One of the most confusing things for First Time Church Directory software users is the interface. With so many features it can be frustrating, especially to new users. To save you being overwhelmed by everything you have access to with Church Directory Software For Mac, I have compiled a top 5 list of software tools that are easy to use even for the most inexperienced users.
If you’re looking for Church Directory Software For Mac, then you know how difficult it is to find good, free Mac software. The Mac market isn’t as big as the Windows market and finding quality Mac apps can be difficult. This isn’t always the case, but we found this to be especially true in the church and small group ministry arena.
Meeting planning can be a lot of work, and scheduling around your church members busy schedule might be impossible. Fortunately, church directory software for mac is the answer to your problems. This article explains what church software is, and what you can do with it.
If your church already has a photo directory, chances are it’s out of date—and probably was by the time you first received it. You know it’s impossible to keep a printed directory current.
New members are added … people move … kids grow up … people pass away. And before long, your beautiful photo directory no longer represents your congregation accurately.
With Instant Church Directory, gone are the days of printing and distributing a church directory that is immediately outdated. You CAN produce a professional church photo directory yourself in just hours.
Don’t delay! Delight your members with an updated directory today by starting your 30-day FREE TRIAL. We guarantee you’ll be fully satisfied, or we’ll cheerfully refund every cent.
-The Instant Church Directory Team

Instant Church Directory is a full-feature church directory program.

Our mission from the very beginning has been to create an affordable church directory program that is, well … instant. We believe keeping you connected to your members is a critical part of your ministry—along with keeping your members connected to one another. But, in this fast-paced world, that isn’t always easy to achieve. With Instant Church Directory, you’ll be able to keep your member information up to date any time and from anywhere. Log in conveniently from any computer — from home or from your church office. Plus, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of a commercial church photo directory at a fraction of the cost. Learn more about what we provide below.
Are you looking for church directory software for Mac ? With today’s technology and the changing times we live in; purchasing church directory software for Mac is one of your best options. As an extension of your ministry, this kind of software provides your church with the ability to automate many important areas of your church’s day to day operations. Being able to maximize their time and efforts, while ensuring quality control is ensured; will allow every member of your church staff to better serve their positions in the church.
Review our best online church directory features.
With Instant Church Directory, we provide the tools to make creating and maintaining a church photo directory simple and fast. Access all the features below with one, low monthly membership price of $9.99.
Add Additional Editors
Employ volunteers to help by adding up to three editors to your account at no additional cost. This is a perfect way to engage extra help for building and maintaining your directory.
Manage Church Groups
Add individuals or families to a group, and then print a directory just for that group! You can create as many groups and sub-directories as you want. Groups are viewable on the mobile apps and the online members’ website.
Keep Track of Members’ Birthdays
Quickly add a birthday to any member’s information in the directory. The birthday page will display your members’ birthdays by month.
Export Data for Mailing Labels
Export your family data anytime. You can use the exported CSV file in other applications that can read a CSV file. For example, use it to create envelopes or mailing labels using Microsoft Word Mail Merge.
Send Emails to Your Church Members
Send unlimited messages to your church members directly from your directory account using our quick email service. Enter a subject and message, select your recipients and send. Our email messages are ad-free. It’s easy to schedule messages for immediate delivery or schedule emails to be sent at a later date. Because we send them for you, your emails are always in CAN-SPAM compliance. Learn more.
Members Can Submit Changes
Members can submit an update for their address, photo, email address or phone number for church approval from the online directory and mobile apps!
Insert Custom Pages
Create a custom page in any desktop software, export it as a PDF and upload it into your directory PDF. It’s especially helpful if you would like to sell ads to sponsor your directory. Use a custom page to add your own touch, such as a striking directory cover design.
Commemorate Anniversaries
Include anniversary dates in a family’s details so these special days won’t be overlooked. Anniversaries are listed just like birthdays in the mobile app.
Available in Booklet-Sized Format
With just a few clicks, you can change your printed directory from an 8.5″ x 11″ size to a booklet size of 5.5″ x 8.5″ and print as many copies as you need in black-and-white or full-color format.
Add on Text Messaging
Our optional text messaging service can provide a faster way to reach members than emails. Purchase text messaging credits as you need them to deliver important or urgent messages directly to your church members. Messages show the unique Alert Name that you create so members can easily identify the text sender. Learn more.
Setting up your directory is a snap.
What do we mean by “Instant”? With traditional photo directory companies, it often takes weeks or even months to compile, produce and distribute a church directory. With our program, we believe that in about an hour you can produce a sample directory that you can present to a directory committee or church leaders for approval. You just need a trial account and immediately you can enter family information, photos, a cover photo and other details. Then, with just some additional time — depending on your church size — you can complete your directory and be ready to share it!
When it seems like there are more people attending services than there are sitting in the pews, it’s time to find a church directory software solution. If you’re looking for company profiles with names and numbers, advanced management of parishioners, or social networking solutions with online group members, then you need church directory software that can do all of these things and more.