Best Tools for Learning Coding

Best Tools for Learning Coding is designed to help you gain your first lines of code. The set comes with a manual that teaches you the fundamentals of programming, then provides exercises that allow you to write the code yourself. Near the end, it contains more complex challenges that test your understanding of elements like … Read more

Free Coding for High School Students

High school students can code too! As a high school teacher, I know this is true. And if you teach Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 with B.I.T.E credits, you can get your students coding with these awesome websites and programs for free! These programs and websites will give students the opportunity to try out … Read more

Best Tools to Learn Coding

Learning to code can be a rewarding and lucrative profession. It’s also difficult and there’s a lot to learn. If you want to learn how to code, the first thing you’ll probably want to do is decide exactly where to start. Sure, Google can point you in the general direction of places like Code Academy … Read more