Social media marketing has become an integral part of the online marketing strategy of every company in the world. In fact, most marketers have accepted social media as a part and parcel of their digital marketing mix. Social Media Marketing and its strategies and techniques that marketers, digital agencies and organizations use to enhance the reach and impact of their marketing campaigns.
This pdf is the most in-depth, comprehensive and thorough “social media marketing research” available.
Effectiveness and Challenges of Social Media Marketing

The era of digitization has drastically changed the marketing patterns of entrepreneurs over the past few decades. One of the most widely used media today is social media, which is used to communicate and share
with consumers. This research explores the effectiveness of marketing through social media that impact
increasing income while looking at challenges that can reduce effectiveness. Data collection is done by
distributing online questionnaires to students who do product marketing through social media platforms. The results showed that students often use social media for marketing their products but rarely get comments on their posts. The results also showed that most students said consumers often ask for information and buy products after seeing posts about products on social media. However, most consumers rarely purchase products in large quantities and rarely buy other
variants of products sold by students. Also, most consumers again rarely re-post and disseminate information about product promotion through their social media. The advice from this study results is that students should take advantage of the polling, quiz, and questioning features on social media to attract comment from consumers. Students may also consider marketing their products to companies outside the end consumer to get orders in large quantities. Then, to encourage consumers to re-post products, students can run events such as giveaways, cashback, and free shipping, as well as challenges.
Keywords:- Social Media
In recent years, social media has become ubiquitous and most important for social networking, content sharing and online accessing. Due to its reliability, consistency and instantaneous features, social media opens a wide place for businesses such as online marketing. Marketing which occurs via social media is known as social media marketing. Social media marketing has made possible for companies to reach targeted consumers easily, effectively and instantly. Besides that, social media marketing also faces several challenges in the field. This article argues on social media marketing‟s advantages and disadvantages in present era. Keywords: social media, social media marketing, advantages, disadvantages.
Social Media Marketing and Advertising
Yogesh K. Dwivedi
Social media has recently gained tremendous fame as a highly impactful channel of communication in these modern times of digitized living. It has been put on a pedestal across varied streams for facilitating participatory interaction amongst businesses, groups, societies, organizations, consumers, communities, forums, and the like. This subject has received increased attention in the literature with many of its practical applications including social media marketing (SMM) being elaborated, analysed, and recorded by many studies. This study is aimed at collating the existing research on SMM to present a review of seventy one articles that will bring together the many facets of this rapidly blooming media marketing form. The surfacing limitations in the literature on social media have also been identified and potential research directions have been offered.
Keywords Social media, social media advertising, social media marketing, SMM
Today, we are in 21st century and people do not find time to come & interact with each other. Social media helps in connecting themselves with social networking sites through which now people can stay far and yet remain connected. Apart from this media like Facebook create a loyal connection between product and individual which leads to large advertising opportunities.
Similarly, other social media like Blogs create a platform to post comment on any event which needs to be publicized also can be utilized as a promotional technique for customer’s adoption as well as for promotions. Now users are acquiring followers & subscribers and directing them to your social networking page. These media has an competitive edge over other popular public
media like Television because there is a time gap between social event occurrence and the time it is being broadcasted. This research paper emphasizes on the strategies which can take this viral marketing mode beyond the normal social media at present. As a result it can also help in building your community strong enough to make your marketing effective & initiative buying.
KEYWORDS: Social Media, Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Social Advertising
Setting the future of digital and social media marketing research: Perspectives and research propositions
The use of the internet and social media have changed consumer behavior and the ways in which companies conduct their business. Social and digital marketing offers significant opportunities to organizations through lower costs, improved brand awareness and increased sales. However, significant challenges exist from negative electronic word-of-mouth as well as intrusive and irritating online brand presence. This article brings together the collective insight from several leading experts on issues relating to digital and social media marketing. The experts’ perspectives offer a detailed narrative on key aspects of this important topic as well as perspectives on more specific issues including artificial intelligence, augmented reality marketing, digital content management, mobile marketing and advertising, B2B marketing, electronic word of mouth and ethical issues therein. This research offers a significant and timely contribution to both researchers and practitioners in the form of challenges and opportunities where we highlight the limitations within the current research, outline the research gaps and develop the questions and propositions that can help advance knowledge within the domain of digital and social marketing.
Artificial intelligenceAugmented reality marketingDigital marketingEthical issueseWOMMobile marketingSocial media marketing
How to Engage Consumers through Effective Social Media Use—Guidelines for Consumer Goods Companies from an Emerging Market
This study aims to establish actionable guidelines and provide strategic insights as a means
of increasing the social media effectiveness of consumer brands. Post-related factors in addition to
the contextual and temporal factors influencing consumer engagement (i.e., reposting, commenting
on or liking posts), as an indicator of social media effectiveness, are considered in detail in the
research model. Moreover, the model considers differences between industries as well as social
media platforms. A total of 1130 posts made by four brands, two each from the durable goods and
fast-moving consumer goods sectors, were collected from Facebook and Twitter in Turkey. Through
predictive analysis, four different machine learning algorithms were utilized to develop easy-to-apply
plans of action and strategies. The findings highlight the significant impact of videos, images, post
frequency and interactivity on engagement. Furthermore, social media platforms and the brands
themselves were found to be instrumental in influencing engagement levels, indicating that more
than one formula is needed for effective social media management. The range and depth of the
post-related factors (e.g., image type, video length, kind of interactivity) considered go far beyond
those found in the significant majority of similar studies. Moreover, the unique setting and the novel
data analysis algorithms applied set this study apart from similar ones.
Keywords: social media; customer engagement; brand fan pages; post popularity; machine learning;
Facebook; Twitter
A study of the impact of social media on consumers
M. Nick Hajli
Birkbeck, University o f London
Social media have provided new opportunities to consumers to engage in social interaction on the internet. Consumers use social media, such as online communities, to generate content and to network with other users. The study of social media can also identify the advantages to be gained by business. A multidisciplinary model, building on the technology acceptance model and relevant literature on trust and social media, has been devised. The model has been validated by SEM-PLS, demonstrating the role of social media in the development of e-commerce into social commerce. The data emerging from a survey show how social media facilitate the social interaction of consumers, leading to increased trust and intention to buy. The results also show that trust has a significant direct effect on intention to buy. The perceived usefulness (PU) of a site is also identified as a contributory factor.