So you want to learn about The best statistical graphics software? You’re in the right place. The statistical graphics software are brilliant, and looking at them you will discover many things that may help you in your daily life. Or maybe they won’t. I have no idea. What I do know is that these free statistical graphics software tools are amazing and that more people should use them…so we have email offers (given by the owners of these software) to get you their products for free. Free statistical graphics software download is possible today!
Statistical graphics software is important for any industry that requires statistical analysis. When it comes to statistics, you don’t want to be stuck with a manual method. Statistical graphics software is simply one of the best ways to perform such tasks. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best software available on the market today – both free and premium.
R (R Foundation for Statistical Computing)

R is a free statistical software package that is widely used across both human behavior research and in other fields. Toolboxes (essentially plugins) are available for a great range of applications, which can simplify various aspects of data processing. While R is a very powerful software, it also has a steep learning curve, requiring a certain degree of coding. It does however come with an active community engaged in building and improving R and the associated plugins, which ensures that help is never too far away.
SAS/STAT is a cloud-based platform that allows users to harness tools and procedures for statistical analysis and data visualization. Designed to address both specialized and enterprise-wide analytics needs, it is used by business analysts, statisticians, data scientists, researchers and engineers primarily for statistical modeling, observing trends and patterns in data and aiding in decision-making. Its procedures are multithreaded, performing multiple operations at once, increasing the efficiency and stability of the program. Users can create hundreds of built-in, customizable statistical charts and graphs.
SAS has an established reputation in the industry for reliable results and ensures that code produced with SAS/STAT is documented and verified to meet corporate and governmental compliance requirements. An open-source analytics platform, SAS allows users the freedom to experiment and program in either the interface or the coding language of their choice.

Stata is a statistical solution designed for data scientists, used for data manipulation, exploration, visualization and statistical analysis. With both a graphical user interface and command line structure, Stata is accessible to users with or without coding knowledge. Stata is used by researchers in many fields, including behavioral science, education, medical research, economics, political science, public policy, sociology, finance, business and marketing. It features some level of graphics customization, as users can customize the size of the text, markers, margins and other elements in their graphics.
Stata is available in four different packages, which can analyze different numbers of variables and require more or less memory to run:
- Stata/MP: the fastest and largest version of Stata
- Stata/SE: Stata for large datasets
- Stata/IC: Stata for mid-sized data sets
- Numerics by Stata: Stata for embedded and web applications
Stata performing a linear regression statistical analysis.
Statistical Functions
Stata can provide users all the tools they need to perform data science. It includes a broad suite of statistical functions, including but not limited to linear models, panel/longitudinal data, time series analysis, survival analysis, Bayesian analysis, selection models, choice models, extended regression models, generalized linear models, finite mixture models, spatial autoregressive models, nonlinear regression and more.
MATLAB (The Mathworks)
MatLab is an analytical platform and programming language that is widely used by engineers and scientists. As with R, the learning path is steep, and you will be required to create your own code at some point. A plentiful amount of toolboxes are also available to help answer your research questions (such as EEGLab for analysing EEG data). While MatLab can be difficult to use for novices, it offers a massive amount of flexibility in terms of what you want to do – as long as you can code it (or at least operate the toolbox you require).
Microsoft Excel
While not a cutting-edge solution for statistical analysis, MS Excel does offer a wide variety of tools for data visualization and simple statistics. It’s simple to generate summary metrics and customizable graphics and figures, making it a usable tool for many who want to see the basics of their data. As many individuals and companies both own and know how to use Excel, it also makes it an accessible option for those looking to get started with statistics.

The Minitab software offers a range of both basic and fairly advanced statistical tools for data analysis. Similar to GraphPad Prism, commands can be executed through both the GUI and scripted commands, making it accessible to novices as well as users looking to carry out more complex analyses.
IBM SPSS Statistics
IBM SPSS Statistics software is used by a variety of customers to solve industry-specific business issues to drive quality decision-making. Advanced statistical procedures and visualization can provide a robust, user friendly and an integrated platform to understand your data and solve complex business and research problems •Addresses all facets of the analytical process from data preparation and management to analysis and reporting •Provides tailored functionality and customizable interfaces for different skill levels and functional responsibilities •Delivers graphs and presentation-ready reports to easily communicate results Organizations of all types have relied on proven IBM SPSS Statistics technology to increase revenue, outmaneuver competitors, conduct research, and data driven decision-making
DataMelt, or DMelt, is a software for numeric computation, statistics, analysis of large data volumes (“big data”) and scientific visualization. The program can be used in many areas, such as natural sciences, engineering, modeling and analysis of financial markets. DMelt is a computational platform. It can be used with different programming languages on different operating systems. Unlike other statistical programs, it is not limited by a single programming language. DMelt can be used with several scripting languages, such as Python/Jython, BeanShell, Groovy, Ruby, as well as with Java. Most comprehensive software. It includes more than 30,000 Java classes for computation…
•DMelt with all jar libraries and IDE. Mixed GPL and non-GPL licences (180 MB size)
•Online manual (basic introduction)
•Access to Java API of DMelt core library (600 classes)
•Community forum and bug tracker
•Updates of separate jar files via DMelt IDE NO YES YES
•Full version of DMelt manual
•Access to Java API (30,000 classes) with full search
•Access to Image gallery with code examples
•Web access to more than 500 DMelt examples with searchable database
Many features are free. For all the features the user must pay for memebership.
What is best?
•DMelt with all jar libraries and IDE. Mixed GPL and non-GPL licences (180 MB size)
•Online manual (basic introduction)
•Access to Java API of DMelt core library (600 classes)
What are the benefits?
•Access to Java API of DMelt core library
•Community forum and bug tracker
•Access to Image gallery with code examples
Bottom Line
DataMelt, or DMelt, is a software for numeric computation, statistics, analysis of large data volumes (“big data”) and scientific visualization. The program can be used in many areas, such as natural sciences, engineering, modeling and analysis of financial markets.
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