Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a distribution channel where a company’s sales force is compensated not just for sales they generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. Typically, a multi-level marketing compensation structure requires that the sales force be rewarded with commissions, overrides and bonuses based on their own sales as well as those of the other people they have recruited. In this way the company gets both a direct share of any revenue generated from selling products and services to customers and a portion of the revenue from selling the products from all their distributors below them in the network.
MLM software plays an important role in business marketing. Just like in a professional business marketing, in a Multi-level marketing business marketing, certain tools and formats make things a lot easier in a marketing platform. The software mentioned in this article is going to be helpful for beginner people who are new in MLM business marketing and also for the people who want to expand their business in the multi-level marketing category. In that case, the tools will give them a helping hand in their personal or business growth.
1. Krato Journey
Journey is a multi-level marketing solution that enables direct selling 9professionals to onboard and engage existing or new distributors through gamification and actionable data analytics tools. It helps users track task progress and create social media marketing campaigns, even from remote locations.
Through Journey, businesses can create interactive tasks using gamification elements, mechanics, and reward points, improving distributor engagement and onboarding processes. It facilitates communication across distributors, prospects, and employees through emails, text messages, in-built chat templates, and more. Additionally, it allows businesses to build marketing campaigns via social media platforms and control distributor experience through white-label mobile applications.
Journey provides a mobile application for iOS devices, which enables direct sales companies to monitor distributor tasks and statistics from anywhere. Pricing is available on request and support is extended via email and online measures.
2. MarketPowerPRO
MarketPowerPRO is a cloud-based multi-level marketing solution that helps businesses streamline processes related to sales, commissions, distribution, and more. Administrators can maintain an end-user database by adding notes, updating sponsorship, adjusting commissions, and editing other information on a centralized platform.
MarketPowerPRO allows businesses to set up and choose compensation plans based on an organization’s structure and abilities. Distributors can access commission histories and build replicated websites using predefined templates and customizable support pages. It allows businesses to configure country-based products, enrollment settings, pricing, and design skins. With the communication tools and WYSIWYG editor, users can manage newsletters, calendars, events, FAQ systems, and other content.
MarketPowerPRO comes with an application programming interface (API), which lets businesses integrate the system with multiple payment gateways and shipping services such as BrainTree, EPay, IntelliPay, Fedex, UPS, and more. Pricing is available on request and support is extended via phone, live chat, and documentation.
What is IDSTC?
Flight is a world-class Global operations and compensation management platform in the Microsoft Azure cloud. Flight provides a complete suite of features necessary for operating a direct selling enterprise. These include advanced management for consultants, customers, inventory, shipping, compensation processing, reporting, salesforce, orders, subscriptions, promotions, and more.
Best For
Direct selling industry, including party plan, network marketing, social selling, and MLM companies.
4. Epixel MLM
Epixel MLM Software caters to the demands of the direct selling and multi-level marketing industries with technology solutions. Epixel MLM Software supports a wide array of compensation plans with fully customizable options for users to meet the challenges and competitions in their market. The platform offers multiple marketing tools and templates to increase customer acquisition and retention. Epixel provides software platforms for eCommerce, Affiliate marketing, CRM, LMS, and more with extended service and support.
Epixel MLM software comes with a dashboard that delivers actionable insights and a complete overview of team performance, sales and commission analytics. The system analyzes demographic and geographic patterns to analyze and derive market trends, helping the customers in devising suitable business strategies.
Genealogy tree presents users with a comprehensive view of their team performance and achievements. The MLM commission engine ensures error-free real-time commission processing and automates commission and bonus payouts. The mobile application of Epixel MLM Software comes with a neomorphic design that features a highly interactive user interface.
Architected with technologies like Golang and Node.js, the platform is scalable to accommodate growing business demands.
5. Rallyware
Rallyware delivers personalized learning and business activities to the right people at the right time based on their individual performance. Through proprietary algorithms, Machine Learning, and science-based gamification the platform develops unique learning paths for each member of the workforce based on the company-specific KPIs and guides those individuals towards the program completion. As a result, Rallyware customers see an average of 24X ROI.
Rallyware has been adopted in 57 countries supporting over 20 languages for millions of users offering a wide range of LXP features such as adaptive, mobile, and social learning; rich media tasks and user-generated content; smart gamification; digital library; live analytics, and more.
6. SocialBugCRM
SocialBugCRM is a modular cloud CRM service. It helps extend the functionality of your website to accomplish specific business processes.
SocialBugCRM Features
- Bonus, Loan & Advances Management
- Inventory Management
- Payment Gateway Integration
- Multi Languages
- Lead Management
- Commission management
- Ecommerce Integration
- Fast, Secure, Reliable
- Help And Support
- Integrated with CMS
- Automatic Payment Processing
- Integrated with E-Commerce Shopping Cart
- Integrated with Inventory software
- Backup System
- Support Website Replication
- E-Pin
- E-Wallet
- TAX Calculation
- Email Alert
- Customer Feedback
7. Freedom
What is Freedom?
Do your reps want more? We can help! Freedom is easy to use, convenient & most importantly, accurate. Nothing is more critical for you & your field than accurate payouts. Commissions & Genealogy, Replicating Websites, E-Commerce, Party Plan Solutions, Promotions Engine, Client-Branded Mobile App, & Rep Tools. Our award-winning MLM/Direct Selling software is designed to increase sales and streamline operations. Plus, it’s fully serviced and supported by our worldwide organization.
Best For
Direct selling, Party Plan, and MLM companies.
Freedom Pricing Overview
Freedom pricing starts at $2500.00 per month. They do not have a free version. Freedom does not offer a free trial. See additional pricing details below.
8. Elite MLM
Elite MLM Software is the best MLM software for your network marketing business. we provide various MLM plans like binary MLM plan, uni-level MLM plan, forced matrix plan, monoline plan, x-up plan, investment plan, repurchase plan, and more.
Elite MLM Software Features
- Multi Currency
- Payment Gateway Integration
- Multi Languages
- Commission management
- Ecommerce Integration
- Fast, Secure, Reliable
- Help And Support
- Integrated with CMS
- Automatic Payment Processing
- Integrated with E-Commerce Shopping Cart
- Backup System
- SMS Integration
- E-Pin
- E-Wallet
- TAX Calculation
- Email Alert
- Shipping Management
- Payment Processing
- Sales Reporting
- Order Management
Conclusion: We all want to build an MLM business either offline or online. Of course, everyone wants to make a big income in the MLM business. But before starting any MLM business we need some tools for our business growth. Most all people do not know about the tools they need for running their network marketing campaigns. Here is the list of the most required tools in the MLM business. Make your choice according to your needs in your multi-level marketing company.