How To Become Millionaire In One Day

How exciting is the thought of becoming a millionaire in one day? Possibly, with just a snap of your fingers, you can walk into a bank and just withdraw $1,000,000 dollars in cash (if you don’t mind lots of paperwork).

A lot of people want to know how to become a millionaire overnight. There is no such thing as an overnight success, and such a thing as becoming a millionaire overnight. The best way to become a millionaire is slow and steady. However, there are some things you can do to make it happen faster.  Below are my top ways to become a millionaire.

 Everyone manifests

  • Everything you see began as a thought in someone’s mind.
  • The word “manifest” means turning thoughts into things.
  • It comes from English “manifestus” meaning “visible” and Latin “manus” meaning “hand.” You reach your hand through the invisible curtain separating the tangible world from that of imagination and pull the desired object into existence.
  • Everyone manifests. Some manifest abundance, others; lack.
  • If you don’t have what you want, examine your thoughts to see how you manifested what you have.

THOUGHTS ARE THINGS. Every thought has a consequence. No thought lives in your brain rent-free. Each thought is a pebble dropped into the pond of your life — the ripples are real. The more intense the thought, the more powerful the outcome.

  • [Note: That’s why negativity is so harmful and why we must be so careful what we feed our brains, even more than what we feed our bodies]
  • Think positive thoughts intensely. Speak only wonderful words to yourself constantly. Feel fantastic now. You will attract resources necessary to manifest the world you desire, like a magnet.


  • To be an enlightened millionaire (EM), DO what you love, ADD enormous value, LEVERAGE it. But before all that, you have to BE an EM.
  • EMs know and act knowing that 1) abundance comes from making others better off, 2) the primary reason to get is to have more to give
  • EMs are givers by nature. When your BE and DO are correct, you’ll HAVE your desired outcome.

Live life above the line

  • Blaming others gives them power over the situation.
  • Blaming circumstances is the same way.
  • Shaming self also is suboptimal learning.
  • Best: view life experiences from the point of personal responsibility. The more we see life from this perspective, the more reins are in our hands. We have more free will. Life is a succession of choices.

Abundance is your natural state

  • Sunsets: there’s plenty for everyone. And it comes every day.
  • Sharing always creates more.
  • Our state of mind creates our state of results.
  • Affirm this truth until it becomes THE TRUTH for you: “I am abundant in every good way. My abundance makes everyone better off.”

Givers get

“He that sows sparingly shall reap sparingly; he who sows bountifully shall reap bountifully” — 2 Corinthians 9:6

  • Paradox: a statement that seems to contradict itself on one level of meaning. But at a meta level, there is deeper truth/understanding.
  • The people who receive love are the ones who are the most loving.
  • Fundamental EM Principle: Givers get.
  • Giving acknowledges the universe as abundant and taps into the spiritual dimension.

Changing your reality is a snap

  • We all have an internal voice, sometimes it is skeptical and talks us out of our dreams.
  • Snap yourself out of it whenever you say “I can’t, I’m not good enough, I don’t know…”and replace with “I’ll find out, I can, I’m worthy…”
  • Your thoughts have the power to curse or bless. The choice is yours. Control your thinking.

Words transform

  • Words have power. What you say comes back like a boomerang. Use words properly.
  • If we don’t want tot hink about certain things, we don’t say them. We don’t have to eat everything we see, and we don’t have to say everything we think.

You are your wealth

  • Whenever you start a new project you’re like a new baby — helpless, ignorant. Start by taking stock of your resources: assets and liabilities.
  • Net worth: assets minus liabilities.
  • Consider internal assets (creativity, courage, vision, skills) and internal liabilities (anger, perfectionism, fear, laziness, poor organization)
  • You only need 3 resources as a beginner: 1) good idea, 2) commitment, 3) key contacts who have all the other resources.
  • Every resource you need (tangible or intangible) is possessed by someone somewhere right now.

Wealth is freedom

Life is a seminar. You were enrolled at birth. You can’t get out of it, even by dying.

  • Money freedom: enough money so future days are prepaid so that you can work because you want to, not because you have to.
  • You can contribute big time when you’re not a wage-slave. Because you are free to risk. You’ll be able to make an incredible difference, be a great server!
  • Relationship freedom: when you have time and money freedom you can pursue this.
  • Spiritual freedom: discover who you are in God and who God is in you.
  • Physical freedom: health is the ultimate wealth.
  • Ultimate freedom: the ability to pursue your real genius. Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard U — everyone has genius in us. TED talk at TEDxSquareMile (10:37)

It all Starts With a Dream

  • Ask yourself “how good could life be 5 years from today?” Pretend all your dragons are slain, your demons banished. Just you and whatever you want in 5 years or less.
  • Give yourself permission to dream a big dream.
  • What’s important to you about making this dream into reality? Write it down.

