All new beginners in the web world are often asked for one thing, “What is SEO?” However, this question is usually followed with another question: “What is the best way to incorporate SEO into a content writing strategy?”. There are a lot of writings online which expand on the subject matter of how to create SEO content. But nevertheless, here at CtrlShift we think it’s necessary to make a collective effort towards providing clear and concise information for beginners about the types of SEO content needed in today’s digital marketing landscape.
So, here is a few tricks to learn..
inspiring examples
Include a Call to Action – American Dream U
Creating content for websites is about drawing people in, answering questions, and solving their problems.
American Dream U is a resource created for veterans and their families who are in transition from the military into the civilian workplace.
In the following snippets, ADU’s content writer creates connections by writing pieces that encourage readers to think:
“Yes, I want more information! What else can I find while I’m on this website.”
Keep Your Content Writing Actionable
American Dream U’s primary goal is to help veterans and their families as they successfully transition into life outside of the military.
Content writing involves convincing readers to take action. This is known as creating a call-to-action.

See the banner at the top on the top of this content?
ADU knows that many of their potential clients are looking for resources to help them find a job outside of the military.
The banner encourages veterans to click the button, stay on the website, and take a free course that will help them find their dream job.
ADU does a superb job of keeping readers on their website and providing them with valuable information.

People want to know why they should click a link, or subscribe to a newsletter, etc.
At the end of this article, the writer introduces the reader to another page that will provide more information they may be looking for. This simple call-to-action keeps people from straying away from the company’s site.
Aside from their great calls-to-action, ADU always puts its audience first.
Veterans and their families feel understood and appreciated when they visit the website.
4. Create Readable Content – Clarity Council
Have you ever landed on a website and felt overwhelmed by the amount of information the writer was throwing at you in one paragraph?
It happens all over the internet.
Creating content that is eye catching and engaging is something Clarity Council knows how to do.
Write Readable: Don’t Overuse Italics, Bold, or Underlining
Using numbered lists and bullet points is a simple way to break up large blocks of text and keep readers interested.
This excerpt from one of Clarity Council’s blog shows how content can be structured with SEO in mind:

It didn’t take you long to read through that sample, right?
The author successfully broke up the content, making it easy to skim.
If someone is looking for a specific answer, their eyes are likely to go straight toward the bold text.
But as a content writer, it’s vital to understand that overusing these tricks can cause the reverse effect.
What if you read a sentence like this? What part of the sentence are you paying the most attention to?
Those two sentences probably weren’t easy to digest.
Understandably so.
That’s because your eyes and brain couldn’t figure out which part to focus on.
Avoid fancy fonts, overly exaggerated typography, and lengthy paragraphs.
These simple tricks help people find what they’re looking for quickly and walk away remembering something.
5. Tone Matters – Chiavaye
The following content writing samples are from the blog of a company called Chiavaye. Chiavaye is a lubricant company that was created for women, by a woman who suffers from endometriosis.
In these writing samples you’ll see how, when appropriate, creating content that is conversational and direct can fit well with some brands.

Her tone is light, but empathetic.
Then, without beating around the bush, the author gets directly to the point – that women experiencing these symptoms aren’t alone and there are solutions to their problem.
Here’s another look at Chiaveye’s website:

Do you see how the content writer makes it easy for women to relate?
If the woman reading the article is experiencing endometriosis with IBS symptoms, she may be thinking,
“Yes! Finally someone who understands what I’m going through!”
The writer shows compassion and provides a preview of how Chiavaye can help the reader find the answers they’ve been looking for.
Use The Right Tone
For a company like Chiavaye, a conversational, yet direct tone is appropriate for the audience the owner is trying to reach.
This isn’t always the case.
For instance, say you’re writing for a local pharmaceutical company.
A light, conversational, fun tone, probably isn’t appropriate. Instead, a more professional, tactical tone might be necessary.
Learning the voice of your business/client makes all the difference in connecting with your audience. When your audience feels understood and comfortable, they are more likely to return for more information and ultimately purchase your product or service.
APP Method
Th snippet above also illustrates the importance of creating a compelling introduction.
The writer uses what’s known as the APP method. Created by Brian Dean, APP stands for Agree, Promise, Preview.
Here’s how it works:

First, the writer acknowledges the symptoms women may be experiencing: pain, gas, and bloating.
She understands just how uncomfortable, inconvenient and confusing these symptoms can be. Women reading the article are likely nodding their heads in agreement.

