Do you feel that you don’t see your college courses anymore? Are you feeling overwhelmed with the amount of homework that you need to do for this semester? Well, I understand. It takes a lot of effort to focus on classes and it can be easy to lose track of time. However, there are some online learning tools that can help you manage your time better.
25 Important Apps And Digital Learning Tools For University Students

Apps And Digital Learning Tools For University Students
The smartphone has become one of the most valuable tools for students in higher education and has come to play an important role in in-class learning, study organization and management, student/community life and planning, dealing with finances, and personal safety and security. Below is a list of 25 valuable apps for (university) students to make the most of their educational experience.
All of the apps lists below (in no particular order or ranking) are entirely free, but can be upgraded for enhanced performance at a cost. Still, the free versions are more than sufficient and can be expected to play at least a small role in your overall achievement in higher education. These apps, however, are by no means limited to student-use; in fact, there is a good chance that instructors of all levels will find these to be equally useful teaching and learning tools as they are enlightening and entertaining.
1. Office Lens
One of the most popular apps that students can use to make instant scans with the camera on their smartphones. Office Lens can be synched with OneNote and OneDrive, for example, so scanned documents such pictures, texts such as readings/outlines/tables of contents, business cards, and whiteboards, among others, can be saved with ease and efficiency.
The app identifies the dimensions of the document you wish to scan, crop, and make the image crisp and tidy. Images on whiteboards can be turned into Word documents and information from business cards can be instantly turned into contacts on your mobile. Google Lens is a similar app that detects and interprets objects, offering actions to the smartphone user based on its visual analysis of the object. This app is similar to Google Googles and Bixby Vision.
2. Notability
Notability has been ranked as one of the best note-taking apps available. More than a note-taking app, students can annotate PDFs/images/GIFs, brainstorm their ideas and make quick and easy note of them for future reference, record lectures, and many other functions. Students can often find it difficult to follow lectures while attempting to take notes. This app lets students manage their own lectures and notes, plus share, connect, and synchronize with other students. Notability can sync with Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
3. Dragon Microphone
This app is more than five years old but still provides students with superlative quality speech-to-text options for turning ideas into notes in a second. The app allows students to dictate their papers and note for other assignments such as presentations. Dragon Microphone recognizes the speakers voice with use and so overall accuracy improves over time. Putting thoughts down on paper is laborious in many ways and can put thought barriers up easily. This app allows students to get their ideas down quickly and offer them with a workable draft to edit and polish over time.
4. SoundNote
Another in-class assistant is SoundNote. This app is like a study buddy. SoundNote follows as you type and sketch, recording audio along the way. Not exclusively for the classroom, students can also use SoundNote during group work or discussion and while conducting interviews for assignments or research. This well-designed app lets you export your notes and audio as well.
5. Uni Calculator
Keep on top of your grades and overall assessment with Uni Calculator. This app is pretty straightforward; it allows you to calculate what marks you need to achieve your desired grade in a particular class. Uni Calculator lets you input whatever units of grading you like.
6. iStudiez
Track it all: student/life schedule, homework/assignments, and grades. This student-planner app helps you keep on top of your plans at any time with easy-to-follow organization and presentation. Build colorful block-style calendars/timetable and to-do categories. You can also track your progress using the simple grade-graph feature. This app has received wonderful reviews by students from all over and it has been consistently ranked above other organization and planning apps.
7. SimpleMind
Mindmap away using SimpleMind. Highly illustrative, this app provides the perfect place for mapping your thoughts and mulling them over as your leisure. Brainstorming has no limits here with unlimited page size and the ability to create more than one mind map on a single page. User can also plug in useful images, video recordings, and voice memos. SimpleMind is user-friendly and even fun to use, and can assist in the creation of complex mind maps in over a dozen languages.
8. SelfControl
Studies, as with any other responsibility, is a challenge so long as there are distractions around. To get some SelfControl, just download this free app and put a block on any and every website distracting you from those important studies. This app allows you to time blocks, set them for certain periods, and access those fun websites when the readings are all done.
9. StudyBlue
