Teaching and learning is the primary function of a school. The way we teach is changing, and technology plays a large role in facilitating that change. There are many ICT tools for teaching and learning, but schools must take time to find those that suit their needs at an affordable cost. The Internet is one of the most powerful tools that teachers can use to enhance their lesson plans and the overall curriculum…
ICT Tools for Online Teaching Ppt is a web application that gives users access to a large database of sources for their writing. Users can take advantage of our extensive-access material and use out expertly written FREE samples to get a better understanding of what is expected from them.
Most of the teachers involved in e-learning activities felt that ICT tools should be used to enhance the learning and assessment processes and facilitate writing reports, while web-based applications could be used to promote communication with students and parents. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
ICT Tools for Online Teaching Ppt is a great way to start learning how to use technology. It’s easy to create lessons with videos, and slideshows. Learning about these new tools will help students use them more effectively in their daily lives.
ICT Tools
ICT tools stand for Information Communication Technology tools. The ICT tools means to digital infrastructures like computers, laptops, printers, scanners, software programs, data projectors, and interactive teaching box.
The ICT devices are the latest tools, concepts and techniques used in student-to-teacher, student-to-student interaction for example: – clicker devices, mobile applications, flipped classroom) for information and communication technology.

How to Use ICT Tools in the Classroom
To unlock the potential of technologies to use in the classroom, we need to do the following:
- Establish a starting point for the ICT learning of each student and integrate formative evaluation into key learning areas like literacy and numeracy in a primary school.
- Planning for progress in ICT learning progress in the learning curriculum of the Australian curriculum.
- Evidence-based on ICT learning along with the subject learning.
Advantages of ICT Tools
There are various advantages of ICT Tools:
- Cost-efficient
- Provide the facility for easy student management
- Direct classroom teaching
- Improved modes of communication
- Eco-friendly-Eliminate the usage of paper
- Direct classroom teaching
- Minimize cost and saves time
- Improved data and information security
- Web-based LMS tools link teachers, students, researchers, and scholars and education together.
- Teachers are able to teach better with graphics, video and graphics.
- Teachers can create interesting, well-designed and engaging classroom activities.
- Provide better teaching and learning methods
- To spread awareness about the social impact of technological change in education.
- Promoting and improving the digital culture in universities, colleges, and schools.
- Automated solutions to paper-based manual procedures and processes.
Disadvantages of ICT Tools
There are various disadvantages of ICT Tools:
- Unemployment
- Lack of security/privacy
- Cyber bullying
- Reliance on technology
- Social media
- Preparation time

1. Unemployment: -Although IT has streamlined the process of business, it has created redundancy and subcontinent in the job. Employers can save more money by using computers instead of human resources, but due to this, employees are losing their jobs as no longer needed.
2. Lack of Security/Privacy: – Although IT has changed and may be more convenient, it has also raised issues of privacy and security. Phone signal interception, email hacking, etc., people are concerned that personal information can become public knowledge. IT continues to change almost every day, which means that to secure their jobs, everyone has to be up-to-date in IT. Risk factors for attacking computer viruses, trojans, spam, malware is also present in the systems.
3. Cyber Bullying: – In social network pages, it is now so easy to bully and bully others as it has become very easy for the users of the internet around over the world. They do not realize the consequences of reading/listening to hostile comments. There have been various investigation cases involving cyberbullying with lethal implications in the recent past.
4. Reliance on Technology: – People no longer bother to read, write, or calculate without computers because of losing handwriting skills (why write if spell checker can be used). Calculate without calculator even for the small addition, reading books (why read if there is huge information on the internet).
Avoid hurting the feelings of someone through emails or other forms of electronic communication; respect other’s online right; avoid insulting anyone. If someone disrespects you, you stay calm; avoid discussion groups or forums crashing groups; respect other people’s privacy online; be responsible online.”
5. Social Media: – Network pages are open for everyone who can influence their physical and mental health by playing and watching violent games, including young children and teenagers. They are addicted to iPods, phones, gaming consoles, forgetting about society’s external activities and communication.
