Maybe you want to learn the steps of personal budget planning, or better understand the software for personal budget planning. Are you looking for an excel template for personal budget planning? Following are the steps you can use when looking at a personal budget plan. You will also find a link to download a free template for personal budget planning.
A personal budget template is an easy way to set and achieve a financial goal. It gives you a visual representation of your income and expenses. It helps you prioritize priorities, and see how much goes out of your pocket every month.
Being able to plan and track your personal budget is an important aspect of self-reliance. This resource pack contains a simple personal budget template as well as some ideas for how you can use it.
A personal budget is a comprehensive tool for tracking – and modifying – the income and expenses that make up your living. Imagine how it could benefit your life if you were able to increase your ability to set financial goals, pay off credit cards, prepare for retirement, save for college – or whatever financial objective you have in mind. With Microsoft Excel as the foundation, personal budgeting software can be created to help monitor your financial progress towards achieving important goals. The template provided by would be of great service. It is an easy-to-use and easy-to-implement personal budget planning software tool that is best suited for people who want to save money on their everyday expenses without going through any hustle.
What Is an Excel Template for Personal Budget?
An Excel template for the personal budget is essentially a spreadsheet file. It contains all the columns, rows, headers, formulas, and styles, so you don’t need to invest time in formatting. All you need to do is upload the file to your OneDrive and track your personal finances.
A template also allows you to customize the data headers, add or delete rows/columns, and format the worksheet style. You can get a template based on how granular data you want, like a bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly budget.

All the templates mentioned below will let you download an Excel file to the computer or open the template in the browser for online tracking.
Paycheck (Income)
- Include all income in this section. This includes your salary, any overtime pay, bonuses or tips that you might receive from your current job. If you have a side job that brings in extra cash, include that as well.
- If your income is irregular (like when you work in retail and get paid hourly), use an average of the last few months to calculate how much money will be coming in each paycheck.
How much you’re paying for rent (or your mortgage) is an important part of your budget. It’s also one of the most frustrating things to figure out, because it’s hard to know exactly how much money you need until you’ve done some research. To get an idea, try Googling “average rent in [city]” or “[city] apartment prices” and see what comes up. You can also look through websites like Zillow and Apartment Guide to get a sense of what apartments are going for in different areas of town.
If you’re moving into a new place and want help figuring out how much rent will cost, give our partners at HousingLink a call! They can help connect low income families with affordable housing options throughout Greater Boston—and there’s no cost for this service!
- What are utilities?
- Utility bills are the means by which your home is kept at a safe and comfortable temperature. They also provide lights, water and gas. Utilities can also include cable television, internet, or phone service. In some cases these services are provided by separate companies from each other (e.g., electricity is one company while cable TV service is another). Utilities may not be your biggest expense each month—but they’re one of the most important things we pay for!
If you have high-speed internet that’s bundled with your phone or cable, the cost of your internet will be included in that bill. However, if you have to pay for your own internet service, it can vary depending on where you live and what speed/usage level they offer. Some ISPs may offer discounts based on how many lines are bought at once (i.e., if you buy a bundle of five lines instead of three). If this is the case for your ISP, consider bundling!
You may be able to reduce your costs by finding a better deal on insurance, or switching providers altogether. Ask the agent that you talk to about discounts they may be able to offer you if you’re with them for a long time. You should also ask about the amount of coverage that is right for your needs; this will vary depending on what kind of things could happen in your life and how much money it would cost if they did happen.
Save at least 10% of your income.
- Pay yourself first.
- Save for the future.
You can invest in a number of different ways. The most popular are stocks, bonds, mutual funds and real estate. You can also invest in commodities such as gold or oil futures.
Investing is a great way to make money for your future, but it does come with some risks. You may lose all or part of the money you invest in an investment vehicle like stocks or bonds. As long as you are prepared for this possibility and have decided that it’s worth the risk for you personally, then go ahead and start investing!
One thing to keep in mind when looking at your investments is taxes—you will have to pay taxes on any gains made through investments and any interest earned by savings accounts
- Groceries/Food
- Pet food and supplies
- Over-the-counter medications and vitamins
Meals/Dining Out
You should include a budget for dining out in your meal planning. This is especially true if you eat out frequently, or if you have a high-maintenance diet that requires you to buy specialty ingredients. Even if you don’t buy coffee at the cafe every day, including a budget for it just in case. Remember that even though restaurants may offer “bottomless” wine or other drink specials, those prices are inflated and there’s no reason why they can’t be factored into your total costs as well!