StudyBlue is a massive and powerful study assistant that helps you cut the stress when it comes to studying and learning quicker and more efficiently. This app lets you study anywhere and access approximately 500 million study materials, including flashcards, notes, and study guides. StudyBlue can assist with putting you in touch with other students, ideal study materials, and engage actively with quizzes. Alternative to StudyBlue are Quizlet, Cram, and Brainscape.
10. GoConqr
Retaining the mass of information that you accumulate over the course of a semester or even the first few weeks of it can be a challenge. GoConqr assists with this challenge by providing users with interactive functions such as courses, mindmaps, flashcards, notes, quizzes, slides, and flowcharts. This is education and learning management at its best. This app feature an extensive digital library for learners, the means for educators to create their own learning materials and create an interactive community among their students, and can provide institutions with the create campus portals, campus groups, and community announcements.
11. My Study Life
When it comes to studies, exam preparation can be the most stressful of all university experiences. Time management and organization are keys to solid exam preparation that can lead to success and achievement. Keeping focused and organized can be done using a number of apps, notably My Study Life, which allows students to synchronize their university life with their calendars. Having input all the vital information about your semester, you can keep on track, receiving notifications and reminders about classes, assignments, and exams that are quickly approaching. My Study Life connects all your devices and allows the option of cloud storage. Similar free apps include: Exam Countdown, Pocket, TCY Exam Prep, and ACCA Student Planner.
12. Timetable
Time management overall is no less deserving of attention than assignment and exam organization and preparation. My Class Schedule is one of the easiest ways to keep your schedule organized in a clear and simple manner. This basic timetabling app sends you reminders about your classes and lets you know when you are about to face an exam and even when an assignment or two has slipped your mind. Timetable delivers a number of great features to help students manage their daily and weekly studies through the semesters.
13. EasyBib
Referencing and citation generation can be a daunting task for students entering university for the first time, and even for students taking classes from professors who insist on the use of a variety of different citation styles. EasyBib, the free bibliography generator, can reinforce those all-important referencing rules from which students cannot escape. EasyBib lets students generate citations from a lengthy list of formats and choose from dozens of source options. Other functions include book search by title or ISBN, book barcode scanning, and citation sharing.
14. Google Drive
By now nearly everyone should have heard of Google Drive in one form or another. If not, you are definitely missing out on an incredibly useful file storage and synchronization system. Launched about six years ago, Google Drive offers a good amount of storage space and is very simple to use. A good alternative to Dropbox and OneDrive, which only offer about 2GB and 5GB of storage space respectively, Google Drive offers 15GB of storage space, requires you to simply drag and drop, and delivers solid platform support. It then syncs your documents to the cloud automatically. This app also has built-in image search technology that is sure to impress with its ability to identify objects, including people.
15. Pinterest
Pinterest is just amazing, simply and squarely. This is an incredibly popular website with a good app. Pinterest is basically an enormous ideas constellation. In addition to just plain fun to browse, Pinterest is full of inspiration and provides an unlimited range of visual content to get you moving on projects and assignments. Each and every “Pin” shows you the website where it was found. With more than 100 million active users, there is no shortage of images to sit through, grab, and share with others.
16. Coursera
Not all learning needs to take place in the classroom and or even through online degree programs. Coursera offers hundreds of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to anyone interested in gaining basic understanding of a wide array of topic and subjects. Courses offered through this educational company are organized and taught in together with hundreds of universities and companies. 24 million users cannot be wrong.
Coursera offers online studies in 12 different categories and learners can receive verified certificates for their online achievements. Many universities today have even recognized Coursera credit and allow students to complete online courses as part of their regular degree programs at university. Other sites offering a host of interesting MOOCs include: FutureLearn, edX, XuetangX, Udacity, Udemy, and Miríada X (Spanish). MOOC-based credentials through these education-based companies and initiatives are diverse, ranging from auditing, to certificates, to Master’s degrees.
17. Google Duo
A simpler version of Skype, Google Duo is a handy little app for making audio and video calls to people in your contact list. High definition video calls are of exceptional quality and callers can leave previews for the recipient prior to accepting the call. Google Duo allows the user to make call using his or her existing contact list. This app is perfect for students on a budget and looking to reduce their calling costs. Similar apps include: Skype, FaceTime, Tango, Whatsapp, Viber, and Amazon Alexa.
18. Monzo