6. Preparation Time: – Preparation takes more time so that the internet can be used effectively for education. In addition to designing internet-based plans, we have to surf the Internet in order to download the lesson plans and adapt them to support the course’s objectives or visit sites to choose appropriate places for the classes needed.
Models of Access to ICT
There are various models of access to ICT:
- Appropriateness of technology
- Social-cultural factors
- Local economic environment
- Physical access to technology
- Affordability of technology and technology use
- Political will and public support
- Locally relevant content, applications, and services
- Human capacity and training
Key Issues to Remember Concerning to the Importance of ICT in Education
There are various issues to remember concerning to the importance of ICT in education:
- ICT Brings Inclusion: – The advantage of ICT in education is that all the students in the classroom can learn from the course material. Students with special requirements are no longer at a drawback because they have the necessary materials. Students can use special ICT tools so that they can use the ICT tools to their educational requirements. Despite this, it opens up new problems related to the ‘digital divide’ and provides those who are less fortunate with access to ICT resources and tools.
- E-Learning or Online Learning: – The ICT tools provide a new way of learning for students and teachers. Online or E-learning is getting popular. Different extraordinary events are happening in our lives, opening up opportunities for schools to ensure that students can access course materials while in the classroom. Outside students are also allowed to make sure. One can also learn in class, such as at home or in hospitals.
- ICT Enhances Subject Learning: – These days, it is well known that in education, ICT adds a huge value to key learning areas like numeracy and literacy.
- ICT Use Motivation Learning: – The demand of society for new technology has not left out children and their requirements. With new technology, children are fascinated, motivating and encouraging children to learn in the classroom.
- ICT Use Allows for Effective Differentiation Instruction with Technology: – We all learn and understand things differently at different levels, styles, and the technology offers chances for this to happen.
- ICT in Education Improves Engagement and Knowledge Retention: – Students become more involved in their work if the TCT is integrated into lessons. And the reason behind that is the technology offers various opportunities to make it more enjoyable and fun in the context of teaching similar things in a number of ways. As a result of this increased busyness, it is said that they are capable to retaining knowledge more efficiently and effectively.
- ICT Use Encourages Collaboration: – We only need a computer, iPad, or laptop in the classroom to understand how it works. Naturally, ICT brings children together so that the children can discuss and talk about what they are exactly doing for their work. This in turns opens communication avenues that lead to the development of language.
- ICT Use Develops ICT Literacy and ICT Capability: – ICT literacy and ICT capability are the skills of the 21st century which are best developed in ICT and remain transparent in the subject learning context. Offering them meaningful activities that are embedded in purposeful subject-related contexts is a great way to develop the capability of ICT.
ICT Tools for Developing Literacy
There are various tools for developing literacy:
- Drawing and graphics programs
- Web creation and design
- Digital video
- Emails
- Web searching
- Wikis
- Word processing
- Blogs
1. Drawing and Graphics Programs: – Today, visual literacy is equally significant as before. Imagine showing our students how to use one of these drawing or graphics programs to our students so that they can use it creatively, to add an image to a newspaper article, to understand how sometimes a thousand words can be told by color, pictures or gesture. Use the medium.
2. Web Creation and Design: – Actually, these are the online word processor. Hence the possibilities in literacy lessons are never-ending but may be restricted to the teacher’s abilities in ICT.
3. Digital Video: – Use the power of video to help students develop language skills.
4. Emails: – Emails are best for developing skills in online literacy. We all write differently online and also for a different audience.
5. Web Searching: – In the 21st century, the skill to find information is an important skill. What are the available strategies for navigating the internet and electronic texts? What are the clues and signposts?
6. Wikis: – This can be a knowledge repository for the students and the possibilities for wikis are extensive, such as blogs.
7. Word Processing: – Word processing is closely related to the development of literacy and language.
8. Blogs: – Blogs are a great method for learners to interact and communicate using an online word processor.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can impact student learning when teachers are digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum.
