There are many reasons why you might want to convert your Word documents into PDF format, whether that be for sending through email, or for distributing on the web. This is what this tutorial aims to show you, just some of the methods I use to convert my Word documents into PDF format.
Below are a list of great tools to start with!
Best PDF to Word Converter for Powerful and Fast PDF Processing

iLovePDF is one of the best PDF tools in the market. The online application offers a powerful and fast PDF processing tool that easily converts a PDF file into an editable Word document easily and quickly.
Using the online PDF to Word converter is easy and a two-step procedure. The first step requires you to choose the file you want to convert, and the second step requires you to select the format you want the file to be converted to. You get your converted file instantly.
Apart from its PDF to Word conversion feature, users can also use the online application to convert their PDF files to other file formats such as JPEG, Excel, and PowerPoint. You can also use the online application to compress, watermark, rotate, split, and merge PDFs.
The simple PDF to Word converter integrates with Dropbox and Google Drive. However, you have to sign up to enjoy this feature.

ILovePDF offers three plans: free, premium, and business. The free plan gives you access to all iLovePDF tools but has limited document processing features.
You need to register to either its premium or business plan to enjoy unlimited document processing, no ads, customer support, and other features.
Best User-Friendly PDF to Word Converter

Magiconv is a simple and user-friendly PDF to Word Converter. It has an intuitive interface that makes it easy for anyone with little or no experience to use the tool.
You can convert just about any type of file with the Magiconv online application. The PDF to Word converter supports over 100+ file formats. Some of the file formats you can convert PDF to include BMP, EPS, GIF, ICNS, ICO, JPG, ODD, PNG, PS, PSD, TIFF, WEBP, and XPS. There is no limit to the number of files you can convert with Magiconv.
Using the PDF to Word Converter is easy. The first step is to upload your file. You can do this by choosing a file from your computer or dragging and dropping the file into the appropriate box. The next step is to click on the dropdown menu and select the format you want to convert your file to. Finally, wait for the file to convert and download.
The online application secures the files you upload. All the files you upload to convert are encrypted and stored on its servers. An hour after conversion, it deletes the documents you want to convert and the converted documents forever from its server.

Magiconv does not have a free PDF to Word converter plan. For the first 24 hours of signing up, you get to use its service €0.50 for that period.
After the end of its 24-hour free trial, you can either choose to cancel your plan or subscribe to its regular plan of €47.90 per month.
Best PDF to Word Converter for Basic and Agile PDF to Word Conversion

Foxit is one of the best PDF to Word converters for high-quality conversions. It also has a desktop PDF to Word converter application you can use if you do not want to do your PDF to Word conversions on its website.
Using the online application is easy. All you have to do is drag the PDF files you want to convert in the conversion box or browse the PDF file you want to convert on your computer. After uploading the PDF file, click on the “Start Conversion” to get your results instantly.
The PDF to Word Converter allows users to only convert one PDF file to a Word document at a time. It does not support multiple PDF conversions at once. However, there are no limits to the number of files that you can convert with the online application.
You can also use Foxit to convert PDF into any format you desire such as JPG, PPT, Excel, and more. Other features of the Foxit software include compressing PDF, redacting and signing PDF, and merging PDF.

Foxit offers a free online PDF to Word converter, however, the free plan comes with annoying adware.
If you want access to more features and not have to worry about its adware, you have to sign up for its premium plans, the Foxit PDF Editor 11 and Foxit PDF Editor Pro 11. Both plans are billed once and offer a 14-day free trial with no credit card required.
Best PDF to Word Converter for Quick and Quality PDF Conversion

SimplyPDF is one of the best PDF to Word converters in the market for its quick and quality conversion. While its user interface may seem garish and not the most enticing among its competitors, it is a file conversion tool that produces quality PDF to Word conversions.
The PDF converter uses a simple two-step conversion process to convert PDF into editable Word documents. You can also use it to convert from PDF to Excel or from PDF to PowerPoint format.
SimplyPDF’s quality of the conversion is up there with the best in the PDF to Word converter market. The online tool does not leave any misplaced margin or alignment issues in the converted file. Both the original PDF file and the converted Word document will look identical line for line.
With the help of its robust Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature, it easily detects tables, hyperlinks, and images in the PDF file. The technology helps it to extract these non-text elements for flawless conversion. SimplyPDF works on both Windows and Mac operating systems.
The online application offers free and unlimited PDF file conversion to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint formats.
SimplyPDF offers users more freedom to determine the look of the converted file. Users can choose the reconstruction mode and whether to put on or off the detection of the following: tables, lists in content headers and footers, text annotations, auto-rotate text, OCR, non-standard encoding, and OCR language.
The online application allows users to select the page range of the document they want to convert and offers the option of protecting the converted document with a password.
SimplyPDF is free to use.
Best PDF to Word Converter for All Platforms

PDFBear is one of the best PDF to Word converters in the market for converting PDF files to Word documents.
Using the online application is easy. All you need to do is to select the files you want to convert from your device or drag and drop the file in the appropriate box. The converter will automatically start converting your PDF file to a Word document. Wait for the conversion to finish and then download and modify the converted file.
PDFBear is easy to use for everyone, including someone who is using the tool for the very first time. There is no need to download or install any software to enjoy its PDF to Word conversion services. The online application runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems.
Thanks to its partnership with Solid Documents, the PDF to Word converter offers quality conversion services, free from formatting errors and alignment issues.
The online application permanently erases your files and records an hour after conversion to keep your privacy protected.

PDFBear offers two plans: anonymous and pro. The anonymous plan is free and covers all the tools offered on PDFBear but has several limitations such as a limited number of task conversions, intrusive adverts, and no storage space.
The pro plan offers a free 14-day trial and costs $11.99 per month and $111.99 per annum. It removes all the limitations on the anonymous plan.
Fantastic PDF to Word Converter with Offline Desktop Converter

CleverPDF is one of the best PDF to Word converters available on the market. The online application lets users convert PDF to editable DOCX or DOC formats online for free.
Using the online application is easy. Click on the “Choose file” button to upload files from your device or simply drag and drop files into the online application.
You also have the option of importing PDF files from Google Drive and Dropbox for conversion to Word document format. CleverPDF lets you choose between the DOC or DOCX format as output.
PDF is a well-known file format that is widely used across the globe to convert documents. From scanned documents to traditional ones, PDF can be used for any type of document conversion, and the popularity is only increasing with time.