The Monzo banking app has been called the Facebook of banking and puts financial management at your fingertips. Studies can be difficult enough without worrying about the major financial burdens involved. Students who find it difficult to manage their spending can keep on top of it all with Monzo. This app provides instant notification, assists in budgeting, and allows users to make payment overseas without any costs. Notable app functionality is also supplemented by reputable customer service. The app also has enhanced security through the use of fingerprint identification. Anyone interested in this app might also like to check out Loot.
19. bSafe
Personal safety has become a paramount concern on university campuses these days. Campuses–while often patrolled and observed using CCTV cameras–can be quite large, quiet, and dark, and a litter uncomfortable for anyone walking alone at night or unfamiliar with his or her surroundings. The bSafe app helps provide some security by putting virtual eyes on you as you walk home through live GSP tracking (a function called “Follow Me”), featuring an SOS alarm, automatic video and audio recordings that can be instantly sent to other mobiles.
20. Circle Of 6
The app was designed for university students as a security devise against potential sexual violence but can be used by anyone for enhanced safety and security. Much like the bSafe app, Circle Of 6 lets you tap your location to anyone, communicating your position and possible need for help. As the name suggest, users can create (security) circle of friends who can receive texts, GPS locations, phone calls, and chat icons from anyone in the circle. This app gives you direct access to information about important issues like sexuality, relationships, and personal safety, and even allows you to make a “phone out” to hotlines.
Knowledge Building
21. TED Talks
Students are without a doubt bound to recommend TED for other students – and rightly so! With TED you can explore thousands of inspiring and motivating talks and ideas from extraordinary people, even if you have never heard of them. TED is illuminating, pushes your thought limits, and helps expand the boundaries of thought and imagination for every single age. Great for students, instructors can make use of TED for their classes. TED provides some of the most empowering messages for my students. Check out “The most powerful talks of all time.”
22. Behance
Students, whether in design or just interests in design and visually stunning things, will likely find the Behance online platform nothing short of mesmerizing. Behance features new work from incredibly talented individuals in design, fashion, architecture, photography, motion graphics, and many more fields of work and passion. It is easy to spend hours on this site, where you can follow creators and expressionists of beautiful things that are sure to stimulate your creative side. The site also provides options for connecting with student and professional communities associated with specific organization and institutions. You can browse through and share the work of artists using such tools such as Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, InDesign, XD, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Illustrator Draw, Photoshop Sketch, Photoshop Mix, Stock, and Dimension.
23. Duolingo
I cannot resist suggesting current and prospective language learners from taking a look at the Duolingo language-learning platform. Having explored dozens of other language-learning sites and apps, Duolingo, with its 68 languages courses (more than 20 currently being developed) to be, bar none, the best. Duolingo is really interactive, fun, and feels like a game more than anything else. Language courses are high quality, designed and implemented with experts and native speakers to create a great approach to language learning. Want to step out of reality and into fantasy? You can even take courses in Klingon and High Valyrian. Best of all, Duolingo is the ideal price: 100% free!
By far one of the most popular dictionary apps, offers loads of features and is simple to use. Providing quick access to definitions and their pronunciation, this app also provides users with access to dozens of language translations and even offers colloquial language and idiomatic expressions. For those interested in building their vocabulary, also offers a word of the day. For students needing to access the millions of words in the English language, this app is an invaluable digital learning tool and can be used without an Internet connection.
25. Exam Vocabulary Builder
Build it! This app helps build a stronger vocabulary through games, quizzes, and such functions as audio pronunciation. It is actually a stimulating and fun way to build your vocabulary irrespective of the learner’s language level – beginners to native speakers are likely to benefit to no small extent from this app. Other effective vocabulary-building apps include: PowerVocab, Magoosh Vocabulary Builder, A Word a Day Widget, Word to Word, and Word with Friends.
The Best Free Online Productivity Tools for College Students
Want to learn more about the top productivity tools for college students? Of course you do, and you can find what you’re looking for in these profiles of the best free online productivity tools. The apps listed here rank among the top 25 of their kind. Many users have already tried them and rated them as making the grade. Students who want to do likewise can take advantage of these resources, and hopefully take their GPA to the next level, or keep it there if it’s already off the charts. Go ahead and take a study break to explore these top productivity apps, and then see how much easier time-management becomes.
1. Bitly

