26. HBR.org
The Harvard Business Review blogs are a fantastic place to learn from the best. It’s the hub of MBAs from the Ivy League and features regular updates focused on entrepreneurs.
27. News.YCombinator.com
Dubbed the techie Reddit site, Hacker News is where you’ll find all things entrepreneurial with a coding edge. It’s the product of Incubator Y Combinator and provides and insider’s view on the industry.
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