Are you searching for the best free blogging tools? You came to the right place! Writing can be fun. And not only that, blogging is a great way to make a living online. If you are a beginner blogger or an expert, these blogger tools can definitely help you improve your blog posts and make more money from blogging.
In this article, you will find features of some amazing free blogger tools that can help you to improve your blog from scratch or from a beginner level. In order for you to get the right kind features, the following free tools have been presented for you to use.
Before you start your blog, you need to choose a host. So a host is where your website will live, it is related to your domain. But be aware that some companies make you pay for a domain name as well as the monthly hosting fee.
If you plan to make money with your blog then you will need to go self-hosted. Self-hosted means that you own your website and can do what you like with it.
To put it simply – if you don’t pay for a hosting service then you can’t monetize your site.
I use Bluehost and I´m sure nearly every big blogger out there is with Bluehost.
Bluehost is the best hosting service out there but when I first started blogging a year ago, I wanted to go with an ever so slightly cheaper competitor.
You can probably guess that I regretted my decision by the fact they aren´t being mentioned on this post. The competitors’ interface was so complicated, I couldn’t figure anything out, it was so techy. I couldn’t even do something basic like install WordPress. Luckily, I cancelled the service and managed to get a refund.
Well, fast forward to now and I’m still with Bluehost to this day. The hosting plan I use costs just $3.95/month. Which works out as the same price as one of my daily coffees – which doesn’t last me an entire month, let alone help me earn money.
Trello is one of the free blogging tools with the ability to do amazing work. It is a collaboration tool that shares a common perspective to manage all the projects, assignments, tasks, and daily activities.
The tool is very intuitive and simple. All you have to do is log in, join a team and collaborate around. It integrates with 100+ other tools such as Google Drive, Slack, Jira, and others. Trello makes all projects and activities quite transparent and easily shareable.
I don´t need to tell you how important the first impression of your site is. We have all stumbled onto outdated or unorganised blogs and wondered what they were thinking. So you probably already know that a blog needs to look professional and easy to use with a sleek design.
Although lots of themes are paid for – an attractive blog theme doesn’t have to be expensive or hard to use. And, if money is tight, well then it is totally possible to download a FREE blog theme to get you off the starting blocks.
Even if you are a beginner blogger, you need to think long term and if you want to make money blogging then a paid theme is well worth the initial cost.
I chose the Divi Theme because it is intuitive to use as a beginner blogger. I believed in myself so much more when I saw my blog come to life with the Divi theme, instead of being just some pipe dream, my blog was real – and most importantly – it looked professional.
The cherry on the top was just how easy it was to achieve the look I wanted.
Google Analytics:
Google Analytics is a powerful yet flexible tool that is quite easy to use. It allows the marketers to find the best channels that might help them in getting the best results. Its main purpose is to give insights about a website, audience, and other marketing strategies.
The best thing about Google Analytics is that it lets you have the best suggestions when it comes to optimization, according to Google. It is one of the best analytics tools one can use to figure out what’s working for their blog. It enables users to track the audience’s behavior and share insights effectively.
Blogging Course:
Blogging is a skill, and just like every other skill worth learning like rollerblading, playing the saxophone solo of ´Careless Whisper´, and cooking something other than frozen pizza, you need to learn how to do it.
But before you start to worry there are heaps of blogging guides with helpful tools for beginners to learn how to earn money blogging in 2021.
Now, there are lots of free options, and trust me when I say that I also signed up to an extremely large number of these in my journey to learn how to create a blog and how to make money blogging.
But ultimately sometimes the best things in life aren’t free. I actually think that looking back if I had just bit the bullet and made the investment in a blogging course earlier on, then I would have started making money a lot sooner. But oh well, you live and you learn, and now you hopefully won’t make the same mistake I made.
So if I ´m going to recommend the best blogging tool for a beginner, then without doubt it would be the Create And Go course.
The Create And Go courses aren’t known for being the cheapest option, but they are definitely worth their weight in gold. Just make sure to do your homework to be certain it’s the right blogging course for you before you investing.
Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is the best tool for blogger enthusiasts. It has specific SEO parameters to help you rank up your blogs. When writing in WordPress with Yoast SEO, it provides you the option to fulfill all SEO parameters such as title, keywords, meta description, and others.
Yoast SEO is one of the leading blogging tools that show different dots such as red and green to show how SEO-friendly your content is. Not only does it provide SEO analysis, but readability analysis as well which helps you improve your writing style.

Quora is a question-and-answer platform where people usually go to discuss different topics. It is one of the best blogging tools to get an idea of what you can create a detailed blog post about. All you have to do is search for the relevant keyword and follow the topic related to it. You will get plenty of ideas to start a new blog.
In addition to giving ideas and answering your queries, Quora is a site that allows you to advertise your product or service on the platform. Since a lot of people visit quora, there is a fair chance that you will get the attention that your business demands.

Ubersuggest is among the best blogging tools for beginners that have the ability to generate new and relevant keyword ideas. It helps you get extensive data against each keyword, including the search volumes, average CPC, PPC, and SEO competition.
Additionally, Ubersuggest gives out the best related, question-based, prepositional, and comparison-based keywords that help you rank up. Hence, it gives you ideas of different topics that might help to bring in a lot of traffic.
Ubersuggest is an all-in-one tool for beginners who are not very comfortable with other advanced level SEO blogging tools.
Whether you are new to blogging or just looking to save some money, there are some free blogging tools for beginners that can save you an enormous amount of time and effort in your blogging endeavors. These free blogger tools are ideal for people who are just getting started in the blogging world.