Having a good music library is better than having a huge collection of applications. Having a massive library of videos and audios can be much more productive because you can listen to your favorite tracks while working on the computer.
In this article will explain you how to add this feature to your libraries via Mp3.
How to Convert iTunes to MP3
If you want to download songs you buy from the iTunes Store on other devices, you’ll have to convert them to MP3s. You can use a tool built into iTunes to convert iTunes AAC formatted songs to MP3s.
- The audio converter built into iTunes lets you control your conversion settings, including what sort of files you want to create, and audio quality you want them to have.To change your settings for this task on Mac, go to iTunes > Preferences > General > Import Settings > select MP3 Encoder.On Windows, go to Edit > Preferences > General > Import Settings, and choose MP3 Encoder for the Import Using option. Select OK, and then OK again to return to your library.
For detailed, step-by-step instructions and information, check out How to Use iTunes to Create MP3s, AACs, and More.
- Find the song or songs you want to convert to MP3 in iTunes and single click them.You can highlight one song at a time, groups of songs or albums (select the first song, hold the Shift key, and select the last song), or even discontiguous songs (hold down the Command key on a Mac or Control on a PC and then click the songs).
- When the songs you want to convert are highlighted, click the File menu in iTunes.
- Click Convert (in some older versions of iTunes, look for Create New Version instead).
- Click Create MP3 Version. This converts the iTunes songs to MP3 files for use on other kinds of MP3 players (they’ll still work on Apple devices, too).The new MP3 file that you just created appears in iTunes next to the original AAC version.
Convert songs in your music library
Follow the steps below for your device.
On your Mac
- Open the Apple Music app.
- In the menu bar, choose Music > Preferences.
- Click the Files tab, then click Import Settings.
- Click the menu next to Import Using, then choose the encoding format that you want to convert the song to.
- Click OK.
- Select the songs in your library that you want to convert.
- Choose File > Convert, then Create [format] Version.
New song files appear in your library next to the original files.
On your PC
- Open iTunes for Windows.
- In the menu bar, choose Edit > Preferences.
- Click the General tab, then click Import Settings.
- Click the menu next to Import Using, then choose the encoding format that you want to convert the song to.
- Click OK.
- Select the songs in your library that you want to convert.
- Choose File > Convert, then Create [format] Version.
New song files appear in your library next to the original files.

Convert songs from files in a folder or on a disk
You can import songs into the Apple Music app or iTunes for Windows and convert them at the same time. This creates a converted copy of the file in your music library, based on your preferences in the Apple Music app or iTunes for Windows.
To convert all of the songs in a folder or on a disk, follow the steps below for your device.
Older purchased songs are encoded in a Protected AAC format that prevents them from being converted.
On your Mac
- Open the Apple Music app.
- In the menu bar, choose Music > Preferences.
- Click the Files tab, then click Import Settings.
- Click the menu next to Import Using, then choose the encoding format that you want to convert the songs to.
- Click OK.
- On your keyboard, hold down the Option key and choose File > Convert > Convert to [import preference].
- Select the folder or disk that contains songs that you want to import and convert.
The songs in their original format and the converted songs appear in your library.
On your PC
- Open iTunes for Windows.
- In the menu bar, choose Edit > Preferences.
- Click the General tab, then click Import Settings.
- Click the menu next to Import Using, then choose the encoding format that you want to convert the songs to.
- Click OK.
- On your keyboard, hold down the Shift key and choose File > Convert > Convert to [import preference].
- Select the folder or disk that contains songs that you want to import and convert.
The songs in their original format and the converted songs appear in your library.
iTunes Export MP3
iTunes uses a file format called AAC, which isn’t unique to Apple. It does, however, limit the types of devices you can use to play those files. There are multiple ways to turn your AAC files into MP3 files, including third-party software. Before you pay for a third-party solution, though, look into the many free ways you can ensure your iTunes songs play on other devices.
If you have iTunes installed on your computer, there’s an audio converter built into the software. The easiest way to convert iTunes to MP3 is to go to iTunes, Preferences and General, then select Import Settings. Under Import Settings, select MP3 Encoder.
Once you’ve changed your encoding settings, highlight the iTunes music you want to change to MP3. Then select File, Convert and Create New Version. You’ll then have MP3 files you can transfer to other devices.
Convert AAC to MP3
You can also convert iTunes to MP3 using third-party software. Depending on your personal preferences and ongoing needs, this may be a better option. Free AC Audio Converter is a free program that supports a variety of file types, including AAC and MP3. You can convert numerous files at once by simply adding them to a batch job list.
If you’re planning to make CDs from the files you convert, a third-party tool may be easier than using the built-in feature. While iTunes can export MP3 files, a tool like Free AC Audio Converter includes a CD ripper.
Back Up Your iTunes Library
Your biggest concern with converting your music to MP3 files is that you want a backup of your music library in case your computer fails. If you have a Mac, your music should be automatically backed up using Time Machine when the rest of your computer saves, but you’ll need to hook up an external drive to do that. Whatever backup service you’re using, make sure you check occasionally to ensure your music is among those files.
To back up your iTunes library to an external drive manually, you’ll first need to consolidate it under File, Library and Organize Library. At that point, all you’ll need to do is connect the external drive, find the iTunes folder and copy the files to the drive. If you ever need to restore it or pull it over to a new computer, you can do that by copying the iTunes folder from your external drive to the new device.
Apple Music to MP3
If you’re like many consumers, you no longer download songs, instead relying on subscription services like Apple Music. It may be tempting to try to find a way to download the songs you hear on Apple Music. Apple doesn’t mind you using software to help iTunes export MP3 files, but you paid for those songs. If everyone could save Apple Music files, nobody would buy songs.
While you may be able to convert iTunes to MP3 files, streaming services like Apple protect their files through sophisticated technology called Digital Rights Management. You will see free and paid services that promise to crack that code, but they’ll steal your money at best and infect your computer at worst.
Step 1: Here Is How

Open itunes.
Find the song in your library and select it.
Add TipAsk QuestionCommentDownload
Step 2: Preferences

On the tool bar select Edit and then at the bottom Preferences.Add TipAsk QuestionCommentDownload
Step 3: 3

Select General and then click on Import Settings.Add TipAsk QuestionCommentDownload
Step 4: 4

When the window is open select the first drop down menu and select either mp3 or wav.
Then click OK.Add TipAsk QuestionCommentDownload
Step 5: 5

Then go back to ur music
Right click on the music you want to convert.
Select Create mp3 version.
It will do it in about 5 seconds.Add TipAsk QuestionCommentDownload
Step 6: 6

And there it is.
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