You have just used a video from your friend’s birthday and you added some awesome effects to it in Adobe After Effects . But he has pasted a logo in the corner of the video, and you do not like his attempt. With Remove Watermark From Video After Effects, you can solve this problem very quickly and easily
How To Remove Watermark From Video After Effects so you can learn how to easily remove the watermark in the video.
I’d like to show you how to remove watermark from video after effects and reset your work again. After effect creates a sort of filter called Gaussian Blur and this is what we use to add the watermark to the frame. After we add our color, we need to make sure that there is no white flashing or any other nuisance in the frame. We only need the images and nothing else. Our aim is to remove this blur and get on with our design.
Are you looking to remove a watermark from a video in After Effects? Remove watermarks from video footage in After Effects? Or maybe you have a logo in your video footage and would like to replace it with a transparent background. I have put together a step-by-step for removing a logo or watermark from your video footage in Adobe After Effects. Here’s a quick example of a watermark removal, in this case it was from a GoPro footage.
Removing watermark from video in Adobe After Effects is far easier than many think. You can remove it quick and easy in minutes if you know the right techniques. However, it all depends on your knowledge of the video conversion magic which is out there.
Ultimately, no matter what you’re doing with your footage, taking out brands in post can spare you some hassle (and maybe save you some money) down the line. Here’s a an easy way to do it quickly in After Effects.
Miss something? Take it at your own pace with the video transcription below.
Step 1: Track the Logo
Go to the tracker tab, and hit the Track Motion button.
After loading the footage into After Effects, click on the clip, go to the tracker tab, and hit the Track Motion button. Place the tracking box over a high contrast area of the logo, and hit the track forward arrow.
Go to Layer > New > Null Object to create an object to inherit the tracking data. Back in the Tracking Tab, click Edit Target and make sure the Null you just created is selected, then click Apply.
Step 2: Create a Clean Plate
Use Photoshop’s Content-Aware feature to make logos vanish in an instant.
Now that we have the logo tracked through the shot, we need to create a clean plate to replace it with. Scroll to a frame that is a good representation of the logo and select Composition > Save Frame As > File. This will bring up a dialogue box and allow to you choose where you want the frame saved.
Now, boot up Photoshop and open the file you just saved. Select the logo using the Marquee tool and select Edit > Fill from the menu. In the dialogue box that appears, select Content-Aware and hit OK.
This should remove the logo and replace it with the surrounding area. If there are some vestigial remains of the logo, use the Stamp tool to remove them. Save the file, and head back to After Effects.
Step 3: Mask and Output
Decrease the opacity of the new still layer, and draw around the logo with the Pen tool.
Import the image you just created into After Effects by choosing File > Import from the menu. Place it in a layer above the footage you just tracked, and line it up with your existing footage. You will need to make sure that the playhead is aligned with the frame you first exported.
Now, decrease the opacity of the new still layer so that you can see the logo location, and draw around the logo with the Pen tool. If you need to, feather and expand the mask so that the logo is completely covered and doesn’t show through.
Use the pick whip to link the masked still frame to the tracked Null object.
Now, using the pick whip (the tiny squiggle next to the still frame’s layer name), link the masked still frame to the tracked Null object. This will cause it to be linked to the moving Null object. Now, when you play through your video, you should have an invisible logo. Good job.
How to Remove Watermark from a Video on a Laptop or PC?
You can also remove watermarks from a video on a laptop or PC using two different methods. You can either choose an online method or simply download the software that helps you to remove the watermark from the video. In this article, we are going to see both options.
How to Remove Watermark from a Video Online?

The first method of removing a watermark from a video is by using an online website. There are a lot of watermark remover tools available on the internet that allow you to remove the watermark from an image or video and the Apowersoft website is one of them. The website allows you with a plethora of options like Video edition, file compressor, video creator, and more which are quite helpful, to be honest. SO, let’s take a closer look at how you can remove the watermark from a video using this website.
- Open your browser and go to There you can tap on the Products & Solution tab.
- In that section, you will find a list of online tools. Go to the Online section and click on the Video Editor tab.
- The website will show you different options. Search and click on Remove Watermark.
- Now, simply upload the video on the website. Once done, preview the video by clicking on the preview button and then click on Add Box to select the watermark on the video.
- Click on the Erase button after putting the boxes in the watermark area. The website will process it automatically.
- Once done, the video will be downloaded to your PC. With this, you can now share the video on different platforms like Sharechat, Josh, Snack Video, and more.
How to Remove Watermark from a Video Using Software?
Coming to the software, you can check out Video Converter Studio that is developed by Apowersoft. The software is not only meant to remove watermarks, but it can do so much more. The application is available for free and also offers a Premium subscription that might cost you around $40. This watermark remover software allows you to convert video files, change the duration, crop videos, add subtitles, and more. Here’s how you can remove watermark using this software:
- Open your browser and go to and go to tap on Video Converter Studio in the Products & Solution section.
- Download and install the application on your computer.
- Open the app and click on Add Files and select the video you want to remove the watermark
- Click on Drop down button on the subtitle and select None. Now, simply Convert the video.
With this, the software will remove the watermark from the video as it automatically detects the watermark in the video and removes it.
Have you ever had the need to remove a watermark from your video? Maybe your video is part of a presentation and includes information such as your company name, address and phone number. Removing the watermark is fairly simple in After Effects, and this tutorial will show you step-by-step how to do it.
Wondering how to remove watermarks from videos in After Effects? For most of us, making videos for clients or personal enjoyment is not uncommon. What might be more uncommon is the task of editing away the logos off your video footage…and that’s what we’re going to fix today.
Although I started with 3 years of martial arts training, I still had to face some serious defeats. It was a critical time in my life where I had to decide where I needed to focus my efforts.content aware fill after effects missing