The best Google Sheets add-on I’ve ever used. Seo Tools for Google Sheets is my go-to tool in the mornings when I’m in need of converting inbound links into prospects. My inbox is full of invites for events, discounts, and new jobs. All the requests show up in an instant when this add-on is turned on (this add-on also has great alerts).
Have you ever asked a question on a forum or social media but know there is a seo expert who could answer any question you have? Maybe even make your site CTA ready for the Moz Local Search Guide? Well, if so there is “The” best resource to find an answer. If you search Google for “ Seo Tools for Google Slides” you will find there are hundreds of results. So far no updates, reflect that. If you enter your query in Google Sheets and click in cell in the BEGINNER tab in the data analysis section and put “SEO” and either “Tools,” or “Software,” in the Field Name box — you will see
Google Mobile-Friendly Test
Did you know that approximately 60% of searches now come from mobile devices?
Ten years ago, it would’ve been hard to believe that this day would come. However, it’s here. And, it’s here to stay.
As somebody interested in SEO, it’s important to understand the impact that this can have on your search engine results. Google has made it clear that your website should be mobile friendly, so this isn’t something you should take lightly.
Fortunately, the search engine giant is doing its part to make your life a bit easier. With the help of the Google Mobile-Friendly Test tool, it only takes a couple seconds to determine if your website is mobile friendly or not.
After you enter your URL and click “Analyze,” you want to see something that looks like this:

As you can see, there’s no gray area with this free tool. Your website is either mobile-friendly or it isn’t. This impacts your search results.
If your website fails this test, don’t waste another day before making the necessary changes. A mobile-friendly version of your site could do wonders for your search engine rankings, as well as the amount of organic traffic that you generate.
Google PageSpeed Insights
Is a fast website really that important?
Well, it all depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. If you want to find your website at the top of the search engine rankings, this is a must. And, if you want to best serve your visitors, it’s also a good idea.
In other words, you want your website to be as fast as possible.
How fast the content on your website loads will have an impact on your rankings and how users interact with your site. This is why you need to ensure that your website is moving as quickly as possible, at all times for optimal search results.
Thanks to the Google PageSpeed Insights tool, you never have to guess whether or not your site is up-to-par, in regards to speed. Instead, it helps you to make your website fast on all devices.
Running an analysis will provide the following:

Be sure to check both the desktop and mobile tabs, as you want to make sure your website is up to speed on every device type.
Furthermore, Google provides advice on things you should fix. By taking this information to heart, you may find a few ways to quickly increase the speed of your site.
Google Trends
A very powerful tool that is often overlooked by online marketers, Google Trends can help you touch on topics that are popular, right now.
In addition to exploring “Featured Insights,” you can also run a search for any topic or keyword that comes to mind.
For example, maybe you have a blog about social media. For this reason, you’ll want to stay current with the latest and greatest, in regards to Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.

While the right column provides information related to Zuckerberg, I want you to pay close attention to the details in the left column of the keyword tool, as well.
With a list of related topics, you can quickly come up with new ideas for future blog posts. Maybe you’re covering Mark Zuckerberg today, but tomorrow you can work in a mention of Elon Musk.
Google Trends doesn’t always provide data that you can use to your advantage. But, from an SEO perspective, it’s well worth using on a regular basis in search engine keyword research. You never know when it’ll help you unearth that one topic that pushes a load of traffic to your website.
Search Analytics for Sheets
Search Analytics for Sheets has continued to be one of my go-to’s when using Google Sheets.
It syncs with your verified websites in Google Search Console and pulls query, page, and click data into your spreadsheet.
What’s great about this add-on is that you can filter data by query, country, page, or device and choose custom date ranges.
You can also view and sort clicks, impressions, CTR, and position.
You can also set up automatic backups directly in Google Sheets.

Supermetrics has a lot to offer outside of SEO data only.
Just check out the quick screen record below that shows all of the current integrations.
You can use this add-on to pull data into Google Sheets from multiple data sources.
You can customize reports and also access the templates already available through Supermetrics.

Note: There is a monthly fee for the Supermetrics add-on, but you can try it for free first.
The Blueprint Training Sheets Add-on

This project management add-on helps automate all Blueprint Training templates without ever leaving Google Sheets. Just by launching the sidebar, you can:
- add new team members
- add new clients
- open dedicated folders
- import site crawls
- connect Google Analytics
- and loads more!
Did you know that you could do all kinds of interesting SEO things from within Google spreadsheet? This list contains tools that can help with keyword research. You can organize your entire unstructured set of keywords and even generate a really neat Google Sheet