Do you find yourself overwhelmed with business ideas and tools? It is hard to wade through all the information that is out there, especially if you are new into network marketing. This is why I created “Network Marketing Business Tools”. It was designed to have everything you need to succeed at home. Everything is laid out so simply for you to understand easily.
This package of business tools is filled with handy materials that you can use to assist you in your network marketing business. Includes:
Social Media Promotional Tools
Social media platforms have a great influence on people around the world. Some of them use social media to pass the time but for others, it’s a world to socialize and connect with more people. In business or productive terms, that’s the real definition instead of addiction!
Network marketing professionals can use these social networking tools to influence more people by offering a reason to join your network. People like to survive in their life, that’s the basic rule of our life.
We all are looking for such opportunities day after day. So, if you can use social media as a marketing tool in an effective way, you’re going to trigger the interests of people.
Lead Capture Pages & Campaigns
Lead pages are one of the powerful ways of lead generation and finding prospects, it’s like a magnet to attract more leads. A lead page usually comes with a neat design by providing a contact box supported by some value for people to fill in their details.
Checkout the below image, which lead page do you prefer? The first one with the right alignment and structure or the second one with issues?
- The design element is attractive
- You are providing an offer that helps them or benefits them to make real money
- You just provided a trust element
- The media elements used on the page is loading perfectly
All these points give great value and not every lead page provider assists you in giving such vital directions. This is one of the best marketing tools available to encourage more people to be in the network marketing industry.
Email Marketing
If you haven’t checked my previous blogs then you must because I have given the value of email marketing in many aspects of the network marketing world. It’s a traditional approach with unique value and has been the best way to find more people.
We have seen different social media platforms, websites, e-commerce stores, etc. Everyone advertises in many ways but ever did they stop inboxing you with new offers or confirmation emails? The answer is there in your mind, NO!
Why haven’t they stopped it? The reason is that our internet world is wide and usually the dots between them are connected via emails.
With an attractive template and useful content representation, email marketing becomes a powerful tool.
Replicated Websites
Yes, a website is important, and in network marketing terms, a distributor website! A replicated website offers a comprehensive unit where a distributor will be able to manage their entire network easily. Is that all a replicated website could do, just to manage things?
No, it’s more than that. The power can be provided to their hands with content marketing techniques. Regular blogging that gives informative content can scrutinize things to guide and help others.
Adding a subscription increases visibility and thereby helps to get more conversions.
How is newsletter subscription relevant in this marketing context? It is because it’s a successful step you just earned from your website. It’s more like a measurable element!
LinkedIn prospecting
Why did we place more emphasis on LinkedIn than on a standard title in social prospecting? The reason for this is because of the LinkedIn platform’s options and power.
LinkedIn is a professional community, so if you are a genuine network marketing professional, you will get serious customers from this platform. However, you can’t just go on LinkedIn and start prospecting.
There are numerous things to learn, such as when to upgrade to a premium account, how to use Inmails, LinkedIn groups, and much more. For the best results, spend some money on a system that provides insights based on your responses, and then make smart decisions to change your communication style as needed.
Marketing Automation
Regular customer or prospect interaction can be automatically updated without the need for any manual procedures. Repetitive marketing tasks can be automated through various marketing channels such as email, social media, and so on to save time and effort.
Various tasks can be automatically scheduled and tracked. Lead generation and product marketing can both be automated. Check out some of the features of Marketing Automation.
- Lead Segmentation: This entails locating leads and categorizing them based on personal preferences. It is done with the age or gender of the leads in mind.
- Lead nurturing: This is about developing a personal relationship with your leads in order to increase engagement. It will increase their lead score and encourage them to join as a buyer.
- Lead scoring: This entails ranking leads based on their level of interest or response. When a lead expresses more interest, the lead score rises.
- Relationship marketing: This focuses on engaging and retaining customers by developing a strong relationship with them. Focus on developing a customer-centric culture and ensuring customer satisfaction.
- Cross-selling and upselling: Cross-selling is an automated process that encourages buyers to purchase related products. Upselling is the practice of persuading customers to purchase higher-priced items.
- Marketing ROI measurement: Measuring marketing ROI is dependent on what percentage of sales growth is allocated to marketing processes. It is necessary to develop complex formulas, and calculating ROI for large businesses takes time.
Contact Management, Goal Tracking, Followup and Email Marketing Tools
Many apps work like your very own virtual assistant, helping you to focus on building and nurturing your list of prospects. Apps like myBeeHyve can boost productivity and revenue generation for an MLM business. The apps also enable users to create follow up activities and receive reminders when it is time to follow up.
These tools also make it easy to track each touch-point and carry out advanced contact search. Bulk contact import, goal tracking, custom fields and bulk emailing are also taken care of, by the app. Such apps are changing the way network marketers manage contacts, link up with prospects and build their business. It offers a contact management system unlike others, built to address the needs of a growing network marketing marketplace.
Some folks are born salesmen, but most folks have to overcome fears, learn skills, and develop passion for learning to sell. Network marketing business tools are the best way to start that journey. To build a home based business take advantage of tools designed specifically to help you lower your learning curve so you can take your network marketing business up to the next level.