Seo Tools for Chrome is an awesome tool that helps you find out if website can be found using the main search engines.
How you use your browsers is as important as how you use WordPress, or any other website tool. With this in mind, I created the ever-growing list of ‘Seo Tools for Chrome’. What’s a Seo Tool? Well, a ‘tool’ is any app that helps us to increase customer engagement and conversions. Here at the SEO Boot Camp we have a focus on using tools that will help users become more interested in our site and improve their own experience. URL Shortener
Shorten URLs on the fly, add them to history, integrate with social media… do I really need to explain this further? It’s a time saver.
Google Reader
Let’s face it, there’s a lot of information out there for SEO, it’s a highly dynamic industry and you need to be on top of your game to stay in it. Google reader is the essential tool
SEO Site Tools
SEO Site Tools is an all inclusive powerhouse of SEO information. It includes 6 main sections:
- External Page Data
- Page Elements
- Social Media
- Page Terms / Tools
- Server / Domain Info
- Suggestions
Some of the unique features and enhancements include highlighting your domains in Google search, trend data in Google webmaster tools, and Social Media stats in Google Analytics. A close second to MOZbar, this tool is an absolute must.
Get down and dirty with your code or your competitors code. You’ll be able to find the tweaks and tags that can boost your rankings. Not for the beginner but an absolute must for the OCD expert.
I’ve found this tool to be slightly buggy. However, the usefulness is there and I’m sure they’ll iron out the issues soon. Basically what it does is it allows you to check your search rankings per term. Quick and simple, definitely saves time for those of us that occasionally get addicted to checking rank.
Screen Capture (by Google)
No more CTRL+ALT+PRTSCN, this simple tool by Google let’s you highlight the section of the page you want, highlight the visible area, or highlight the whole page (can’t do that with PRTSCN – that I know of). After you select, annotate, highlight, mark it up however you’d like and then email it to that lazy coworker who can’t find the broken link or misspelled keyword. It’s like slapping them… nicely.
Stay Focused
Ever spend 3 hours trying to figure out which who to trade Randy Moss for on Fantasy Football? Nah, me neither… this little tool will help with all that though. Get back to your link building, get back to your analytics, and StayFocused. OK, honesty time… I ended up disabling this tool… but you shouldn’t, it’s awesome and works better than you think it will.
Ninja Outreach
No matter how much on-page SEO you do, you won’t rank well if you don’t build any links.
I know you hate this part of SEO, but manual outreach is one of the best ways to build links even though it is tedious.
One way to make it easier is through Ninja Outreach. This extension shows you all of the email addresses associated with a given domain.

Once you find a relevant site that you want to approach for a backlink opportunity, you can get their contact information through a click of a button and start crafting your custom email.
Although it is a bad habit, as SEOs, we all obsess about rankings.
If you want an easy and free way to track your rankings, just set up a project on Ubersuggest.
Another easy solution to see how you are ranking is by using Fatrank.
All you have to do is head to your site, click on the Fatrank extension, and type in a keyword to see if you rank for it.

If you rank in the top 100, it will tell you the exact position.
If you don’t, it will let you know that you don’t rank in the top 100.
I use this as a spot check to make sure I am doing decently well after a major Google algorithm update.
SEO Search Simulator by Nightwatch
Emulates Google searches from any location and checks if a particular URL ranks in the top 100 results. Very useful for seeing how rankings vary for a query in different parts of the world.

Link Redirect Trace
Uncovers all URLs in a redirect chain, including 301’s, 302’s and JavaScript redirects. Very useful for finding (and regaining) lost “link juice,” amongst other things.

AMP Validator
Checks if a page has an AMP version (Accelerated Mobile Page). The tool then runs the AMP validator to see if the page passes or fails.
User-Agent Switcher for Chrome
Mimics user-agents to check that your website displays correctly in different browsers and OS’.
View Rendered Source
A must-have tool for those who work with JavaScript-powered websites. It compares the raw page code and its rendered version. As an SEO, you can check, for example, if JavaScript overwrites meta tags.

NoFollow Simple
A lightweight extension that highlights nofollowed links on a page. Super useful for link prospecting.
Hunter (Freemium)
Finds email addresses associated with the website that you’re visiting. You get 50 free credits per month. There’s also a Google sheets add-on for fast bulk checking.

Ahrefs SEO Toolbar
Our Chrome Extension. It features an on-page SEO report, redirect tracer, broken link checker, and nofollowed link highlighter. Ahrefs users also get page, domain, and keyword metrics for visited URLs and search results.

SEO Minion
On-page SEO analyzer, broken link checker, SERP previewer, and a Google location simulator—all in one tool. But here’s one exclusive feature that can save you a lot of time: compare Google SERPs for two different countries.

Creates infinite scrolling Google search results. Just scroll to the bottom of the page, and the next page of results is automatically added. Combine this with Chris Ainsworth SERPs extraction bookmarklet to easily scrape search results in bulk.

SEOTools for Chrome is the best browser extension to help you with SEO. It can also be used as a webmaster tool to quickly find out what is wrong with your website or website content. It’s developed based on Chrome DevTools, but it has features like HTTP headers, source code inspection, network requests, etc.