Importance Of Quantitative Research In Marketing

Quantitative research is known as one of the most important things to have in your business. It’s used for many things, but the most common are political polls, surveys, statistics, and many more topics.

Quantitative research is widely used for handling various concerns which are, in the opinion of the researcher, less complicated than the more complex issues. These concerns can be of various kinds.

Why is quantitative research useful?

Quantitative research has a crucial role to play in any market research strategy for a range of reasons:

  • It enables you to conduct research at scale
  • When quantitative research is conducted in a representative way, it can reveal insights about broader groups of people or the population as a whole
  • It enables us to easily compare different groups (e.g. by age, gender or market) to understand similarities or differences 
  • It can help businesses understand the size of a new opportunity 
  •  It can be helpful for reducing a complex problem or topic to a limited number of variables

How Do You Conduct Quantitative Research?

Quantitative market research typically includes customer surveys and questionnaires. These can be conducted face-to-face with a clipboard and pen, over the telephone, via post or email, online or via your website.

Survey questions have to be carefully considered so that the results provide meaningful data. Don’t just ask if people know about your business – ask how often they visit, what products they buy and where else they go to buy the same products and why.

Answers on a structured questionnaire are usually closed – in other words, they require respondents to choose from a specific selection of answers and do not allow for the respondent to qualify their answer or elaborate. So a garden centre owner might ask, “How often do you buy plants and gardening supplies?” and respondents would have to choose between five options:

  • never;
  • once a year;
  • two to three times a year;
  • once a month;
  • every week.

While the big two methods of gathering data are surveys and questionnaires, there are plenty of ways to conduct these methods.

Telephone interviews

A leading insurance company commissioned us to contact 500 head-teachers, bursars and other senior members of staff. These were from state, independent and academy schools plus further and higher education establishments.


When you only need a few questions answered and can’t justify the cost of rolling out a full-scale survey, an omnibus is a good solution. This style groups questions from multiple businesses into one survey so that the time and effort spent recruiting and compensating participants can be spread across several companies who have only a few questions.


Digital or printed surveys are the most common for a reason: They are extremely cost-effective because they are automated. Results roll in without needing a person to make a phone call or interact with every individual respondent. These are most effective when the questions are straightforward, like choosing A vs. B. They’re not so effective in nuanced preference questions, like describing how A vs B makes a participant feel.


The human interaction of phone surveys can make a participant feel more engaged than a digital or printed survey, leading them to give more considered answers – this creates better data. Telephone surveys also allow the researcher to understand a participant’s answer more clearly based on their voice and tone. The statistical reliability of a survey over an interview also remains intact because the questions are consistent across participants. Telephone surveys are best:

  • If the survey questions end with a “Why?” or “Can you explain?”
  • If the survey questions are longer or slightly complicated and require better participant concentration than normal
  • If you are pilot (or metric) testing your online survey questions before they are deployed widely online. “Why?” and “Can you explain?” phone questions can capture the most common answers, which can then be listed as checkbox options A, B, C, and D in the widely distributed online survey. This will discourage write-in answers, making your data easier to analyze.


A criticism of surveys, in general, is that they don’t allow for conversation or elaboration. While this is a benefit in keeping data consistent, it also leaves findings on the table that a researcher could have used to better understand the participant’s feedback. In face-to-face surveys, a researcher still can’t go off script, but they can make note of a scrunched nose when a product is mentioned or a disengaged stance. Face-to-face surveys are best when the survey questions delve into emotions. An example might be survey questions for emotionally charged products or campaigns, like Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty. “How does marketing around women’s beauty products today make you feel?”

It’s easy for face-to-face surveys to become interviews, but keep in mind the difference is that surveys do not go off script. The survey researcher must stick to the order of the questions and the exact wording to keep statistical reliability, and in an interview, the researcher has control over the order, pacing, and structure of all questions.

Postal surveys

We sent out and analysed a postal survey of nearly 400 households for a major housing regeneration. We also interviewed 1,000 households to assess their housing needs.

Buffer — The Optimal Length for Every Social Media Update and More

Plenty of bloggers and talking industry heads love to pontificate on the ideal practices for content marketing and online posting in general. The only problem is that all this advice constitutes mere hearsay — anecdotal advice that may not observe actual trends.

To cut through the fluff, the folks at Buffer teamed up with SumAll in order to tabulate and quantify social media engagement as a factor of post length. The insights they yield stand as a firm benchmark for other brands to instantly consult and guide their content writing decisions.

Orbit Media Studios — Survey of 1000+ Bloggers: How to Be in the Top 5%

Orbit Media’s “state of the industry” type post checked in with over 1,000 professional bloggers in order to observe the habits, practices and idiosyncrasies of the most active and popular content creators online. While the insights yielded from the study are less hard-and-fast rules akin to the post above, they still guide and mentor aspiring content creators on what those at the top do to succeed.

HubSpot — State of Inbound Yearly Report

HubSpot stands as a flagship brand for inbound marketing and content marketing alike, having helped push the practices forward into their modern iterations through a combination of thought leadership and a suite of empowering apps.

Not ones to expect clients to merely take their word on the benefits of inbound, HubSpot aimed to prove the power of the marketing practice in their yearly reports compiling participation, successes and trends within the field. These observations are incredibly valuable to companies weighing their marketing campaign strategies, and the report also serves as a telling look at the field as a whole.

What can quantitative research tell me?

Quantitative market research can answer many business-critical questions, including:

  • Is there a market for your products and services?
  • What awareness is there of your product or service?
  • How many people are interested in buying your product or service?
  • What type of people are your best customers?
  • What are their buying habits?
  • How are the needs of your target market changing?

The importance of quantitative research

Quantitative research is a powerful tool for anyone looking to learn more about their market and customers. It allows you to gain reliable, objective insights from data and clearly understand trends and patterns.

Where quantitative research falls short is in explaining the ‘why’. This is where you need to turn to other methods, like qualitative research, where you’ll actually talk to your audience and delve into the more subjective factors driving their decision-making.


Quantitative research is one of the most useful and popular marketing techniques. It helps companies and organizations to better understand their customers and develop strategies and tactics to effectively communicate with them.

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