How to Create Range Names in Excel

Did you know that you can create your own range names in Excel? First, let’s introduce you to range names. A range name can be seen in the formula bar for a cell when entering data in the cell. It’s easier to understand with an example. Let’s say I have three columns in my Excel spreadsheet that I want to define for this example. The names of the columns are Weather, Sports, and Events. When I enter data into these columns, what needs to be defined is which column it goes in. So let’s say I want the weather forecast for today with a temperature between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius (75-86 Fahrenheit). Now with range names in Excel, all I need


Range names are a great way to streamline your Excel workbook and make it easier to use. They can help you rename cells by simply typing a name, as opposed to an A1 reference, and make your formulas more dynamic as well. There are two ways to create a range name in Excel that we’ll cover in this article: the quick way and the easy way.

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