Schools use a diverse set of ICT tools to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information.(6) In some contexts, ICT has also become integral to the teaching-learning interaction, through such approaches as replacing chalkboards with interactive digital whiteboards, using students’ own smartphones or other devices for learning during class time, and the “flipped classroom” model where students watch lectures at home on the computer and use classroom time for more interactive exercises.
When teachers are digitally literate and trained to use ICT, these approaches can lead to higher order thinking skills, provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings, and leave students better prepared to deal with ongoing technological change in society and the workplace.(18)
ICT issues planners must consider include: considering the total cost-benefit equation, supplying and maintaining the requisite infrastructure, and ensuring investments are matched with teacher support and other policies aimed at effective ICT use.(16)
Issues and Discussion
Digital culture and digital literacy: Computer technologies and other aspects of digital culture have changed the ways people live, work, play, and learn, impacting the construction and distribution of knowledge and power around the world.(14) Graduates who are less familiar with digital culture are increasingly at a disadvantage in the national and global economy. Digital literacy—the skills of searching for, discerning, and producing information, as well as the critical use of new media for full participation in society—has thus become an important consideration for curriculum frameworks.(8)
In many countries, digital literacy is being built through the incorporation of information and communication technology (ICT) into schools. Some common educational applications of ICT include:
- One laptop per child: Less expensive laptops have been designed for use in school on a 1:1 basis with features like lower power consumption, a low cost operating system, and special re-programming and mesh network functions.(42) Despite efforts to reduce costs, however, providing one laptop per child may be too costly for some developing countries.(41)
- Tablets: Tablets are small personal computers with a touch screen, allowing input without a keyboard or mouse. Inexpensive learning software (“apps”) can be downloaded onto tablets, making them a versatile tool for learning.(7)(25) The most effective apps develop higher order thinking skills and provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings.(18)
- Interactive White Boards or Smart Boards: Interactive white boards allow projected computer images to be displayed, manipulated, dragged, clicked, or copied.(3) Simultaneously, handwritten notes can be taken on the board and saved for later use. Interactive white boards are associated with whole-class instruction rather than student-centred activities.(38) Student engagement is generally higher when ICT is available for student use throughout the classroom.(4)
- E-readers: E-readers are electronic devices that can hold hundreds of books in digital form, and they are increasingly utilized in the delivery of reading material.(19) Students—both skilled readers and reluctant readers—have had positive responses to the use of e-readers for independent reading.(22) Features of e-readers that can contribute to positive use include their portability and long battery life, response to text, and the ability to define unknown words.(22) Additionally, many classic book titles are available for free in e-book form.
- Flipped Classrooms: The flipped classroom model, involving lecture and practice at home via computer-guided instruction and interactive learning activities in class, can allow for an expanded curriculum. There is little investigation on the student learning outcomes of flipped classrooms.(5) Student perceptions about flipped classrooms are mixed, but generally positive, as they prefer the cooperative learning activities in class over lecture.(5)(35)
ICT and Teacher Professional Development: Teachers need specific professional development opportunities in order to increase their ability to use ICT for formative learning assessments, individualized instruction, accessing online resources, and for fostering student interaction and collaboration.(15) Such training in ICT should positively impact teachers’ general attitudes towards ICT in the classroom, but it should also provide specific guidance on ICT teaching and learning within each discipline. Without this support, teachers tend to use ICT for skill-based applications, limiting student academic thinking.(32) To support teachers as they change their teaching, it is also essential for education managers, supervisors, teacher educators, and decision makers to be trained in ICT use.(11)
Ensuring benefits of ICT investments: To ensure the investments made in ICT benefit students, additional conditions must be met. School policies need to provide schools with the minimum acceptable infrastructure for ICT, including stable and affordable internet connectivity and security measures such as filters and site blockers. Teacher policies need to target basic ICT literacy skills, ICT use in pedagogical settings, and discipline-specific uses.(21) Successful implementation of ICT requires integration of ICT in the curriculum. Finally, digital content needs to be developed in local languages and reflect local culture.(40) Ongoing technical, human, and organizational supports on all of these issues are needed to ensure access and effective use of ICT.(21)
Resource Constrained Contexts: The total cost of ICT ownership is considerable: training of teachers and administrators, connectivity, technical support, and software, amongst others.(42) When bringing ICT into classrooms, policies should use an incremental pathway, establishing infrastructure and bringing in sustainable and easily upgradable ICT.(16) Schools in some countries have begun allowing students to bring their own mobile technology (such as laptop, tablet, or smartphone) into class rather than providing such tools to all students—an approach called Bring Your Own Device.(1)(27)(34) However, not all families can afford devices or service plans for their children.(30) Schools must ensure all students have equitable access to ICT devices for learning.