Clarity is power

  • Neville, philosopher: Don’t think OF your goals, think FROM your goals.
  • Don’t think OF your dream house, think FROM your dream house. Imagine yourself living in that dream house as if you are already there.
  • That’s what golfers do.
  • Trying doesn’t give you brownie points, only achieving does.

Work smarter and harder than your competition.

Identify your competition. How hard are they working? What are some differentiators you can bring to your workplace or market?

Start by working smarter. There’s no use in working harder if your work isn’t effective at producing income – you’ll be spinning your wheels.

There’s no sense in selling ice cream cones on your front lawn in the dead of winter. Instead, set up a booth at the park in the sizzling summertime – you get the idea! Simple, commonsense changes can greatly improve your effectiveness.

Work harder than others are willing. We’ve all seen the guy or gal at the office who works harder than anyone else. Maybe they’re a little nerdy or a little too interested in their job – or are they?

Maybe they’re onto something. After all, aren’t they the ones getting the promotions? Aren’t they the ones who become the office linchpins?

I remember when began my career with A.G. Edwards & Sons in 2002, I was in a training class of around 55 people. After completing training a year later, our class was reduced to less than half. My fifth anniversary mark? Only five of us were left.

Most failed. Why? Because they weren’t willing to put in the hard work required.

I beg you to not be afraid of hard work. Not only will your boss feel better about what you’re doing for them – you will too.

I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be outworked. You may be more talented than me. You might be smarter than me. And you may be better looking than me. But if we get on a treadmill together, you are going to get off first or I’m going to die. It’s really that simple. I’m not going to be outworked. – Will Smith, Actor

Learn from your mistakes and move on.

Everyone makes them. I do, you do, we all do.

And believe me, I’ve made some pitiful mistakes.

Would you get suckered into two multi-level companies that go nowhere? Would you throw $8,000 into an online business venture only to lose it all? Those are just a couple of several investment mistakes I’ve made with my money.

Mistakes are difficult to swallow. I think our first gut reaction as human beings to the realization we messed up is to shift blame – to others or to circumstances.

The very best way forward is to admit we fumbled the ball. Are you willing to admit when you make mistakes?

Some people, when faced with their own inadequacies, beat themselves up. And you know what that does? It paralyzes them from making the decisions they need to make to achieve success.

It’s important to remember that . . . .

Only those who are asleep make no mistakes. – Ingvar Kamprad, Founder of IKEA

So, take the simple step to fess up and move on. Yes, it’s simpler than you think – especially once you have practice.  If you are still in the middle of a debt mistake one of the best things you can do is to stop paying interest by transferring your balance over to a 0% APR credit card.  This will free you up to hammer down on that debt instead of paying big interest payments.

Millionaires don’t give up because of a few silly mistakes. They press on toward the goal.

Build something new that you would love – and be sure to experiment.

You can read book after book about how to research what your customers will love, and by the time you deliver it, they’ll already be bored with it.

If you’re the entrepreneurial type – I know I am – make sure to work on projects you can get excited about!

Chances are, if you create something that you’d use and love, others will too.

Millionaires understand that some of the best ideas don’t come out of costly research, they come out of a passion for making the world a better place.

Also, remember to experiment. Have fun! Some of my best ideas come out of experimentation.

In 1945, Percy Spencer experimented with a new vacuum tube while doing research for the Raytheon Corporation. He popped popcorn and melted a candy bar, and saw the great potential for this process which eventually culminated into the advent of the microwave.

Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple recently explained in an interview with Charlie Rose that it’s more difficult to edit than it is to create something entirely new. But I’ve learned that sometimes creating something new can be the best way forward to becoming a millionaire.

One of the things that I’ve been most excited about building  is my blog.  My financial planning practice was growing at a steady rate but after I launched in 2008 my practice and revenue have grown significantly. Some of that is a direct result of getting new clients to my practice while the other more surprising revenue source has been directly from the blog.

A combination of advertising revenue and introduction to new business opportunities (because my name and face are all over the web) have been a huge blessing.

Here’s the thing you have to realize though:  I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT BLOGGING.

That’s right.  The launching of my blog was a total experiment and still is today.  I’m always testing different ways to monetize and build my brand.  Experimenting is the fun part!

You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new. – Steve Jobs, Former CEO of Apple


Yes, becoming a millionaire overnight is simple and takes less than three minutes. It’s not magic and it doesn’t require you to be born into a fabulously wealthy family. The only thing you need to do is create your own path to becoming a millionaire even if that path takes years to accomplish. If you follow the steps below then you will be able to do just that because it was put together by someone who followed said steps and became a “overnight millionaire”

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