This powerful CD – ROM offers a host of business development tools and techniques for sales and business professionals empowering them with the information, tools and techniques necessary to successfully develop leads and opportunities.
This compact volume contains hundreds of ideas and tools to help salespeople increase their sales volume, lower their expenses, and/or improve their personal effectiveness. It includes information on business development tools that salespeople can adapt and use in telemarketing, face-to-face prospecting, and customer support situations. Sales managers and marketing personnel will also find this book helpful.
The most promising techniques of business development
The 80-20 Rule
Okay this may sound cliché but yes it has not lost its relevance. Remember, the takeaway- a major chunk of your business growth is driven by merely 20% of your visitors. So, it makes sense not to go after all and try to direct your energies to the ones that really matter.
Go After Decision-Makers
This is no longer a secret in this era where social media rules. So, you have to look for and actually focus on the primary decision-maker in an organization. Remember, pitching to the wrong guy is as bad as not pitching at all. You have to ensure that the person you actually pitch to has the authority to make decisions. If you are unsure about the hierarchy, LinkedIn is your answer.
Build Relationships
It can be B2B or B2C, everywhere you are dealing with humans, at least for now. Going further if you start making pitches to robots, then it’s a different ball-game altogether and you might consider one from your end as well. Chances are ripe, all thanks to AI, that machines also think about building relationships! Relationships matter as they appeal to emotions. Latter is the buzzword.
All Deals Matter
Yes! they do. You might doubt this figuring in the business development tools and techniques. But there are those very interesting organizations who only love to get clients and tend to forget the ones they already have. This is no fiction but a hard truth that many businesses at hell-bent at making new deals but have no idea about sustaining relations with the old ones. Remember, it will be your old partners that will act as your volunteer brand ambassadors, so it makes sense to nurture your partnerships well.
Organize your Efforts
This usually is possible by using a centralized database or app that lets you manage all your contacts and leads well. Not only that all your present and future tasks will also be enumerated so you can develop a plan ahead. This saves time and definitely gives you enough cushion to prepare. It makes sense to leverage your resources well as it will boost your productivity and you will be able to deliver ahead. Once the routine tasks are handled well, you can spend most of your time on fostering your relationships or branding.
Certifications and training are really helpful and going further they will become one reason why businesses will want to partner with you. With so many options the filters to choose will be quite different and getting your job done from certified professionals will make a lot of difference. So you can invest in your workforce and arrange certifications so that they add more value to their work and the organization.
Business Development techniques were never just confined to software tools. It is the people you put forward who will make all the difference. Going forward in the decade that will be laced with many technological breakthroughs the firms that will make an impact will be the ones who keep relationships first and are able to gain an edge banking on the emotions. Remember there are no business development tools that can surpass the power of emotion in decision-making.
Now that you know the secret to growing your business and also how to build the dream business development team, let us also have your thoughts on the same. We would love to hear your experiences and insights.
Business Development Tools You Need to Know

As you’re looking for businesses to potentially partner with, you need a tool to help you identify the best opportunities. SEMRush helps business development teams analyze how popular companies are online by giving you their domain authority. The higher the domain authority, the more popular the company, and stronger their reach.

You can also find companies that are linking to the company you searched to help you find even more opportunities in your niche. If you’re looking for a tool that gives you more insights into the companies you’re reaching out to, this is the tool for you.

Fiverr is a great tool for delegating some of your work to focus on what matters most – business development. The last thing you want is to get lost in all the recurring small tasks that you don’t have time to focus on getting new deals that could move the company forward. With Fiverr you’re able to find freelancers in just about everything.

Whether it’s help with email marketing, web design, or public relations, you’ll be able to find someone to help you. The best thing about Fiverr is they’re unique approach to freelancing. Instead of posting a job and receiving bids, with Fiverr you’re able to browse the site similarly to the way you shop. The freelancers sell themselves to you instead of the other way around.
Social Media Management
Social media is gaining popularity as a means of communication for businesses and individuals alike. It allows you to focus on promoting your brand and services to your target audience.
However, it also takes a lot of time to manage your accounts and post content to each one individually. Social media management tools allow you to schedule when you want content posted for each platform, giving you more time to focus on promoting your business elsewhere.
Most social media management platforms also provide reporting dashboards to help you track and monitor the performance of your social media posts. You’ll be able to see what content is resonating with your audience so you can optimize and replicate your future social media campaigns.

There are a lot of sales tactics and sales tools that require you to have a good number of business relationships set up in order to be successful. At the same time, there are some great tools and techniques that can be used to help speed up the process so that you can spend the majority of your time getting new business. Let´s take a look at some of the more popular sales techniques and sales tools out there, and maybe even discover a few new ones.