Task Management Software Open Source Web-Based

Task management system is a tool that often becomes a vital part of any organization. Many organizations, no matter how small they are, look for help from professional task management system. Hence there is a great need to understand more about Task Management Software Open Source Web Based and OneTask which can be taken as the best alternative of the open source task management software .

“Project management (PM) software” has become an umbrella term, encompassing a range of solutions from lighter, collaborative work management tools up to robust portfolio management solutions.

It’s important to understand the differences between these types of software, so you can choose the tool that best meets your needs:


2-plan is an integrated web-based project management software that combines several tools for project planning and project execution. It has network and online PM tools in several languages for geographically dispersed teams. Its basic design principle leverages on what knowledge professionals have to offer both in the planning and execution stages of a project. For innovators and the bold at heart, integrate 2-plan Desktop with its counterpart online PM tool with killer iPhone functionality. This balanced PM app has its own unique graphical project breakdown structure tool that covers the people, process and product components of a project. It’s a free project software with an aggressively expanding feature set like Gantt chart, graphical WBS, resource allocation graphs, mind maps and risk management.

Web site: http://2-plan.com/

2-plan Desktop

2-plan Desktop is a free standalone and portable project management tool for project managers that works on all systems where you can find Java (Windows, MacOS, Linux). This app provides its own unique graphical project breakdown structure tool that covers the people, process and product components of a project. It offers a large feature that includes Gantt chart, textual and graphical work breakdown structure (WBS), resource allocation graphs, mind maps and risk management.

Leantime open source project management tool

Web site: http://2-plan.com/free-project-management-software-2-plan-desktop.html

Activity Manager

Activity Manager is a project management tool. It helps a project leader to manage and check his collaborators activity. Simple to use, lightweight, but very efficient and customizable. The tool’s features are : durations repository administration; collaborators repository administration; tasks repository administration; contributions management (=activity management); extensible report facility.

Web site: http://activitymanager.sourceforge.net/overview.html


Agile-Trac adds the concept of Iterations to Trac which allows a more useful Roadmap view with predicted completion date ranges and relatively sized progress indicators. User stories (and tickets in general) can have one or more completion stages defined for them. These are relatively sized using a sizing scale that you define. A story is then DONE when all its completion stages are complete. This allows a historical view of story completion to be captured allowing estimation of future progress.

Web site: http://www.agile-trac.org/


Agilefant is a simple but powerful solution for managing software development projects and related activities. It brings together the perspectives of organizing daily work, long-term product and release planning and project portfolio management.

Web site: https://github.com/Agilefant/agilefant


Agileista is an online collaboration tool for distributed Scrum teams that is available both as an open source solution and a commercial hosted service.

Web site: https://github.com/levent/agileista


agileMantis tries to bridge the gap between the open source bug tracking system MantisBT and Agile software development with Scrum. You can manage requirements for software products with MantisBT when these requirements are represented by issues that can be picked up and processed for defined target versions of the software.

Web site: https://github.com/mantisbt-plugins/agileMantis


AgileTools is a Bugzilla Extension that provides tools to manage teams and their processes. Currently it supports Scrum process and provides planning and progress tracking tools for teams using the Scrum process. In the future other process models, for example Kanban, could be added.

Web site: https://github.com/bayoteers/AgileTools

Apache Bloodhound

Apache Bloodhound is a world-class software development collaboration tool, including issue tracking, wiki and repository browsing based on Trac, the Open Source, Web-based project management and bug tracking system. New users wil find it easy starting out and learn many powerful features along the way. The dashboard provides an overview of work assigned to you, or watched by you, so you’ll never lose track.

Web site: http://bloodhound.apache.org/


OpenProject is a web-based open-source project management software ideal for agile project management. It offers both a Community edition and paid versions of the platform. The Community edition comes with a wide range of built-in project management features. For example, it comes with a dashboard displaying project status, Gantt charts, and customized workflows. For product management teams, it offers critical features like bug tracking and Scrum backlogs and task boards. It also provides users with helpful reporting and time management features like: 

  • time tracking
  • cost reporting
  • calendar view
  • shared timelines 

The company recommends installing the software in one of the following three ways: 

  1. using DEB or RPM packages
  2. install a Docker image (provided by the company) on servers with a Docker Engine
  3. use the Univention Corporate Server (UCS) enterprise operating platform to download the OpenProject application via the Univention App center

Bottom Line: 

The Community edition of OpenProject is great for agile project management teams. Especially for teams that plan on heavily customizing the application. Like all open-source software, make sure you have enough developer resources to install and manage the software. 


Gitlab is a popular end-to-end DevOps application. It has a global community of developers that use the platform to create and store code. GitLab is also a Git repository for code. Thus, the software enables users to collaborate on projects with other developers. 

But it’s also a great open-source platform for agile project planning. It’s especially well-suited for software and application development projects. Developers and product managers can take advantage of the following features:

  • Agile planning 
  • Version control 
  • Code review 
  • Time tracking
  • Wiki-based project documentation
  • Multi-cloud CI/CD
  • Security and monitoring

The platform uses an ‘open core’ business model. So along with the open-source version, the company also offers paid versions of the software. GitLab’s Open Source program is still free to use and contribute to by all. 

You may not have access to all of GitLab’s pre-built features on the open-source version of the platform. Read more about GitLab’s business model and pricing for certain features here

Bottom Line: 

GitLab is a great free and open-source choice for product managers or developers leading a lean team. It’s designed to help manage the entire DevOps lifecycle. So it’s best-suited for software and application development projects. 


Taiga is another open-source project management platform great for agile project management. Like the two products above, the vendor also offers paid versions of the software. The free and open-source version of the platform gives users access to key features like: 

  • Customizable Kanban boards
  • Room for multiple swim lanes 
  • Scrum capabilities
    • Backlogs 
    • Epic planning 
    • Burn-down charts 
    • Sprints and task boards 
  • Customizable bug and issue tracking 
  • Filter options for Kanban boards and issue tracking 
  • Team performance dashboard 
  • Real-time reporting 
  • User roles and permissions 

Open-source users of Taiga get access to all of the platform’s great features. But the free version limits the number of users and private projects allowed on the platform. Up to three users can work on one private project together. They can work on an unlimited number of public projects and can use up to 300MB of private project storage. 

Paid plans allow for unlimited users and an unlimited number of private projects. They also do not offer unlimited storage. 


Task management is a term used in project management and business processes for monitoring and managing tasks and the progress of the attainment of your goals.

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