Software startup ideas 2021 may seem to be a challenging task. More and more people are trying to learn about software startup ideas 2020 and making their own product. But, the real challenge is the availability of software business ideas in various niches.
You ask me what are software business ideas? Well, there are so many software startup ideas these days that it can be difficult to know where to start. That is why I have written this post with the aim of informing you on what are software business ideas 2021.
Get an Invoicing Software and start selling it

Invoicing software resolves numerous invoicing issues that companies face on day to day basis. Invoicing software are trending in the market. There are infinite agencies that require invoicing software for performing their important tasks to ease their invoicing as well as the payment process.
Many software companies outsource software development services. You can utilize this opportunity and can contact them. These companies can create software as per your requirements and in the said timeline. Moreover, their price rates are affordable.
Create a Medical Software
Medical Software maintains electronic medical records of patients. Many clinics and hospitals look for an alternative for error-prone manual entry of patient records. So, you can tell the benefits of your medical software to such clinics and hospitals and sell your software to them.
According to Statista, the total global market for medical software is expected to cross 11 billion USD by 2025. And it was around 2.4 billion USD in 2018. So, it can be clearly seen that good opportunities are present in this area. There are a number of healthcare software development companies that can create medical software and help you to turn your idea into reality.
Start making Software that Downloads Videos from Youtube

This software allows you to download youtube videos. Users will simply enter the link of the youtube video in this software and it will download these videos for them. This idea is one of the best way to start a business.
People who created youtube downloaders have made millions! You can create such software with the help of any software development firm that offers quality software outsourcing services.
It is quite easy to create such software. No businessman develops software by itself. He just hires software developers and they do the rest. Similarly, here you can contact a software outsourcing company that can develop a time tracking software for you. And then you can run behind your dream of turning your idea into reality!
Create a Time Tracking Software
A time tracking software keeps a track of the time of employees. This software is quite helpful for organizations as it helps them to know which employee is putting how much time in the office work.
Various people jumped to business with a time tracking software and earned a lot and still making money with each time there software is downloaded on a system. You can also come up in the business with time tracking software.
A software development organization can create software that tracks the time of staff members of any organization. You can contact these organizations and can take their help in order to run your idea into reality.
ERP Software
Enterprise Resource Management is a software solution for big organizations, business enterprises, and even educational institutions that automates various manual tasks and helps monitor daily business activities under a single system. By 2024, the ERP solutions market is expected to grow up to $49.5 billion.
They can be designed with UI/UX. Commonly used programming languages are C++/C# (Windows platform), Swift/Objective-C (macOS), Angular, JS and Node.JS (web apps).
CRM Software
The next software idea would be designing CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. A lot of startups can, in turn, become your customer as they are in constant need of such tools.
CRM software helps institutions with work management and integrates several divisions of larger organizations such as sales, marketing, and customer support.
Meditation and Yoga Software
The software which will remind users of yoga and meditation and promote personal well-being is in high demand. This pandemic makes people more health-conscious. So software that will allow the user to know about different yoga and meditation and their advantages and make them do this for a particular time can be a promising tech startup.
E-learning Software
As the pandemic forced physical presence at schools, the study cannot stop as the world noticed an increase in the demand for online study portals. Apart from this, different online courses are helping students to understand in a better way and learn other things. So an e-learning portal with the course structure, syllabus, tests, quizzes, and more can be a good choice for users. So if one is thinking of starting a tech startup, an e-learning program should be considered.
Blockchain Tax/Invoicing App Best Simple App Ideas
Remember the time of the year when you sit tight for hours to cut short your tax payments. One of the best android app ideas for expense management can be Blockchain Tax App. This app will calculate, how much tax the user needs to pay according to his income and ensure that the correct amount of tax is always paid. The app is developed using various blockchain frameworks viz. smartcontract, ethereum and hyperledger.
Moreover, if the app can generate invoices, then your business financial hassles become much easier. You can calculate your taxes as well as generate invoices for all your business transactions. With the help of custom software development Services, this app idea becomes better.
Restaurant Reservation App With AI

Why should you miss a chance to dine at a great place? For sudden plans. this app will offer a graphical layout of pubs and restaurants in the nearby area and the user will be able to book a specific table for a particular time in advance. Hence, it can be one of the best and simple application ideas.
With the help of Artificial Intelligence, this app can remember the user’s preferences and suggest accordingly. AI not only help to choose better dining places but also makes it more personalized.
Want to build an app loaded with AI features? Hire Indian programmers and build your feature-rich application.
Local Food Delivery Best App Ideas
A product worth 5$ with 2$ delivery charges is a bad deal. This app can be used to find the cheap and best food delivery service in your area. The user will fill in the required information, like delivery location, choice of food and contact details, etc, and then see the delivery service is available for the item.
Hence, having an online food order app is one of the best app ideas in 2021. You can implement the same idea by hiring a company that offers interactive mobile or web app designs in your budget.
Truckloader (With GEO Tracking) Best App Ideas
Many people want to shift or deliver goods to places in a short time, however, they do not get the right services at the right time. On the other hand, vehicles return empty after unloading their goods.
Truckloader is the best app idea that will provide information about vehicles that are available to take goods. It can also tell you their location, especially when they are carrying your goods. It can be considered as one of the best android app ideas or simple application ideas.
There are countless software startups ideas in the marketplace today. From consumer apps to business to education to E-Commerce, there is something out here for everybody. Software businesses are the best for those who don’t want to work as employees, and software startups can help you create a lucrative business that supports your lifestyle.
ideas are really good,