Sharing interesting seo tips for blogger and want to knowThere are several factors that help your blog posts ranks well in search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process by which you can generate more traffic and leads to your website. Here in this blog post, we will walk through the important aspects of SEO that will help improve your blog traffic.
Here is a list of top SEO tips for beginners to achieve best seo result with their blog.
Identify the target audience for your blog.
No matter what industry your blog targets, you’ll want to identify and speak to the primary audience that will be reading your content. Understanding who your audience is and what you want them to do when they click on your article will help guide your blog strategy.
Buyer personas are an effective way to target readers using their buying behaviors, demographics, and psychographics. Without this insight, you could be producing grammatically correct and accurate content that few people will click on because it doesn’t speak to them on a personal level.
Conduct keyword research.
Now that you’ve selected your target audience and prepared a buyer persona, it’s time to find out what content your readers want to consume. Keyword research can be a heavy task to take on if you don’t begin with a strategy. Therefore, I recommend starting with the topics your blog will cover, then expand or contract your scope from there. For an in-depth tutorial, check out our how-to guide on keyword research.
Add visuals.
Search engines like Google value visuals for certain keywords. Images and videos are among the most common visual elements that appear on the search engine results page. In order to achieve a coveted spot in an image pack or a video snippet, you’ll want to design creative graphics, use original photos and videos, and add descriptive alt text to every visual element within your blog post.
Alt text is a major factor that determines whether or not your image or video appears in the SERP and how highly it appears. Alt text is also important for screen readers so that visually impaired individuals have a positive experience consuming content on your blog site.
Format Blogger post URL link
Permalink plays a great role in search engine ranking of your post. There are a few rules which everyone should follow for Blogspot permalinks:
- Keep the number of characters in the post title to 50
- Remove Stop Words from the permalink (Ex: A, An, The)
While writing a blog post, you have the option to edit the permalink. Simply use it to edit your permalink and remove the stop words. A good idea is just to use Keywords in your permalink. (Don’t make it look spammy).
While writing the blog post, you get the option in your right panel to keep it automatic permalink or manual permalink. Simply select manual permalink and edit it according to your wish. Check this screenshot for example:

Harsh has already covered this feature in detail, and you can read it over here: How to use the custom permalink for BlogSpot blogs.
Maintain the keyword density
Keyword density is an important aspect for better ranking. Too less will lead to less ranking and stuffing your Keyword will lead to over optimization. I usually maintain a ratio of 2%/post along with LSI keywords.
Though, you can pick keyword density for your Blogpost SEO, account to one which works for you. Publish articles in relevance to post title and include necessary keywords in the post.
Never stuff keywords to manipulate search engines. But after finish writing, you can analyze the whole post to find out suitable locations where the keywords can be safely inserted without distracting readers. You can also use Frase which helps you in content optimization.
Read: What is optimum Keyword density for Better Ranking
Blogspot proper labels and related posts
Labels in BlogSpot adds to the keyword density of the post. Labels should be widened rather than putting them into the single narrow category.I will explain this point by example.
Consider a situation when you are posting about Google Chrome and putting them into label Windows software’s or browser. Here you will miss keywords like Chrome browser, Google chrome, etc. which would otherwise add to the keyword density of the whole post.
Labels also affect related posts widgets in Blogger.And if there are so many posts tagged with similar labels, it would affect the arrangement of articles in related posts.
Format Blogger post title
When we talk about BlogSpot SEO, post title plays a major role. Blogger post title is usually followed by home page title. Have a look at the image shown below.

Here the post title should be “city of (long-distance ) Love! “. But the title is included in the home page title ” Still in Berlin “, and this would harm the SEO friendliness of the article title. Here is how to fix this. Go to Blogger edit HTML > find out code section
and replace it with<b:if cond= 'data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
Now the individual pages will have post title itself.
Write a catchy title.
The title of your blog post is the first element a reader will see when they come across your article, and it heavily influences whether they’ll click or keep scrolling. A catchy title uses data, asks a question, or leads with curiosity to pique the reader’s interest.
According to Coscheduler’s Headline Analyzer, the elements of a catchy title include power, emotional, uncommon, and common words. In the right proportions, these types of words in a blog title will grab your readers’ attention and keep them on the page.
Here’s an example of a catchy title with a Coschedule Headline Analyzer Score of 87:
The Perfect Dress Has 3 Elements According to This Popular Fashion Expert

