Church Presentation Software For Chromebook – Church presentation software can help churches present messages better to their congregations through sermon decks. It is designed to manage complete church sermon resources, which can be easily accessed by any member of the team that works with the church. Good presentation software helps bring out the real message of the preacher, whatever medium he uses for delivering messages, whether written or audio-visual.
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More than four years ago we wrote a short post about the free and open-source alternatives to the professional, and somewhat costly, church presentation software products that were available back then. That blog post, to our surprise, immediately got a lot of attention and shares on social media. The comment section, which is still active today, was quickly filled with literal praise, questions, and recommendations by our readers. It was obvious that there was a big crowd actively searching for options on how to handle the AV and multimedia content at their sermons and church services, and not many sites offered a listing of the available free alternatives.
Today, in 2021, the space has gotten a bit more crowded, with more products and offers, and the amount of websites blogging about the Church Presentation Software space has grown significantly. However, we couldn’t find a single post that offered an up-to-date listing of all the available Church Presentation Software products. And that’s when we decided to make an effort to compose such a list and dedicate ourselves to keeping it updated. We are going to keep adding new products as they appear on the market and move discontinued products and projects to the graveyard section (at the bottom of this post).
We urge everyone who finds or knows about other products in the Church Presentation Software space, that are not in our list, to add a comment with a link to the product(s) website and optionally a short review/recommendation. We will strive to add the missing entries as they are discovered.
Also, if any of the listed products get significant updates, a change in their pricing model, or are discontinued, please let us know and we will update the details.
A big thanks to all of you who help us keep this list updated!
Now, let’s head over to;
EasyWordhip for ChromeBook

! The size of the latest downloadable installation package is 148 MB. Moreover, this software gives you a unique way to assemble themes, presentation designs, and slides, providing quick spelling and font size checkers. This software is a product of Softouch Development, Inc. Can someone recommend a complete laptop setup for running EW with two monitors (front and back of Sanctuary) and potentially a third one in the future? EasyWorship began as a software solution for churches to amplify the worship experience from the sound booth to the stage. Once you have understood the more complex details of the program, it will almost surely bring church members together.
EasyWorship began as a software solution for churches to amplify the worship experience from the sound booth to the stage. About Our Company. From bringing you the best church presentation software, worship media and customer support we can offer, we purpose to do everything with excellence and bring … EasyWorship Click the Download Free Trial button above and get a 14-day, fully-functional trial of CrossOver. For example, on our Acer C910 Chromebook, we had to install drivers for the Chromebook’s chipset, Intel HD graphics, rapid storage technology, keyboard, trackpad, and Realtek HD audio. Have what you need on all computers with the Worship Extreme Cloud. Recent; Popular; Filter . First, enable Linux on your Chromebook. The most popular Chrome OS alternative is ShowShare. Windows will show you a security warning when you install the drivers. From bringing you the best church presentation software, worship media, and customer support we can offer, we purpose to do everything with excellence and bring glory to God. It is a good presentation developer. EasyWorship lets you drag and drop the various playlists. The list of alternatives was updated in May 2019. You can also organize and access the media with the click of a button. This is kind of over my head.
EasyWorship began as a software solution for churches to amplify the worship experience from the sound booth to the stage.
It’s possible to update the information on EasyWorship or report it as discontinued, duplicated or spam. Christmas Motion Backgrounds & Countdowns. After you’ve downloaded CrossOver check out our YouTube tutorial video to the left, or visit the CrossOver Chrome OS walkthrough for specific steps. From bringing you the best church presentation software, worship media and customer support we can offer, we purpose to do everything with excellence and bring glory to God. This is one of those times. Related Articles. Download EasiSlides 4.0.5. Recommended Laptop for use. Related Articles. You can launch EasyWorship on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 32-bit. Over 1 million+ visitors to date (January 2020) Follow the 3 simple steps below to download and install EasiSlides v 4.0.5 (Dated 1st March 2011) on your PC : Then tap Back (or the top left arrow). From bringing you the best church presentation software, worship media and customer support we can offer, we purpose to do everything with excellence and bring glory to God. I know it is probably buried in here somewhere in a previous post and I have spent the last hour digging. After the download and you are prompted to Open, tap Open then select Package Installer if asked. If you need a super simple, free and easy worship presentation software, then look no further than OpenSong.