If you work near an office cafeteria or restaurant, include a budget for buying lunch there each day (or twice each week). If not, consider setting aside money every month so that when mealtime comes around and everyone else is ordering pizza or going to Chipotle again and again… well… at least YOU’LL still have some cash left over so YOU can get something different for once!
If eating out with friends is something that happens often enough to warrant its own line item on this list—and I think it should—then remember: A friend’s home cooking isn’t free either! Give yourself an allowance here too; otherwise how will anyone ever learn how much money other people spend on food? (I’m kidding.)
Household/Cleaning Products
- The household cleaning products are the few items that are purchased regularly and may need to be replaced at any time, so you should keep a close eye on them.
- We buy dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, air freshener spray, toilet cleaner and bathroom cleaner about once every two months. The costs can vary depending on brands you choose but it typically costs us around $8-10 per item. We only use these products in our home or when we have guests staying over so this is not something we have to buy very often (at least not yet).
- Stay away from clothing and shoes that are on sale. It’s easy to overspend because you think it’s a good deal, but the reality is that most of us don’t even wear the clothes we buy—and when we do, they don’t last long. If you have no problem with buying items that aren’t on sale or for which you don’t see an immediate need, then go ahead and do so; otherwise, avoid making impulsive purchases.
- Buy quality, not quantity. Some people feel better about themselves when they’re wearing designer brands or expensive jewelry because of their perceived value in the eyes of others; however those things aren’t necessary for a fulfilling life and can actually be detrimental if they cause you stress over whether or not they’ll be stolen or damaged at any given moment (not to mention how much money this type of lifestyle costs).
Pet Food and Supplies
Pet Food and Supplies
$1,500 – $2,500 per year
- Cut back on how much you feed your dog. Instead of buying an $18 bag of kibble every month, buy a bulk bag for about 30% less. The same goes for cat food: instead of buying those fancy cans with the little pieces in them (that cost more than regular dry), just order a big box online and find cheaper alternatives to wet food. Your wallet will thank you!
- If you have several pets that visit the vet regularly or need medication for various conditions—from allergies to heartworm—look into buying generic versions at the drugstore instead of paying top dollar at the vet’s office (and let’s be honest: those visits can add up fast).
Prescription Medications/Meds
Prescription Medications/Meds
Include any prescriptions you need for your health. This will help you budget for the medications you need. Don’t forget to include over-the-counter meds and vitamins, too. You may also want to include medical insurance premiums, copays and deductibles in this category.
Over-the-counter Medications/Meds and Vitamins
This is a great place to include the amount you spend on any over-the-counter medications you take regularly, such as vitamins or supplements. You can also include other non-prescription medications here—for instance, if you need to replace your contact lens solution every month, this would be an appropriate place for it.
If you’re not sure how much something costs, add in an estimate or note that it’s approximate (i.e., “I’m not sure what my premium will be yet).
Gasoline and other forms of fuel are a big expense for many people. The price of gas fluctuates, and it’s important to track how much you spend on gasoline so that you can plan accordingly.
As with most goods and services, the price of gasoline is based on supply and demand. If demand goes up at a given time due to an increase in gas prices or because more people are trying to fill their tanks before their next trip, then supplies will go down as suppliers try to adjust their prices accordingly. If supply goes up while demand remains constant or even decreases slightly (as may happen when many people take vacations during summertime), then there will be more product available at lower prices because it’s being sold faster than usual
A simple template will help you keep track of your finances.
Whether you need to save for a major purchase or plan for the future, a personal budget is the best way to do so.
There are several reasons why you might want to start using a budget in your life. A good one is that it can help keep track of all your finances and make sure that no matter what happens, there will be enough money available at all times. If someone loses their job or gets injured and can’t work anymore, they’ll still have income coming in from other sources like pensions and investments. It also helps people avoid unnecessary spending by taking advantage of discounts whenever possible or finding ways around paying full price (like getting free samples). This can help cut down on how much they’re spending each month while still allowing them access to what they need most often (for example: food).
In the world of internet marketing, the competition is too steep for those who are not updated with the latest technology and trends. If you are in the internet marketing business, then there are a lot of options that you can try. But it is often seen that people usually don’t know much about their options. Actually, if they knew more about their options, they would not have to face any kind of problems in the business.
Personal budget planning templates are the backbone of any personal budget you may be making. This is because you must have a plan when going on a journey. For example, the journey to having a budget is a really tricky one. You can make mistakes easily along the way and lose track of where you are going.