Top New Technologies That Are Changing Online Teaching For The Better in 2022
1. Welcome to the Virtual Classroom

One of the main factors that have made online teaching and learning possible is the virtual classroom. The rapid development of different technologies has made it possible to create online teaching platforms like VEDAMO where tutors and students have everything they need for a fulfilling study experience. And, by “everything,” I mean everything – from personal one-on-one interactions in real-time to classes with an online whiteboard packed with interactive features and tools for presentations and tutoring, to using separate virtual spaces for teamwork or solo studying.
The virtual classroom offers limitless possibilities to make online teaching more fun, interesting, effective and inspiring. Thanks to the latest technologies and the cloud computing trend, the virtual classroom is very easy to use on different devices and from any location in the world that has an internet connection. Online studying offers more possibilities than ever for a more adaptive and personalized experience for students. The latest trends in online education allow for new twists to the roles of tutors and students in the virtual classroom. Online teachers not only relay knowledge to students but also encourage them to be more involved in the learning process and participate in content creation.
Will the virtual classroom replace the traditional classroom? Probably not in the immediate future, but there is a growing trend in online education to embrace hybrid learning methods that combine online teaching with traditional classes.
2. Taking visual learning to the next level – virtual reality

The implementation of virtual reality (VR) in online teaching is taking the visual experience of students to the next level. VR has become more and more accessible over the past few years. It is without a doubt one of the most powerful tools in online teaching and creates immersive lessons on many different subjects. VR creates visual stimulation and even emotionally engages students to have the most fulfilling learning experience.
VR can enrich online lessons on various topics and subjects like history, for example. Imagine teaching a lesson on Ancient Greece with the ability to present students with an immersive experience of the architecture and the atmosphere of this historical period. More and more training programs include VR in their lessons to present students with real-life scenarios and experiences in a safe and controlled environment.
3. Immersive learning – the era of augmented reality

Both VR and augmented reality (AR) are giving a new face to modern ways of learning. Studying is no longer limited to memorizing and understanding the lessons. Thanks to AR, students get the chance to dive deeper into the learning material by truly immersing themselves in the environment. The level of understanding of the lessons is higher than ever before. AR is used in online teaching as well as in hybrid education programs in combination with other technologies, features, and methods. AR enables students to observe and study the subjects and processes in the smallest details in a fully safe and controlled environment.
The idea behind AR is a combination of technology and real-world environment and data. One of the best ways to implement AR is through apps on smartphones. Teachers can present 3D models, historical lessons, etc. to make the learning material easier to understand. In many training programs, AR allows students to scan a certain picture or text and receive more information on the subject in the form of an audio recording, teacher comments, or even video. The use of AR in online teaching has proven to be effective in explaining abstract topics and theoretical concepts, like Math for example.
Online teaching tools are web-based applications that allow students to explore learning at their own pace, meet individual needs, address a variety of learning styles, and provide students with opportunities to master academic content in new and innovative ways.
ICT tools for online teaching can be a solution to enhance the quality of teaching and learning process in the classroom. The development of information and technology (ICT) gives an opportunity for teachers to integrate ICT into every subject to jazz up learning process. ICT tools could also be used as instructional media in teaching learning process, especially at e-learning environment and distance learning courses.