cbest is the simple tool helping you to prepare and write excellent academic papers. It provides a short introduction with things you need to know before writing and extra information about the academic papers and the nature of the exam is given at the end.
In this article we explain all you need to know about how to prepare for your Cbest writing.
What is the CBEST?
The CBEST (California Basic Educational Skills Test) External link often represents the first step toward attaining a teaching credential in California. The exam is designed to test the reading, mathematics, and writing skills determined to be the most fundamental to a career as an educator. In this article we will break down everything you need to know about the test: who’s expected to take it, how to schedule a test date, and, most importantly, the type of content you can expect to encounter on the exam.
To start with, it’s important to understand that the CBEST tests an individual’s content knowledge in the areas of reading, mathematics and writing, rather than their ability to teach those skills. In that way, it isn’t that different from many of the standardized tests you may have taken as a student. The goal is for you, the test-taker, to demonstrate your general proficiency in these core areas of education.
As such, the test can be required in a few different circumstances. Most commonly, passing the CBEST typically allows one to begin substitute teaching within the state and/or is required to gain acceptance into a state-accredited teacher preparation or credentialing program. It is also required of those who are seeking an administrative services credential.
The test itself is made up of three subtests: reading, mathematics and writing. The reading and math sections consist of 50 multiple choice questions each, while the writing subtest is composed of two essays. These subtests may be taken on separate days or as a combined exam. For more details about the major content areas covered in each subtest, consult the summaries provided at the end of this article.
For more information about the exam, please visit the official California Educator Credentialing Exams website External link , or take a look at the CBEST External link information page on the Teachers Test Prep website. Here you’ll find a helpful overview of test dates, registration procedures and preparation options.
Where can you register for the CBEST?
You can register online on the CTC Exams website External link or by phone or mail.
How long are you given to complete the CBEST?
You are given four hours to complete all three sections of the exam.
What is considered a passing score on the CBEST?
A total score of 123 across all three subtests is required. Your results are determined using scaled scores that range from 20 to 80 for each of the three sections (reading, mathematics and writing). A passing score on each section is a scaled score of 41; however, you can score as low as a 37 on a section, as long as the sum of your three scores is 123 or higher.
How to Prepare for the CBEST
Here are some recommended resources to help you prepare for the exam:
- Free preparation materials are available on the CTC website External link , and they include test specifications and practice test questions.
- There are multiple study guides available at bookstores, but be sure to look for the most recognized brand names. Teachers Test Prep offers a free basic CBEST Study Guide External link online, which provides you with a concise listing of all the topics covered on the exam.
- Take at least one practice test. While the official CTC website offers practice test questions, it’s often helpful to get even more practice. Teachers Test Prep provides a free full-length CBEST Practice Test External link for each subtest of the exam. After you take the test, you’ll be able to see the answers you got wrong, as well as a breakdown by domain of your strengths and weaknesses, so that you can optimize your time while preparing for the test.
- If you find you need additional help, Teachers Test Prep also offers a variety of paid services, including CBEST Prep Classes External link taught by live instructors throughout the state, one-on-one online CBEST tutoring with test experts, and CBEST Online Prep External link programs, which allow you to go through the same material covered in a live class but use a series of online videos that can be viewed from the comfort of home.
- If you’re specifically concerned with the writing subtest, Teachers Test Prep also offers CBEST written response grading services in which a professional grader will score your sample essays using the same rubric as the exam. The grader will also provide you with written feedback describing what you did well and what you may need to improve to succeed on the exam.
10 Helpful Test-Taking Tips for the CBEST
- Use the multiple choice format to your advantage. Because both the reading and mathematics subtests are comprised of multiple choice questions, the right answer will always be staring you in the face — all you have to do is find it! On many math questions, you can use approximation skills to get you close enough to the right answer to be able to identify it among your choices. And with reading questions, it’s always a good idea to start by eliminating obviously wrong answers to help narrow your choices.
- Translate. While a variety of different concepts show up on the mathematics subtest, one skill is used most often: translating the language of English into the language of math. In other words, can you take the word problem you are given and translate the key words and phrases in it into the correct mathematical steps that will lead to the correct answer?
- Don’t be a hero: Use scratch paper. You’re not able to use a calculator on the mathematics subtest, which means that any and all computations have to be done by hand. To help avoid making silly errors, use the scratch paper provided to you to work through problems.
- Read the fine print. Quite often on the mathematics subtest, there will be important fine print to be read as part of a diagram, chart, table or graph. Whenever you come across a visual aid on the exam, be sure to look for that fine print, as it will often alert you to an extra step that must be executed in order to arrive at the correct answer.
- Put the passage into your own words. While there are many different question types on the reading subtest, the fundamental skill remains the same: Can you distill the passage you’ve just read down to its essence? After you’ve read through a passage, try to come up with a one-sentence description of what it was about in your own words, and then, let that main idea serve as your guiding principle when answering the questions that follow.
- Make sure your answer is specific and supported. On the reading subtest, it’s often easy to eliminate obviously wrong answers; the hard part can be deciding between a pretty good answer and the correct answer. When in doubt, remember that all correct answers will have 100 percent direct support from the passage, and they’ll be specific, qualified statements. In other words, they won’t be broad statements or sweeping generalizations.
- If an answer choice is half-right, then it’s all wrong. “Trap” answers on the reading subtest tend to “trick” test-takers into choosing them, because half of the answer is supported by the passage. But these answer choices can ultimately be ruled out because they will add something extra that is not supported by what you’ve read.