College is a great time to launch a website, especially for students promoting a “side hustle” to pay for school. As one of the top productivity tools, bitly is a link-management app that does it all — from shortening links to enhance their “clickbait” value to letting users see when people are visiting their site, and from what location. Advanced analytics make it possible to know what content is resonating with visitors, and what isn’t. Bitly users can customize their site’s link by replacing with their chosen domain name. Taking advantage of bitly can increase traffic toward their brand by as much as 34%. What’s more, members can securely integrate bitly with virtually any digital marketing tool, even when managing multiple links.

Despite its name, bookwormhub isn’t just for bookworms. It’s one of those free online productivity tools that’s ideal for tackling overwhelming loads of homework. With bookwormhub, students can submit assignments for free. From there, they can see the profiles of experts who can help, and select the one they want. The site is especially helpful for completing challenging writing assignments, and features experts in several subject areas — from economics to biology. Students do have to pay for the expert assistance, but rates are reasonable and clients can expect a good return on their investment. They can track the progress on an assignment, offer suggestions, and leave reviews once it’s been completed.
3. Canva

As a college student, sometimes there’s nothing more frustrating than having to create a graph or table, especially when it has to be formatted within a research paper. Canva simplifies the process, allowing students to create professional-looking visual representations of data in minutes, without the drudgery of learning to use new software. Users can select their preferred template from among more than 20 types of graphs, incorporate their data, add illustrations, and adjust fonts and colors. Drag -and-drop options allow for ease-of-use, even for the non-graphically inclined. App users can download, share, or publish a high-resolution display of their data in a form that’s easy to understand. It’s also possible to seamlessly embed graphs and diagrams within presentations. Canva includes photo-editing and other design features, too.
4. Chegg

Chegg is ranked as one of the top productivity tools because it’s a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to the best of its kind. Have math problems that seem impossible to solve? Chegg not only provides the answers, but also walks students through the process to arrive at them. Students can select from thousands of study flashcards, or create their own. As anyone who’s ever written a paper knows, attempting to paraphrase, or thinking they paraphrased when they didn’t, can result in unintentional, random acts of plagiarism. Chegg flags those mistakes before professors do, so students’ grades and academic reputations aren’t put in jeopardy. Human help is available 24/7, and students can even use Chegg to search for internships, customize cover letters, and get job interview-prep help.
5. Codeacademy

With the exponential growth of the STEM field, increasing numbers of people are learning how to code. Others want to learn, but don’t know where to start. Codeacademy is a go-to app for students of all experience levels who want to master this skill, whether they’re building websites, honing their programming prowess, or breaking down data for research. This site walks them through what they need to know, allows them to apply and test their knowledge along the way, and provides feedback to keep them on the right track. Thinking of launching a coding career to pay off those student loans? Codeacademy helps with that too — landing your dream job, that is; sorry, not the student loans.
6. ColdTurkey

Digital distractions are the ultimate recipe for procrastination. Willpower alone may not be enough to avoid mindless web-surfing. That’s where ColdTurkey comes in. One of the top free online productivity tools around, ColdTurkey allows users to block websites, apps, games, and Google searches, or the whole Internet. If going “cold turkey” on all online engagement seems too extreme, users can whitelist certain sites or set time limits for their browsing, so a short study break doesn’t turn into a binge-watching blitz on YouTube. Even better, this app blocks selected sites on all supported browsers, so there are no workarounds for cheating. Users can choose a pre-selected list of sites to block, or create their own. Motivational quotes even remind them to stay focused.
7. Coursera

What to learn more about something or pick up a new skill? Coursera offers massive open online courses (MOOC) from top universities. Courses are available for free, all students need is a reliable Internet connection, so they can study anywhere, anytime. Each course typically lasts 4-6 weeks, though some are longer. Students can access high-quality course materials, instructional videos, discussion forums, and interactive lessons that would otherwise be out of reach. The platform includes paid courses, too, and those come with additional projects, and, upon successful completion, a certificate that may count toward a master’s degree. For those who want to enhance their career prospects, specializations give them the opportunity to acquire a new job skill, with challenging, self-paced courses that include real-world assignments and projects.
8. Cram

Studying for a test can be overwhelming, especially when it’s a final exam or a specialized, standardized assessment such as the MCAT. Offering thousands of flashcards on a host of subjects, Cram makes it easier to memorize all that information. Students can create their own flashcards too, and share them with their study group or everyone else who uses the platform. One reason Cram ranks among the top productivity tools is that it allows college students to take their studies on-the-go. With its mobile feature, users can access flashcards from a smartphone or tablet. Sample essays and research papers are available here, too. The app works with PCs, MACs, iPhone, Android, and Windows operating systems, so users don’t have to worry about whether it’s compatible with their respective devices.
9. edX