- Highlighted in yellow are common words. They’re familiar to the reader and don’t stray too far from other titles that may appear in the SERP.
- “Expert” is an emotional word, according to Coschedule. In this example, the word expert builds trust with the reader and tells them that this article has an authoritative point of view.
- Purple words are power words — this means they capture the readers’ attention and get them curious about the topic.
- Another element in this title is the number three. This signals to the reader that they’ll learn a specific amount of facts about the perfect dress.
Include an enticing CTA.
What’s a blog post without a call to action? The purpose of a CTA is to lead your reader to the next step in their journey through your blog. The key to a great CTA is that it’s relevant to the topic of your existing blog post and flows naturally with the rest of the content. Whether you’re selling a product, offering a newsletter subscription, or wanting the reader to consume more of your content, you’ll need an enticing CTA on every blog post you publish.
CTAs come in all types of formats, so get creative and experiment with them. Buttons, hyperlinks, and widgets are some of the most common CTAs, and they all have different purposes. For instance, you should add a bold, visible CTA like a button if you want the reader to make a purchase. On the other hand, you can easily get a reader to check out another blog post by providing a hyperlink to it in the conclusion of the current article.
6. Focus on the reader’s experience.
Any great writer or SEO will tell you that the reader experience is the most important part of a blog post. The reader experience includes several factors like readability, formatting, and page speed. That means you’ll want to write content that’s clear, comprehensive of your topic, and accurate according to the latest data and trends. Organizing the content using headings and subheadings is important as well because it helps the reader scan the content quickly to find the information they need. Finally, on-page elements like images and videos have an impact on page speed. Keep image file sizes low (250 KB is a good starting point) and limit the number of videos you embed on a single page. By focusing on what the reader wants to know and organizing the post to achieve that goal, you’ll be on your way to publishing an article optimized for the search engine.
Link to Other Websites with Relevant Content
Brian Clark, founder of Copyblogger Media says:
Linking out to other blogs is critical to growth.
Some people think, linking out to relevant and authoritative content pages is bad because it takes people off your page.
But, I don’t think so. Link building remains a fundamental part of smart search engine optimization strategy. I link out to tons of high-quality sites and sources, including my direct competition.
Why? Because it helps you, my reader.
According to Rand Fishkin, founder of Moz,
Linking out sends trackable traffic, it makes your site a more valuable and scalable resource.
If you’ve been reading my blogs, you’ll notice that I regularly link out to different sites. Whenever I write a new post, I reference other trustworthy sites, where appropriate.

You can’t expect to get from others if you’re unwilling to give first. For example, if you’re looking to get inbound links from authoritative blogs, one of the easiest ways to do that is to show your willingness to link out to those blogs from your own content.
Of course, you should only link out to content pages that offer tremendous value. It’s a good SEO practice.
More important, you can notify an influencer when you link out to them, and, if your post is valuable, they can link back to you, share the post, or even email it to their huge email subscriber list.
Link building is also all about quality, not quantity. You’ll build more trust in your niche if you have a few authoritative links rather than a dozen poor quality links.
Write for Humans First, Search Engines Second
Lately, I’ve noticed that more and more bloggers and content creators are going back to the old method of SEO, where keywords meant to drive search results surpassed the real qualities of engaging, valuable content. If that’s you, it’s absolutely time to change your mindset.

Many people still aren’t capitalizing on long-tail keywords, preferring instead to attempt to manipulate search engines.
That’s the wrong approach.
Don’t prioritize search engines over the actual humans reading your work. Instead, write content for the user, people who have eyes to read and credit cards to purchase your product.
Search spiders are just scripts — they don’t buy products, they don’t engage with you on social media, and they won’t become a loyal customer.
Copyblogger is my #1 go-to site when it comes to putting readers first. No wonder Brian Clark is so successful at content marketing. He’s even turned Copyblogger into a multi-million dollar digital marketing company.

It all happened because a marketer like you was passionate about helping people. That’s what drives me, too — and maybe you, as well.
So, what does it mean to write for users first, before search engines?
Well, it’s simple.
Forget that Google and other search engines exist when you’re writing. Instead, create content that will help someone. This is known as SEO copywriting.
Funny enough, when you put users first, you’ll actually write helpful content that search engines reward because search engines follow users. It’s not the other way round. At the same time, you’ll be enhancing the user experience and building trust with your audience.
Encourage Other Trustworthy Sites to Link to You
To a large extent, inbound links are still the lifeblood of search engine rankings.
When you combine dofollow and nofollow links, you get a natural link profile that even Google will reward.
Content marketing is all about creating high-quality, engaging content that drives people to link to you and share your content on social media.
Do you know why so many bloggers link to my posts?
The major factor in my success is that I invest a lot of time, money, and resources into creating a single post or other piece of content.
How much effort do you suppose when in to creating, “The Complete Guide to Building Your Personal Brand”?

This wasn’t a post we threw together in an hour — it took several hours over several days to create this content.
When you’re at the forefront of your industry, creating useful content and linking to authoritative blogs, you’ll find that more people will link to you naturally. This is the essence of effective link building.
The success for modern businesses is not just about tolerating the competition or other issues. It is important to form a trend that ensures the continuous growth of the enterprise. This can be done through adopting various strategies among them is search engine optimization also known as seo. Usually, most people fail in their quest to become successful entrepreneurs due to poor strategies for this area.