This is an easy-to-use presentation tool that lets you create slideshows, presentations, and documents. You can also use it to make posters, flyers, business cards and more! If you’ve ever wanted to create a professional or polished image for your project, this is the tool for you.
PowerPoint can be used by anyone with basic computer skills—so if you’re looking for a way to make your work look really professional but don’t know how to use other programs like Photoshop or InDesign—you can still do it!
Presentations are a great way to get your ideas across. You have a chance to speak directly to the audience and show them what you mean in a way that can’t be misinterpreted.
You might be wondering how you can get started with creating a presentation. Well, here’s where I come in! In this lesson, we’ll talk about what makes up a presentation, what types of presentations exist and why they’re important, and how you can create your own presentation using PowerPoint.
A PowerPoint is a presentation that you can use to share information with others through slides. Each slide can have its own title and an optional description. Slides can also contain text, pictures, and other images.
The most basic way to create a PowerPoint is by using the PowerPoint app on your Android phone or iPad. You can also use the web version of PowerPoint at [website] if you don’t have your device handy.
LibreOffice Impress

LibreOffice Impress is a presentation program, similar to Microsoft PowerPoint. It allows you to create presentations with text and images, as well as charts and other graphics.
Unlike PowerPoint, LibreOffice Impress is free and open-source software that you can download and use on your computer for free.
LibreOffice Impress is a presentation application that is part of the LibreOffice Suite. It can be used to create presentations and slideshows for any occasion, including business or academic presentations, sales pitches, lectures, and conferences.
Impress allows you to import different file formats such as PowerPoint or PDF documents and add them to your presentation. You can also create your own diagrams and charts using the drawing tools available in Impress. If you want to share your presentation with others, you can export it as a PDF document or save it as an HTML file that has embedded videos and audio files.
LibreOffice Impress is a free, open-source presentation application that lets you create and edit presentations. It’s easy to use and offers many powerful features.
The LibreOffice presentation toolkit has many similarities with Microsoft Office. The program is compatible with most other office applications and can be used for both business documents and personal presentations.
LibreOffice Impress includes a wide range of options for formatting your text and slides, as well as inserting charts or images in your presentations. You can also add transitions between slides when moving between them during a slideshow.

OpenLP is a free, open-source, and cross-platform software that allows you to manage your church or non-profit organization. It provides the ability to create a website with the help of the built-in website builder, which can be customized to suit your needs. The software also has tools for managing volunteers, donations, events, and much more.
OpenLP is available on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux platforms.
OpenLP is a free, open-source and easy-to-use church management software. It can be used by any church of any size as well as schools, sports teams, and other organizations.
OpenLP is a web-based platform for churches and other organizations that helps you manage all aspects of your church or organization from one place. It features tools for membership management, event planning, calendar creation and management, prayer request tracking, finance tracking and reporting, sermon notes, photo galleries and much more.
The OpenLP platform is designed to be as flexible as possible so that it can work with almost any type of church or organization no matter how large or small they may be.
Lyrics Pro

For Browsers Compatible with Chromebooks, Macs, Windows, and LinuxNo install needed. Just sign in and go.FoldBack Display (for stage view)Slide integrationYouTube IntegrationMotion and Still Background compatibleBible Integration (powered by BibleGateway)Hardware requirements: Dual Screen Capabilities, and something with a full browser. | For Android Compatible with Android Phones and TabletsSongSelect IntegratedSlide integration motion and Still Background compatible hardware requirements: Video out (using a dongle or other device)Using Screen mirroring, works with Chromecast (experimental) |
Try it now 14 days Free | Try it now for Free |
Our focus on affordability is not just in our price, but also in the very premise that both of our apps were specifically designed to give you the option of using Chromebooks and Phones to run your media. | |
For Browsers FREE Our pricing is simple. And there is no limit to how many computers you put this on in your church or organization. No extra fees. Which means that it would take 10 years to spend what you would on some of the competitors just for software. | For Android $1.99 Our pricing is still simple. One cost. No subscription. Because mobile apps shouldn’t keep charging you. |
Try it now Free | Try it now for Free |
As a youth pastor, and Google enthusiast, I was an early adopter to Chromebooks. To my amazement, there was no lyric presentation software on the market for my Chromebook or my Android phone. And so the gap had to be filled. Thus, the Android app was created. While I loved the portability, it became apparent that most want a more typical computing experience for their media computer (a keyboard and sometimes a mouse). And so again, I knew what had to be done. These products will keep getting better because I am my own test group. And there is so much more innovation to be had. This is the answer for an ever growing affordable device market. Contact Us |
Church Presentation Software For Chromebook – Church presentation software can help churches present messages better to their congregations through sermon deck. It is designed to manage complete church sermon resource, which can be easily accessed by any member of the team that works with the church. A good presentation software helps bring out the real message of the preacher, whatever medium he uses for delivering messages, whether written or audio-visual.