The second-largest MOOC-provider after Coursera, edX offers more than 2500 courses from 140 prestigious colleges, universities, and top-tier companies. as one of the best free online productivity tools, this app was founded by Harvard and MIT. It connects more than 20 million like-minded learners from around the world. Removing geographic and cost barriers, edX meets learners where they are with rigorous, self-paced courses on subjects ranging from computer science to communication. EdX operates via an open-source platform, so educators can leverage technology to regularly add new features that enhance the learning experience. Paid courses are also available that allow students to work toward master’s degrees in engineering, IT management, marketing, and several other fields, with more programs in the works.
10. Evernote

Need to keep up with class notes and other stuff, but don’t want to deal with piles of paper or isolated computer files? Evernote transforms the way busy people in general, and students in particular, keep track of important info. Evernote provides a single, secure source for storing and readily accessing files, photos, and voice memos from any device. Even better, Evernote is compatible with digital assistants Siri and Google. As if all that isn’t enough, users can share their info with others, even if the recipients don’t have an Evernote account themselves. Evernote’s browser extension makes it possible to capture everything from PDFs to full webpages, and other online items. Students can also get to-do list reminders so they don’t miss important deadlines for term papers and projects.
11. Google Docs

Google Docs is a top productivity tool that enables users to create documents in a variety of styles and formats (with helpful templates included). Plus, users can convert documents back and forth between Google and Microsoft Word. Another feature that makes this app one of the top productivity tools is its versatility. Students can easily create and store documents on any device, even when they don’t have Internet access — a plus when service is down or there’s no wi-fi and users are worried about maxing out their data plan. Google Docs saves changes automatically and maintains revision histories so students can look up different versions of the same document. Real-time editing and chatting allow for seamless collaboration.
12. Gradesaver

Gradesaver is one of those free productivity tools that makes it a whole lot easier to get through tough reading assignments. On this site, students can find study guides on a variety of literary works, from modern-day novels to Shakespeare plays. Gradesaver is essentially an online Cliff Notes. Writing a research paper or a thesis? Gradesaver offers expert editing services for a host of writing projects, including scholarship application essays. Another bonus: the app features a collection of sample essays students can use when crafting anything from literature essays to medical, law, or business school applications. In fact, Gradesaver has such a fantastic reputation that it’s been recognized for its treasure trove of essays by major publications such as The Washington Post, The Economist, and more.
13. Insight Timer

Research shows that productivity is higher when students take time to rest and rejuvenate. If you’re looking for free online productivity tools that help you do that, look no further than Insight Timer, the free meditation app. With an extensive library of more than 30,000 titles, this site features a collection of guided meditations for relaxation and restful sleep. The free timer feature allows users to customize settings to incorporate meditations into their daily routine. Students can also adjust settings to more easily access their favorite meditations and talks. New to meditation? This app includes a free 7-day course on the fundamentals of the practice. What’s more, Insight Timer’s resources are available in 30 languages, so they’re available to students worldwide.
14. myHomework

MyHomework ranks as one of the top free online productivity tools because it’s easy to use and helps students stay organized, which is key to making the best use of available time and getting better grades. This cross-device platform also works with Kindle and allows students to access info about their classes and assignments anywhere, anytime. They can set reminders about tests, quizzes, and projects so they can be well-prepared and never miss a deadline. Since it’s so simple to use, there’s no learning curve, saving time and effort. What’s more, the app comes with a reward system for submitting assignments on time. The paid version of this app is available at minimal cost and comes with extra features.
15. myNoise

Some people need to tune out unwanted noise so they can concentrate. But noise-canceling headphones are expensive and not practical for everyone. That’s where myNoise comes in. It provides enjoyable white noise to boost productivity and creativity or help people dial down. For instance, students can listen to the sounds of a busy coffee shop, even when they’re stuck in the library. Tune in to the whisper of the wind in a Japanese garden, or chill out with a Gregorian chant. Having trouble sleeping or need to block out the noise of a snoring roommate? Drift off to the soft sound of rain dripping in the middle of a quiet forest, or the whoosh of a tumbling waterfall.
16. Noisli

Another of the top productivity tools that provides white noise is Noisli. Students can go to the site and select whether they’d like to improve their productivity or relax. Then, they can start listening. Sounds include a crackling fire, chorusing crickets, a cacophony of dishes clinking and people talking in a restaurant, and more. Before creating an account, prospective users can sample some of the sound selections, not unlike testing out the ringtones on a new phone. Color therapy (technically known as chromotherapy is another key feature of this app, providing color-changing backgrounds to help students tune in and concentrate. Noisli is so effective and easy to use that it’s been recognized by Lifehacker, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal as an invaluable tool for increasing productivity and/or reducing anxiety.
17. Purdue OWL