Then, the author promises that she has the answers her readers are looking for.

Finally, before jumping into the content, the writer gives a preview of what the guide is going to include and how she can help her readers find a solution.
Using the APP method, you can immediately connect with your audience.
They know what the piece of content is about and if it will be useful to them.
Win your readers over
How does your content inspire readers or get them to care?How does your #content inspire readers or get them to care, asks @mikeonlinecoach.CLICK TO TWEET
You need to speak their language. Typically, an informal, conversational approach works best. Other suggestions and caveats include:
- Focus on actionable content that someone can use in their lives or jobs right away.
- Write in first or second person.
- Be careful with humor, which can fall flat for the reader.
- Rarely use profanity because it can distract readers who wonder why those words were included.
- Don’t be so creative that readers struggle to detect your main point.
- Avoid starting sentences with vague words like “this” or “that.”
- Link to other websites, newsletters, and blogs because the links provide added value to visitors and help establish credibility.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Content Readability: A Primer
Motivate visitors to take the desired action
Sometimes a simple word or phrase can prompt someone to take the next step. Buffer offers a list of 189 converting words and phrases, including these exclusivity-related phrases:

HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Words That Convert: Test, Learn, Repeat
Choose compelling words
Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger offers an extensive collection of words that can make a difference in what you write: 595 Power Words That’ll Instantly Make You a Better Writer. Here is a sample:

Let context dictate length
When you go in depth, you underscore your authority in an industry. But snack-size content may be more suitable. How much you write depends on your design and whom you’re targeting.
I understand that short pieces (anything under 500 words) are easier for online readers to consume. But if you don’t write enough, you disappoint someone by not devoting sufficient attention to the topic. Longer content can draw people in. But if you provide too many details you might overwhelm a reader.
Odds are that your agency or company will have policies that control length. But there should be exceptions. Editors and writers should agree on whether the article is the right length.
In the content writing and editing process, discard information that doesn’t quite fit, but consider opportunities to use some portions of the deleted text for future content (with additions or modifications).
From a search engine optimization perspective, longer content is best. A website, for example, can get by with shorter pieces if it becomes authoritative through its age, the number of pages, inbound links, and more. However, extended content often helps generate high rankings for targeted keyword phrases and similar words.
Make your content scannable
Readers skip many words. Make it easy for them to discover the key points by including:
- Short paragraphs
- Subheads
- Bulleted lists
- Bolded text
- Words in color
- Links
Make it easy to discover key points with subheads, bulleted lists, bolded text, links, says @mikeonlinecoach.CLICK TO TWEET
You don’t need to write long sentences to make your point. Short ones can work in your favor. It’s the same with words. Here are some examples:
Indicate= showUtilize= useIn order to= toFacilitate= helpObtain= get
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Be clear
Basecamp, a project management software company, gets it right from the start. The call to action says it all – it identifies pain points and offers the fix in five power-packed sentences:

The Warby Parker campaign, Buy a Pair, Give a Pair, drew me in with a few words and numbers. Developed as a thank-you promotion for its customers, it’s also going to attract prospects. Writing 5 million as a number is a powerful way to attract the viewers and pique their interest.

As a craft, copywriting must perform on many levels to catch and hold a reader’s interest. The intro to the Titanides community organized by Marcella Allison, named the 2018 Copywriter of the year by American Writers & Artists Inc., hits on several levels – exclusivity (read more about this later in the article), clearly explained purpose, and concise call to action.

Connect content to purpose
Velocity Partners, a content marketing agency, nails consistency by marrying its brand name with its explainer text in a lighthearted tone.

Long-form content service Codeless demonstrates its expertise by crafting long-form content for its brand such as this almost-3,000-word article, How to Build a Content Strategy Framework That Doesn’t Flop.

The About page for Bulldog Skincare for Men blends a little history with mission and message:

Many brands do a good job of diving into topics within the realm of their expertise. Dropbox provides examples of how to use its service; it explores work-related issues, including this personal account on sleep.

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Wondered why so many people are shouting about SEO content writing these days? SEO copywriting is all about creating compelling and converting content. But what makes the article so popular? What is it that makes you read an article to the very end? Is it the catchy headline or the attractive opening paragraph? Maybe you were drawn by the exclusive tips offered. Whatever it is, your success would depend on this first step of creating SEO content, which is properly known as keyword optimization.