- Triangulate your answers. On the reading subtest, if you’re stumped by a particular question, answer the other questions about that same passage first. Then, see if you can’t use your answers to those questions to help you figure out the answer to the question you’re stuck on. Remember, while there are many different question types, there is always going to be one unifying (main) idea in every passage.
- Outline your essay. Before you launch into your essays on the writing subtest, take a few minutes to jot down a basic outline of your ideas on a piece of scratch paper. Too often, test-takers write themselves into a corner or end up repeating themselves, because they don’t brainstorm and organize their ideas first. Think of it as a roadmap to success.
- Proofread your essay. Can you get away with a few typos and a missing comma on the writing subtest? Of course. But if your essay is littered with usage errors (i.e., typos, spelling and grammar mistakes), it can start to obscure the clarity of your message, and your score will come down as a result. So, take a few minutes before you submit your final product to read back through what you’ve written to correct any errors you might have made along the way.
Tips for Taking the CBEST Writing Subtest
The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) uses the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) to ensure that prospective teachers in the state have sufficient mathematics, reading and writing skills to be effective educators. In many cases, it is essential that individuals pass all three of these subtests to earn certification, and there are some specific preparation strategies that individuals taking the CBEST Writing subtest can use to ensure they’re ready on test day.
Tip 1: Clarify the Focus of the Writing Subtest
When you’re taking an exam, it helps if you understand its purpose. There is a notable difference between completing an essay that will demonstrate whether you understand a specific educational philosophy, for example, and an essay that is designed to solely evaluate your writing skills. The CBEST Writing subtest is not used to evaluate how well you understand any specific facts. The test is used to determine if you can clearly express information in a logical manner. Some of the key factors that are considered when the writing subtest is evaluated include:
- Your ability to express a clear position or focus
- Your ability to write about your topic by using relevant examples or information
- Your ability to follow English language rules
- How well you did at following a logical pattern of thought
Tip 2: Access Reputable Study Materials
To ensure you use information that is reliable when you are preparing for the CBEST Writing subtest, it is important to look at resources offered from reputable sources.
Study Guides: This CBEST Test Prep: Practice & Study Guide contains 131 lessons. It is intended to help individuals who are preparing to take all three CBEST subtests, including the writing exam. If you wish to focus exclusively on studying for the writing subtest, you can complete the 56 lessons offered in the CBEST Writing: Practice & Study Guide.
Practice Tests: The CTC exams website has a preparation materials page for every type of certification test that it offers, including the CBEST. From this page, you can access a CBEST Writing subtest practice exam. Taking this practice test is one way to familiarize yourself with the types of questions you could be asked on the CBEST Writing subtest. Comparing your essays to scored sample responses is also an effective way to clarify the test objectives and determine your ability to produce material that meets the expectations of the educators who grade CBEST Writing subtests.
Tip 3: Use Writing Apps
Programs, such as Word, contain spelling and grammar check capabilities. There are also free spelling and grammar check apps online that can be used to evaluate a piece of writing. It can be a good idea to run some of your written material through these apps to identify common spelling or grammatical errors that you can work to correct before taking the CBEST Writing subtest.
Tip 4: Work With a Study Group
Unlike multiple-choice questions that are either answered correctly or incorrectly, the constructed-response questions on the writing subtest are assessed by educators. It’s a good idea to work with other individuals preparing for the writing subtest and have them review your sample test answers while you review theirs against the test objectives. This strategy can help you clearly identify issues you may have in your writing, such as failing to stay on topic or not providing examples that support your position.
A General Study Group Plan
Following these steps with your study group is one way to get ready to take a timed writing exam and determine how well you satisfy the scoring criteria that will be used on the CBEST Writing exam.
- Step 1: Work with your study group to find or create several sample test questions for each part of the writing subtest.
- Step 2: Group the sample questions for analyzing a scenario in one pile and the sample questions for writing about a personal experience in another pile.
- Step 3: Determine which question type you will work on.
- Step 4: Set a timer for 40 minutes.
- Step 5: Start the timer and randomly pick a sample question from the appropriate test question pile.
- Step 6: Write your answer.
- Step 7: Stop when the timer stops.
- Step 8: Exchange answers with another person in your study group.
- Step 9: Evaluate your study group member’s answer against the CBEST Writing subtest objectives.
- Step 10: Review your study group member’s evaluation of your answer.
- Step 11: Identify areas to focus on to improve your performance.
Tip 5: Be Aware of First-Time Pass Rate on the CBEST Writing Subtest
Each year from the 2012-2013 school year to the 2016-2017 school year, the CBEST subtest with the lowest passing rate on the first attempt was the CBEST Writing test. During the six most recent school years with test data available, 79.2% to 81.5% of first-time test-takers passed the CBEST Reading subtest, and 78.3% to 80% of first-time test-takers passed the CBEST Mathematics subtest. Only 66.9% to 75.1% of individuals passed the CBEST Writing subtest on their first attempt, which indicates that this is the most challenging subtest for many test-takers.
The fact that there are only two questions on the CBEST Writing subtest may give some individuals the mistaken idea that this test is easier and requires less study time. The lower first-time passing rates on this subtest indicate that individuals may underestimate the difficulty of this subtest or fail to adequately prepare for it. Remembering the lower passing rate for this subtest can help ensure you stay motivated to study effectively before your exam date.Continue reading: CSET Math Pass Rates
The problem is that the internet has brought about unprecedented access to information. We want to read what we see, hear, and feel without thinking about it too much. Writers that can find the right balance between the two are the ones who will be able to build credibility with their audience. The best way to do this is to use tools like Cbest Writing Tips (the app) which will give you solid advice on how to write strong content. The app will guide you through writing your first draft and taking notes or recording your ideas in a step-by-step manner.