They say a morning routine sets a tone for the entire day. That’s why I’ve created this guide, if you follow it you will be well on your way to becoming a millionaire.
You can start from today. It does not take supernatural powers or anything special, anyone who has been successful in business or their personal development had a morning routine they stuck to.
They Avoid overspending.
While non-wealthy people daydream about spending money without worry, buying fancy cars, big houses and expensive clothes, the rich understand that the more money you spend, the less you have. The wealthy wouldn’t stay wealthy long if they spent excessively. No matter how much money you earn, you’ll always be poor if you spend more than you make.
The rich recognize that the less you spend, the more money you have to grow your wealth. Keep in mind that frugality is relative to your income — a wealthy person may spend much more than someone who is considered middle class. But in relative terms, the rich tend to be thrifty, and they make sure they don’t overspend.
They Take time to reflect.
Many of the self-made wealthy spend time in focused thinking every day. Spending 30 minutes (or more) in a quiet space gives them time to reflect on their life and goals, to think about their health and relationships, consider their career and financial goals, and analyze where they’re currently at and where they want to be. Critical thinking time is essential to staying ahead of the market and considering what changes may be coming your way.
Know What You’re Paying in Investment Fees
The rich also pay attention to investment fees — something many others overlook. For example, more than half of workers don’t know they’re paying fees on their workplace retirement savings accounts, according to a study by the National Association of Retirement Plan Participants.
Yet those fees can eat away at your returns, Schulte said. “The more you’re paying in mutual fund fees or transaction fees means less money in your pocket.”
Even small fees can have a big impact. If you invest $100,000 over 20 years and pay a 1% annual fee, your portfolio value will be about $30,000 less than if you had paid a 0.25% annual fee, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy.
Check your account statement to see what fees you’re paying. If they seem high, the SEC recommends asking whether the costs can be reduced. You also should shop around for accounts and investment firms with low fees, which can help you keep more of the money you worked hard to save.
Start your day with exercise.
Exercise gives you endorphins, which can elevate your mood and give you more energy.
That’s why most successful millionaires start their day off with a little bit of exercise.

But the type of exercise you choose to add into your morning routine is totally up to you!
Whether you prefer to relax with a yoga routine or want to head outside for a run doesn’t matter. The key is to find some way to incorporate exercise into your routine each day.
Eat breakfast and drink water.
Rushing through your routine each morning probably means you skip breakfast more often than you’d like to admit.
But enjoying a healthy breakfast is an essential element to a successful morning routine.
Starting your day off with a filling meal can help you stay focused, give you more energy, and help you concentrate on the work you need to accomplish later in the day. That’s why most successful millionaires never skip their first meal of the day.
Another important part of a millionaire’s daily routine is drinking water in the morning – at least 20 ounces of water when you first get up.
It might seem unnecessary, but drinking water first thing in the morning quickly hydrates your body and fuels your brain. I know for myself, it has made a huge difference in my alertness. As long as I have water in the morning, I don’t need coffee or tea.

Do something just for you.
Life isn’t all about going to work, taking care of your family, and keeping up with housework.
It’s also important to take time to focus on the things that are important to you.
Adding something of value or significance to you into your morning routine will ensure that you put the focus on yourself, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Go back to the exercise outlined above to think about what personal project you might add into your own morning routine, then think about ways you can start incorporating it tomorrow.
Whether it’s simply taking a few minutes to read a chapter in your favorite book or starting a new art project, adding a personal project to your day can be a great way to make yourself happy first thing in the morning and reduce your stress levels throughout the rest of your day.
Learn something new.
They say knowledge is power, which may be why self-made millionaires have become so successful.
Taking the time to learn something new each day is one of the best ways to improve your life.
And the good news is that you don’t have to spend much time or effort to increase your knowledge.
Adding in time to read in the morning, listening to an audiobook or podcast during your commute, or playing a memory game on your phone while you wait for the kids to finish getting ready are all quick and easy ways to help you stay sharp.
You can even take a course from home using a platform like Skillshare, which has a lot of FREE courses available online. There are a variety of topics including photography and music. There are also premium courses available at a cost. However, you can sign up here and get the first 2 months of Skillshare premium for FREE.
Enjoy time with your family.
When coming up with ideas for your own morning routine, it can be easy to push family time aside in order to get more accomplished.
But spending quality time with your family is one of the best ways to improve your mood and get your day started off right.
Take a few minutes out of your morning routine to check in with your spouse and kids instead of simply rushing out the door to your own separate destinations. You’ll be happy you had that quality time as you work your way through another stressful day.
The millionaire morning routine is no different than any other successful person who’s amazing at what they do. This routine really depends on the person, but the usual morning routine of the worlds wealthy starts with waking up early (around 4 am) and doing some type of physical activity like working out or even yoga.