Social Media 101 The presentation describes various social media networks, their strength, how they can be utilized with success and how you can utilize them to reach all of your prospective customers.
Presentation on theme: “Social Media 101 An Overview of Social Media Basics.”— Presentation transcript:×100&!6&btvi=3&fsb=1&xpc=LKksRfLKXS&p=https%3A//
1 Social Media 101 An Overview of Social Media Basics
2 Social Media 101 Hello my name is Ashley and I have a social media addiction. Let me tell you why I feel I can run this training today.
3 What is Social Media? Social media are media for social interaction using highly accessible publishing techniques. Social media uses web-based technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogues.
4 Social Media Revolution View the Social Media Revolution video
5 Why Social Media? There is no one answer for why people choose to use social media. Most use it to stay in touch with friends and family. Others use it for business, networking and marketing. Some even use it to evaluate a product, service, or brand. Peer to Peer recommendations are more trusted by consumers these days.
6 Social Media Sites
7 When I started working in social media, I felt a lot like this guy.
8 Social Media Sites Today we are going to focus on:
9 Facebook
10 Facebook currently has 500 million users. 18 – 34 yr olds make up almost 1/2 of the entire US user base. 55 – 65 yr old females is currently the fastest growing segment of users.
11 Facebook
12 Facebook Navigation – Home
13 Facebook Navigation – Profile
14 Facebook Status Facebook Status Box Status Update Users answer Facebook’s question “What’s on your mind?” by entering a status into the box. Status updates often vary person to person.
15 Facebook – “Liking” & Comments When you post a status or a link on your wall, friends can “Like” what you’ve posted and/or leave a comment. You can also “share” with friends by clicking the share button.
16 Facebook Navigation – Account Account is where you manage the settings for your profile and your privacy.
17 Facebook Navigation – Search Users can search through their friends by using the search box. Users can also search for friends they would like to connect with and send them a message and/or a “friend request.” (It’s okay to ignore friend requests from people you don’t want to connect with. Don’t feel bad!)
18 Twitter
19 Twitter ended 2009 with just over 75 million user accounts. Only 21% tweet on a daily basis. 25 – 49 yr olds make up just over half of the user base. There are over 27.3 million tweets sent per day.
20 Twitter Navigation – Home Users post messages, updates, links and more in the “What’s Happening” box, similar to Facebook with one difference: you only have 140 characters to tell your story.
21 Twitter Navigation – Home Users can see what others are tweeting on their whole feed by clicking on the box they appear it. It will open a window on the right that temporarily covers the navigation with content.
22 Twitter Navigation – Home Timeline: where tweets from people you follow show up. @Mentions: when someone mentions you in a tweet by using your handle – mine is ashkalei, so @ashkalei mentions me. Retweets: when someone reposts (retweets) a tweet you have put out with your handle.
23 Twitter Navigation – Home Searches: use this function to find friends, brands, and organizations. Lists: users can create lists of people to section them off by interest, geography, skill set, etc.
24 Twitter Navigation – Home Followers are the people who have subscribed to your twitter feed by following you. Following are the people that you have subscribed to.
25 Twitter Navigation – Profile
26 Twitter Navigation – Messages Users can private message someone if needed – this is called DM or direct message. Someone might tweet “DM me for more details!”
27 Twitter Navigation – Messages If you need to send a message to someone who hasn’t yet written to you, create a new message and type in the user handle at the top. You can also send a DM by typing a “d” before the user name in the status update box. Eg. D ashkalei I hope your week went well. It’s Friday!
28 Twitter Users – For Fun!
29 YouTube
30 In 2009, YouTube had over 100 Million users and 14.8 billion hours of video loaded on it’s site. YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world (and no wonder – it’s owned by Google). Users age 45 – 55+ are slighty more active than the younger age groups.
31 YouTube – Home
32 YouTube – Navigation Post Bulletin: sends a message to the subscribers of your channel. Settings: change the settings for your channel like the URL, channel title, channel type (private or public) and add channel tags. Themes, Colors and Modules: all areas where you can customize how your channel page looks.
33 YouTube – Navigation Videos and Playlists: helps you organize all your videos by commonalities (eg. Videos all from the same event, artist, etc). Search: this box searches the entire site based on how people have tagged their videos. You can also use search to find users by name or email. Browse: sends you to the YouTube main page to look at the most popular categories of videos to watch.
34 YouTube – Navigation Upload: this is where you upload videos to your channel. During the upload you can tag videos with specific keywords that will allow them to show up in the main YouTube search function. “ashkalei”: your username on the right is where you can update your settings and manage your account on YouTube.
35 YouTube – Videos YouTube accepts many different formats of videos. When you upload your videos, they all go into one common area. From there, you can separate them out into groups for better organization.
36 LinkedIn
37 LinkedIn has over 80 million professionals who use the site. The average age of the LinkedIn user is 41. 64% of users are male. 80% are college educated.
38 LinkedIn – Home Messages: these are messages that are waiting for you in your inbox as unread. Invitations: people who have invited you to connect.
39 LinkedIn – Profile You can view your profile in two modes: edit and view. Edit will allow you to make changes to your profile. View shows you want your profile looks like to the public.
40 LinkedIn – Contacts Users can manage their contact lists like they would in their outlook programs. You can export, organize alphabetically and import your own contacts from outlook. This can help you find others to connect with.
41 LinkedIn – Groups Users can join groups based on interest, geography, workplace, and more. Groups are a great way to participate in conversation, gain visibility and make more connections.
42 LinkedIn – Search Users can search for people, jobs, companies, answers (type a question and it will search the forums for an answer on the site), Inbox (search your messages for specific items) and groups.
43 Other Popular Sites
44 User Age Group Overview
45 Social Media 101 Questions?
46 Social Media 201 Will cover: 1)Best practices of use w/ examples 2)“Listening” and metrics 3)How social media is part of SEO 4)Additional terminology 5)Tips for deciding what to recommend for your clients
47 Social Media 201 Is there anything else you would like to see covered?
48 Just for fun!
49 Social Media Thanks for attending
Are you new to social media and wondering what platforms deserve your time and attention? This Social Media 101 presentation can help.