Content creation tools are the use of software programs, some of which are used to make the content.
Content creation tools help you to create content, generally in the form of text articles, images, audio and video recordings. A number of industries use content creation services including:
Content creation is the contribution of information to any media and most especially to digital media for an end-user/audience in specific contexts.[1] Content is “something that is to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing or any of various arts“[2] for self-expression, distribution, marketing and/or publication. Typical forms of content creation include maintaining and updating web sites, blogging, article writing, photography, videography, onlinecommentary, the maintenance of social media accounts, and editing and distribution of digital media. A Pew survey described content creation as the creation of “the material, people contribute to the online world.
Google Trends
Google Trends helps to keep you in the loop. Google Trends reveals insight into today’s relevant content. Not yesterday’s. Google Trends is ideal for those who frequently create content. This includes those who blog, have a heavy social presence, develop content for specific groups of people, or work in marketing.
The Content Marketing Institute recommends using Google Trends to research keywords, discover content ideas, and monitor your brand.
Simply enter in a topic or explore trending stories and featured insights. Google Trends displays the frequency of search terms in consideration of its total volume across geographic regions. Additionally, Google Trends shows search interest over time. Depending on the flux of query volumes, you may choose one topic over another to discuss in whatever content you create.
Moz Keyword Explorer
You wouldn’t want to create awesome content and not get noticed. Easily check what keyword to use for blog posts and site pages with Moz’s Keyword Explorer. You can enter terms or phrases into Moz Keyword Explorer. Moz will provide you with keyword suggestions and a SERP analysis reflective of the keyword’s search volume, difficulty, opportunity, and potential.
Once you start exploring, you can export CSV files and save them for later. This includes the top ranking sites containing your keyword or phrase. Moz Keyword Explorer allows for two free searches a day. If you require more searching, you can upgrade to a paid subscription starting at $50 a month.
Sigstr is an email signature banner. Email banners are added and changed from one admin console with changes immediately reflected in employees’ email signatures. Sigstr banners are a great way to intertwine visual content and compelling copy.
You can create unique signatures for departments, teams, executives, and customer service. Swap out Sigstr signatures to engage email recipients with company news, upcoming events, and relevant content.
If you blog or even just read a lot of blogs, you know how easy it is to get lost in a sea of words. GIFs are a really easy way to grab the audience’s attention. Sometimes animation shows more than just still images. But where is everyone finding GIFs? Giphy is a free visual content creation tool. You can contextually search for GIFs, or you can create your own.
Have one team member who can answer your chats and emails at lightning speed with an animated GIF suited for the context? In addition to sparring in chat messages, use Giphy in blog posts.
The four types of content creators: Networker, Speaker, Writers, Visualizer.
The Networker
The networker feels most at home in a crowd of new people to talk to, energized by the exchange of ideas, anecdotes, and speculation. They take away from every conversation new information feeling appreciative for the opportunity to have learned it. They know the value of a professional network and work diligently to nurture their own.

The networker content creator type is defined by the invaluable opportunity to share lessons learned. The skill of expanding one’s professional reach is accompanied by very real and practical perspective. Communicating these perspectives and inviting others to consider them is some of the best content one can produce.
The Speaker
The speaker is comfortable talking about that which they know. They are clear and articulate verbal communicators who relish any opportunity to share the information they have with others. Whether or not they are comfortable using their verbal skill in front of crowds is inconsequential. The skill is in their verbal mastery.
The speaker content creator type needs to be put in front of a camera asap. Video marketing is everywhere, getting bigger, and is the best platform if speaking is a strength. Don’t overthink it, just hit record and get the video marketing game moving.
The Writer
The obvious one, but let’s shed a little more light on who the writer is. They don’t sweat writing, not for a second. They are pleased to wordsmith and make quick work of it. The writer can bang out 500 words as quickly as most could explain something verbally, and in most cases will cover the topic in greater depth.
The writer content creator type needs to be unleashed to do just that, write. They need to be encouraged to sit down and type out the words that describe some element that the company is desperate to communicate. And they must write frequently. The great news is the digitally written word can be shared over just about any platform.
The Visualizer
These are the people that need to show you a picture to get the point across. You know the visualizer when they not only show the picture, but you are blown away by how clear the message is the instant you see it. The visualizer looks at every single digital tool and figures out a way to use it to paint a clearer picture.
The visual content creator can hone their craft by taking more traditional, and most likely existing forms of content, and repurpose it in a graphical manner. The visualizer must nurture their skill by literally drawing every conceptual idea embedded in what the company is trying to offer to the marketplace. They must embrace their designer’s eye to consistently and frequently offer up the story optically.
So which one are you? Odds are that of the four one of them is a more natural strength for you. Find which one it is and get busy nurturing the skill and producing the content. You will be stunned by not only how quickly you can deliver, but also by how much fun you’ll have in the creative process.
Content creation is extremely important to a company’s social media marketing campaigns. The content that you produce can have a large impact on the success of your marketing strategy and will influence whether or not your efforts are deemed successful by your target audience. This article will discuss how content creators can benefit from using tools.