This productivity tool gives students access to the online writing lab (OWL) at Purdue University. It’s open not only to Purdue students, but also members of the community and the world-at-large. The OWL connects students to resources to help them with just about any type of writing project. Some of the most popular resources include writing exercises, citation guides for MLA, APA, and Chicago style, and subject-specific writing tips. Students looking for an internship or getting ready to graduate can find help with job-search writing, too. Members of the Purdue University community can also use the site to learn more about on-campus resources, such as one-on-one writing help, English as a second language (ESL) groups, and workshops.

Saylor Academy offers more than 30 courses (up to 97 credit hours) that students can take for free, then possibly transfer those credits to their respective schools and apply them toward a degree. Like other top productivity tools that connect students with college coursework, Saylor’s courses are recognized by accredited schools and universities throughout the US. The online academy has partnered with more than a dozen schools to guarantee college credit for its courses. Offerings include Introduction to Psychology, Micro and Macroeconomics, Project Management, Comparative Politics, and Software Engineering, to name a few. Students can secure transcripts and earn certificates for successfully completed courses, too. They can access coursework on-demand and work at their own pace for maximum convenience and flexibility.
19. Schooltraq

Schooltraq is one of the best free online productivity tools due to its ease-of-use. Keeping track of coursework by writing things down on paper presents additional challenges to staying organized; digital tools are a hassle-free alternative. Schooltraq is a digital planner that helps students stay on top of assignments and tests by seeing them at a glance. This app features a dashboard that lists assignments alphabetically, by due date, or by course. Schooltraq responds to natural English, so students who are searching for an assignment can just provide the basics of what they’re looking for and the app figures it out. Users may view tasks and projects on a monthly basis and keep a record of completed work. Schooltraq for Android allows for mobile access, too.
20. Study Guides and Strategies

The Study Guides and Strategies site is a gold mine of tips for learning how to learn and making the most productive use of study time. Guides cover topics such as succeeding in continuing education, active learning, and how to approach different learning styles. Students can even find tips on learning and studying with ADHD. Visitors to this site can also discover strategies for effective online learning, project management, decision making, and studying with a group. Students who are struggling with a research proposal or lab report can look at strategies for tackling these types of writing assignments, and many more. This site even features pointers for making the grade in math and science — from using the scientific method to succeeding at sudoku.
21. Todoist

For college students juggling work and family responsibilities or other endeavors, keeping up with everything can be overwhelming. When it comes to top productivity tools, Todoist stands out because it enables students to manage tasks in every sphere without having to maintain separate to-do lists. This invaluable app allows students to see at a glance what needs to be done and in what order so they can prioritize and stay organized. Todoist makes it possible to list projects and the tasks and subtasks associated with them to ensure nothing is overlooked. Tasks can be updated in seconds. Students working on a group project can share project to-do’s with other members to more effectively delegate tasks. The app awards points for completing tasks on time, too.
22. Udacity

College is a great time to pick up new skills, both inside and outside the classroom. Udacity is one of those free online productivity tools that helps students accomplish that. The site offers free courses and non-degree programs in fields such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), data science, autonomous systems, and programming. These industry-leading courses have been recognized by top-tier companies around the world, such as AT&T, IBM, and Google. These tracks equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to launch or advance their career, or achieve other personal goals. With Udacity, students have access to career coaching, flexible learning, mentoring, and projects that reflect the real world.
23. Udemy

Another of the free productivity tools online that allows for flexible, self-paced learning is Udemy. The site offers more than 100,000 courses available at a tiny fraction of the cost of a typical college class. Topics include just about everything from English to engineering. Not sure where to start? Just answer a few questions and Udemy will provide personal recommendations. College students can connect to this site from anywhere in the world. And lifetime access makes it possible for learners to study at their own pace, on their own terms. All this makes Udemy an excellent resource for students who want to take courses that may not be offered at their college or university, or want to pick up a new skill without breaking the bank.
24. UniDays

