Social tools extension is a collection of tools you can use to help manage your social media accounts. This extensions includes user engagement, account insights and to do list. You can manage all your accounts in single place.
Social Tools is an innovative set of features that simplify and improve your experience on Facebook. Optimized for increased performance and faster access to your favorite apps and features, the Social Tools Meaning extension packs some of the most popular social media management tools into one convenient package.
Social media analytics and social listening tools: what do they do?
Analytics tools are valuable for the quantitative analysis of social media metrics that are often taking place on owned social media channels.
They enable companies to gather data from their social media channels for example, the number of fans and engagement rate. Examples of analytics tools include Google Analytics, Socialbakers and Pagelever
Listening tools extract and filter online conversations from social media platforms. They can help to derive meaning and sentiment from the mass of online noise. Examples of listening tools include Radian 6, Synthesio and Brandwatch.
Example use cases
Analytics tools are ideal to determine brand reach and fan demographics. So, if you are not sure of the extent of your brand’s online presence or if your social media fans actually match your target audience then analytics tools can help.
Listening tools can help businesses to identify key influencers and to discover what your customers are saying about your brand.
Social media engagement and content creation tools: what do they do?
Engagement tools enable users to take action, respond, engage and communicate with their audience directly on social channels.
Typical functionality includes content authoring, scheduling and publishing, workflow management and real time routing of actions. Examples of engagement tools include Spredfast, Sprout Social and Conversocial.
Content creation tools facilitate the creation and distribution of socially enabled and / or interactive content. Whilst engagement tools also enable users to create content, this content tends to be a Twitter or Facebook update.
A content creation platform includes content creation templates and enables users to distribute content to a number of social media channels. Some platforms can facilitate live streaming. Examples of content creation tools include Thismoment DEC, Scribblelive and Buddymedia (Profile Buddy and Reach Buddy).
Example use cases
Engagement tools are ideal for community management as they offer the functionality of posting to a number of different social media channels from one platform. They can help you to interact with your social media customers quickly.
Content creation tools can help you to create a unified brand presence across different channels and help you to publish content across a range of social media channels.
Analytics, Listening Engagement and Content Creation Tools are Social Business Intelligence Tools and are used to manage a company’s social media presence and online brand.
They also enable businesses to derive insight from online customer conversations and take action from those insights. These tools are sometimes referred to as Social Media Management Platforms.
The following tools are Enterprise 2.0 platforms and concern employees rather than customers. These platforms are used to support internal processes and can help to facilitate employee engagement.
Enterprise social platforms and enterprise activity stream platforms: what are they?
Enterprise social platforms are internal platforms that offer portal like functionality in addition to social tools such as blogs and wikis and are used to foster employee collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Example enterprise social platforms include Jive Social Business, Huddle and IBM Connections.
Enterprise activity stream platforms are also used for employee collaboration and knowledge sharing but have a core microblogging functionality and focuses on the activity stream. Examples include Tibbr, Yammer and Socialcast.
Both platforms feature functionality typical of social media platforms, for example, creation of groups, blogs, news feed and easy uploading and sharing of content.
Example use cases
Both types of platform can be used for knowledge sharing and to improve collaboration amongst employees regardless of location.
However there are further use cases, for example, enterprise social platforms are great for content collaboration and content management. They can also be used to create social intranets.
Enterprise activity streams are good for internal social networking and due to the more transient nature of the activity stream, can be used to provide real time response to queries.
Tools for better social media marketing
Discoverly – find new followers
You won’t make much of a dent without a decent following. You need people to share and engage with your content. That’s how you build brand awareness.
Buffer’s Kevan Lee wrote a great piece on how to get your first 1,000 followers. For every social network, you need:
- A complete and interesting profile
- Links to make your profiles easy to find
- Great content
- Great people to interact with

The Discoverly Chrome extension will help with that last point. When you view a person’s social media or email profile, it’ll show you their other accounts.
Suppose you follow someone on Twitter. Hover over the Discoverly icon, and you’ll see all their other public social networks.
Use it to build stronger connections with customers, clients, and colleagues. Follow your Twitter customers on their LinkedIn and Google+ profiles. When they follow back, you’ve turned a single social user into three.
BuzzSumo – share great content

Once you’ve found your followers, you need to make them happy. This means finding and sharing excellent content.
You should also share other people’s work. BuzzSumo makes it easy to find the best content around.
BuzzSumo is a simple tool for researching your industry. Search for keywords and get a list of the most popular content that day, week, month, etc.
Share and comment on these posts to interact with other writers, and cement yourself as a voice in your industry.
You can also see what’s popular on specific social networks. If certain topics are more popular on one network than another, build that into your sharing strategy.
Rafflecopter – host a competition
Competitions get social media users engaged. Plus, they’re dead simple.
Our friend Rob Brooks says social media competitions need:
- Clear contest objectives
- The right competition format
- Well-defined rules
- Time- and prize-limits
- A great look and feel

Rafflecopter calls itself “the world’s easiest way to run a giveaway.” In three minutes, you can run a contest across multiple social platforms.
It lets you add multiple ways to enter the contest, from following you on Twitter to signing up for your newsletter. You can assign different point values to different entry options.
It’s a quick and easy way to entertain users and collect lead information. All for free!
The Goodness of Social Media
Talking to people (like we do with social media accounts) has been the way we’ve been communicating since the dawn of humanity.
Today, those that have harnessed the power of social media know how useful a tool it is for Smart People who know Internet Marketing. Whether a large firm, a small company or an individual, utilizing social media correctly proves that you’re trustworthy and you know your stuff.
Then biggest conversation killer online is the lack of trust. Social Media gifts us with a great, cheap and effective platform that businesses use to build trust.
Moreover; social media is also a tool that unsatisfied customers use to expose lousy services, unworthy products, and uncouth business practices.
The Most Important Aspect of Social Media
Social Media serves as a tool in which businesses can use to listen and get feedback from the audience and not just for talking. Social media helps account managers with the following feedback;
- Soliciting for surefire ideas.
- Coming up with an ideal way for customers to state their problems or pass their dissatisfaction.
- Getting the common objection from persons buying your product/service.
Businesses that use social media to listen and gather information through tweets, blog comments, Facebook, Instagram and anywhere people congregate to talk and use this feedback to better their services/products will always have better ROI.
Social Media Focus
To get the best return on investment, the following are areas that businesses/managers should lay their focus on:
- Earning the attention of new and potential customers. Achieve this fete by encouraging your social media followers to share the content they like from your feed. Hint: be sure to provide ‘shareable’ content.
- Use social media in a way where it seems human (thus likable) which is an effective way to earn trust with users and visitors.
- Work on conversations regularly, make the many fans and readers of your content become customers.
Social Media Meaning is a suite of social media related applications that help you do your job in a faster and more efficient manner. Rather than working around the limitations of social media applications, you’ll be using Social Media Meaning to work with the networks as a whole versus just your content.