If you are looking for Church Presentation Software For Mac, this is the right place. Today, I’m going to share all my research on this topic with you! Church presentation software can be either trial or free of charge, but do these programs have what you are looking for? If so, maybe it’s time for me to show you my top picks in this category. You can also view best photo gallery software for Windows Computer if you want to read more reviews.
We create different types of church presentation software for mac to give you the ability to run your church or religious institution in an effective manner. You know how it is not always easy to track expenses and take care of issues when they come up. It is good to know that you can use church presentation business software for mac so that you can get organized and improve your business practices.
Today, in 2021, the space has gotten a bit more crowded, with more products and offers, and the amount of web sites blogging about the Church Presentation Software space has grown significantly. However, we couldn’t find a single post that offered an up-to-date listing of all the available Church Presentation Software products. And that’s when we decided to make an effort to compose such a list and dedicate our self to keep it updated. We are going to keep adding new products as they appear on the market and move discontinued products and projects to the graveyard section (at the bottom of this post).
We urge everyone who finds or knows about other products in the Church Presentation Software space, that are not in our list, to add a comment with a link to the product(s) website and optionally a short review/recommendation. We will strive to add the missing entries as they are discovered.
Also, if any of the listed products get significant updates, a change in their pricing model, or are discontinued, please let us know and we will update the details.
A big thanks to all of you who help us keep this list updated!
Now, let’s head over to;

An impressive and well maintained open source project with PowerPoint/LibreOffice Impress and VLC (open source media player) integration. Features a web remote and dedicated Android/iOS remote control apps. Comprehensive user manual and advanced support of network connected stage monitors. Supports bible and song import from a number of formats and sources. Available for Mac, Windows and Linux.Price: Free and Open Source
Supported OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Screenshot: application window
Webpage: openlp.orgCapabilites:
– Presentations (PPT, PDF, Impress)
– Video & Audio (VLC Integration)
– Song, Bible & Pictures import
– Custom slides (announcements, etc.)
– Android/iOS Remote Control
– Confidence Monitor
– Web-based Stage View
💰 Quela
Free and well maintained open source projection software for churches with a variety of import options, meaning you can easily migrate your existing content to Quela from other software such as EasyWorship, OpenLP and OpenSong. Multilingual user interface offering out of the box support for a separate stage/presenter view. Offers video background support in addition to static colors and images. Comprehensive manual and good support for setting up projectors. Available for Mac, Windows and Linux.Price: Free and Open Source
Supported OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Screenshot: application window
Webpage: quelea.orgCapabilites:
– Presentations (PPT, PDF, Impress)
– Video & Audio (VLC Integration)
– Song, Bible & Pictures import
– YouTube & DVD
– Stage View (Android app)
– Video Background support
– Confidence Monitor
– Multilingual user interface
– Live quick edit of text/songs
– Recording of sermons/services.
Well maintained open source software application that focuses on management of lyrics, chords, lead sheets, bible verses and scriptures. Supports timed loops of slides with text and images. Allows you to keep track of a song’s title, author, copyright, ccli #, tempo, time signature, theme, focus, capo position, user defined fields, and more. Available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux operating systems and translated into several European languages. Has a dedicated companion desktop application for song importing from various formats.Price: Free and Open Source
Supported OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Screenshot: application window
Webpage: www.opensong.orgCapabilites:
– API automation interface over HTTP and WebSocket
– Song, Bible & Pictures import
– Confidence Monitor
– Built in slide editor
Mediashout is a feature rich church presentation software solution and comes with all the bells and whistles you’d expect from a market leader in this space. It is available for both Mac OS and Windows and the user interface has a lot of options for customization, such as layout setup, light/dark theme and interface language (French and Spanish, in addition to English, is supported). A nice feature, if you have volunteers running the show, is that you can enable “Voulenteer Mode”, which offers a simpler interface mode, hiding the settings and edit content controls. Mediashout offers an iOS app (why no Android app?) for remote control in addition to supporting USB wireless remotes. It has built in integration support for Dropbox (file sharing), Planning center (worship planning tool) and SongSelect (song database) and offers some additional tools for printing and reporting. The documentation on their website is good, with comprehensive articles and videos, and they even have a dedicated knowledge base app for iOS and Android that can help you out with common technical issues.Price: Starts at $399 USD, one time fee
Supported OS: Windows, Mac
Screenshot: application window
Webpage: www.mediashout.comCapabilites:
– Presentation editor & Sermon builder
– Imports PowerPoint as static slides
– Public and copyrighted bibles
– SongSelect integration
– Announcements
– Stage display
– Confidence Monitor / Presenter View
– iOS Remote Control
💰 Faithlife Proclaim
Proclaim is a major player in the church presentation software space. Their license model is subscription based and unlike others they will allow you to create an unlimited number of team accounts and install the software on as many Mac or Windows PCs as you want. This also means your team can edit and run several concurrent presentations using the same license. Proclaim integrates with the usual providers (SongSelect, Planning Center, Logis Bible Software and more) and any changes made to your service is saved to your teams cloud account. Their (and their partner) media library contains over 16 000 motions, stills and mini-movies, but you have to pay an extra fee to get access. Proclaim have implemented Polls & Surveys in their software, making it easier to interact and engage with your congregation. They have their own Proclaim Remote App for iOS and Android that works over local WiFi (no Internet connection required). Proclaim is probably the most complete church presentation tool out there. It has features and functionality that moves beyond the Sunday worship service, such as Digital Signage, Slide Sharing and Sermon Recording and Publishing.Price: Starts at $204 USD, yearly fee
Supported OS: Windows, Mac
Screenshot: application window
Webpage: proclaim.faithlife.comCapabilites:
– Presentation editor & Sermon builder
– Imports PowerPoint as static slides
– Public and copyrighted bibles
– Announcements and bulletins
– Songs and music integration
– Stage display
– Video backgrounds
– Audience interaction features (Live surveys / trivia)
– Digital Signage support
– Sermon Recording & Publishing
– Confidence Monitor / Presenter View
– Android and iOS Remote Control
💰 ProPresenter
ProPresenter is a cross-platform (Mac and Windows) worship and presentation software for live events. It not only targets worship gatherings, but also sporting events, conferences and trade shows. It has advanced video editing features that allows you to crop and zoom videos dynamically from right within the software. As for slides, ProPresenter offer “A multi-layered architecture allows for backgrounds, live video layers, slides, props, and masks to be controlled independently”. In addition to these multimedia features, the software can be extended with Audio Visual modules (hardware and software products) to further extend its capabilities. As for Worship-specific features, ProPresenter supports Planning Center integration, has a scripture engine which gives access to Bible translations in a variety of langues, lets you import lyrics from SongSelect and has a built in Media Store that lets you add media from their partner media library (Worship House Media). The user interface is multi-lingual and also comes with an iOS/Android remote. It has cloud integration for saving and sharing content and a built in twitter wall feature, allowing you to curate and display Twitter posts.Price: Starts at $399 USD, one time fee
Supported OS: Windows, Mac
Screenshot: application window
Webpage: renewedvision.com/propresenterCapabilites:
– Slide/presentation and video editor
– Telestrator (draw on top of live output)
– Twitter integration (with moderation support)
– Several hardware support modules
– Confidence Monitor / Presenter View
– Android and iOS Remote Control
– Stage display app
– Output recording
I’m sitting here trying to think of new topics to blog about, then it hits me. One of the most common questions that people ask about Church Presentation Software is related to Macs. I am currently using a Mac, so it made sense to write this post for my fellow Mac users who are interested in Church Presentation Software.