Doing life on a college student budget calls for a little innovation and creative couponing. But who has time for all that? UniDays offers student discounts on popular sites, such as Grubhub, giving students a little more leg room to stretch their resources and enjoy a few perks once in a while. This students-only site makes it possible to save money on everything from technology to health and fitness products and services. Discounts are available for in-store and online purchases, and students can save big-time on more than 150 brands. The site provides games and college survival tips too, not to mention awesome opportunities to win prizes and connect with other members.
25. Wikitravel

College is the ultimate time to take advantage of opportunities to travel the country or the world, whether it’s a road trip with friends or a semester abroad. Hundreds of thousands of travelers visit this site daily to share their experiences canvassing the globe, and learn from others who are doing the same. Students (and others) can see travel alerts about areas that are in the midst of severe weather or political disturbances, so they can make an informed decision before heading to their destination. Wikitravelers can create an account to ask questions or join discussion groups. Similar to Wikipedia, members can edit or add to info on the site. This free productivity tool is an excellent resource for new and experienced travelers alike.
Embrace Project Management Tools
Instead of trying to manage everything in your head or on a calendar, put on your project manager hat. Meeting your milestones—due dates—will be critical to your success. Take advantage of some of the following tools to help you manage your time wisely (some are specific to coursework; others you can use to organize personal life and college studies together):
- myHomework—This app is an option for students who want a tool solely devoted to school. No more student planners—now you can use your favorite devices to stay organized. Free and paid versions are available for iPhone, Android, Mac, PC, Kindle Fire, and Google Chrome browser.
- Todoist—Todoist gives users a platform where they can manage multiple tasks—school, work, personal—and assign a task to its corresponding project. Students with busy family lives or hectic work schedules can put everything in Todoist to get a clear overview of all their tasks and deadlines. Todoist can be used in a desktop browser or on a smartphone or tablet. Students are also eligible for a discount off the Todoist Business plan.
- Trello—If you enjoy a “drag and drop” environment, Trello may be the tool for you. Trello is flexible—simply organize your coursework and other projects in the way that works best for you. Use Trello board to manage schoolwork and have a list of cards for each class. When an assignment is complete, drag that card into the completed list. Trello can be used in a desktop browser or a smartphone app. A free version is available, but users can upgrade to a paid plan for more features.
Get Rid of Digital Distractions
The next thing to conquer is digital distraction. Don’t let temptations waste your time and derail your studies or homework.
Set up a room in your house or find a place where you can focus. Turn off or silence your phone. If you need a little help with focus, these tech-blocking tools may help:
Clear Your Head
Sometimes technology isn’t the distraction—maybe you need help clearing your mind. Try these tools designed to help enhance focus.
- Chegg Study—Chegg provides study tools for college students, including a community of subject experts.
- myNoise or Noisli—These white noise apps block aural distractions and help focus thoughts.
- Insight Timer—This app offers free guided meditations that can help you learn how to meditate and clear your mind.
Upgrade Your Note-Taking
There are two areas to consider when it comes to making note-taking more efficient: taking the notes and the time needed to organize them.
These note-taking apps make your efforts more efficient:
- Dragon Dictation—This software can dictate your notes to your computer.
- DragonAnywhere mobile app—This version is a good fit for people who aren’t speedy typists.
- Rocketbook—This smart notebook lets users write notes by hand but access them online. There’s no need to type your handwritten notes; just upload them to the Rocketbook app and share with your favorite note management app.
These apps can help keep your notes organized:
- Evernote—This app enables you to take notes on one device and access them on another. Evernote is available to use via mobile app and desktop.
- OneNote—This Microsoft app works similarly to Evernote and is available across a variety of devices.
Increase Efficiency With Gmail Integrations
Services such as Sortd and Zapier can streamline the steps you take after receiving an email, saving you time and keeping you organized.
- Sortd—This Google add-on brings your emails, tasks, and priorities together inside your Gmail account.
- Zapier—This Gmail integration allows you to automate your email when you connect it to any of the 1,000+ apps it supports. You can create a Trello card from your inbox, save emails to a Google spreadsheet, add your task due dates to Google Calendar, and more.
Additional Resources From Purdue University Global
Purdue University Global is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. We offer several resources for students, including personalized student support, a large student and alumni network, and a comprehensive digital library. Purdue Global is on your side every step of the way.
College students are faced with a new curriculum each semester with plenty of assignments to go with it—take notes in class, write papers, prepare for exams. This doesn’t even account for the research they need to do, the presentations they want to put together, or the time they will be spending on social media. College students are incredibly busy nowadays; however, the more tools available to help them learn, the better their grade point average will be.