The Best Way to Improve Search Engine Ranking

Have you ever wanted to learn about how to increase google ranking in my article, but were too lazy to read all the text below the video? Well, if so then I’ve got a solution for you. You can learn about how to improve search engine ranking in the world’s

With the emergence of new search engines, one can’t help but ponder, what is the best way to improve search engine ranking? By using these search engines or keeping an eye on your startup competitors? The truth is that none of the available options has proven to be perfect for gaining visibility within the shortest time frame. Here are some tips about how to improve google search ranking.

Publish Relevant, Authoritative Content

Quality, authoritative content is the number one driver of your search engine rankings and there is no substitute for great content. Quality content created specifically for your intended user increases site traffic, which improves your site’s authority and relevance. Fine-tune your web writing skills and present yourself as an authority on the topic you are writing about.


Identify and target a specific keyword phrase for each authoritative content page on your website. Think about how your reader might search for that specific page with search terms like:

  • online masters in engineering management
  • what is biomedical engineering?
  • title IX education resources
  • photographing northern lights
  • how to apply for scholarships?
  • when is the FAFSA deadline?
  • what is the difference between engineering and engineering technology?

Multiple Keyword Phrases

It is very difficult for a webpage to achieve search engine rankings for multiple keyword phrases—unless those phrases are very similar. A single page may be able to rank for both “biomedical engineering jobs” and “biomedical engineering careers”. Ranking for “student affairs” and “dean of students” or “gender discrimination” and “violence reporting procedures” with a single page is unlikely.

If you want to rank for multiple keywords phrases with your website, you will need to make a separate webpage for each keyword phrase you are targeting.

Placing Keywords

Once your keyword phrase is chosen for a given page, consider these questions:

  1. Can I use part or all of the keyword phrase in the page URL (by using keywords in folders)?
  2. Can I use part or all of the keyword phrase in the page title?
  3. Can I use part or all of the keyword phrase in page headings and subheadings?

Answering yes to these questions can improve your search engine ranking. Be natural and user-friendly, though. For instance, you do not want the word “engineering” to show up three or more times in the URL or have the phrase Northern Lights repeated in the page title and also every heading. Readability and usability still trump search engine optimization.


Beyond page URL, title, and headings, content is most influential on search engine rankings. Repeat your keyword phrase several times throughout the page—once or twice in the opening and closing paragraphs, and two to four more times throughout the remaining content. Be authoritative. Strategically link to relevant sources and additional information—both within your organizations broad website and even to other websites which are useful.

Don’t forget to use bolditalicsheading tags (especially an H1), and other emphasis tags to highlight these keyword phrases—but don’t overdo it. You still want your language and writing style to read naturally. Never sacrifice good writing for SEO. The best pages are written for the user, not for the search engine.

Install Google Analytics and Google Search Console

Before you get started, it’s a good idea to install and use these website tools. Tracking your progress and current successes is important. Analyze every aspect of your website to increase traffic.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tracking tool. It can be very complex but there are many reports that are only a few clicks away that could be very helpful. Using the Channels report will show you how your organic traffic compares to all other traffic to your website.

Google Analytics Default Channel Grouping report focusing on Organic Search

You can easily dig a little deeper by clicking on ‘Organic Search’ in this report to see what pages users are finding on Google (Landing Page). Unfortunately, most keywords will show up as (not provided). That is where Google Search Console comes in.

Google Search Console

While Google Analytics won’t give you a lot of specific keywords people search for, Google Search Console will. Google Search Console will tell you details of your organic search ranking. This means you can see how each page on your site ranks for specific keywords that users searched on Google. The dashboard will also warn you if your site has any technical issues that may hurt your organic search ranking.

Improve your page loading speed

Your page loading time is important for a few reasons.

First of all, if your load speed is too slow, Google will recognize this, and it will harm your ranking.

But a slow website will also impact the way your website visitors engage with your pages.

As a result, those negative interactions will hurt your ranking too.

Look at how abandonment rates increase for websites with long page loading times:

image3 10

How slow is too slow?

Research shows 40% of visitors will abandon websites if the page takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

What’s even more shocking is that 80% of those visitors won’t return to that website.

This is terrible for your SEO ranking because it ultimately kills traffic to your site.

But on the flip side, if your page loads fast, people will keep coming back.

Google’s algorithm will recognize your website’s popularity and adjust your search ranking accordingly.

This makes it extremely important to optimize both your page speed and server response time.

If you want to test the speed of your website, there are online services such as Pingdom available for free.

This will allow you to test your website from different locations all over the world.

If you find that your site is running slow then you may want to check your website theme and plugins.

If your slow server is the culprit then check out my list of the best web hosting providers and transfer to a new host!

Update Your Content Regularly

You’ve probably noticed that we feel pretty strongly about content. Search engines do, too. Regularly updated content is viewed as one of the best indicators of a site’s relevancy, so be sure to keep it fresh. Audit your content on a set schedule (semesterly for example) and make updates as needed.


Writing additional content, rich with keyword phrases, on your departmental news blog can also boost your search engine rankings. Blog posts can even be shorter updates about the specific topics you are targeting. Interlink your related CMS webpages and blog posts when it helps give the reader a better picture or additional information about the topic.

Title your page to help search engines and users

Search engines read the title tag, or meta title, as an important indicator of what the page is about. Your title tag is also the blue link everyone sees on a search engine results page, so be sure to include the keywords users search for. This title is different from the bold heading everyone sees on your webpage, which is typically the heading tag described in the next step. Therefore, if it helps get more clicks, you can write one title for the search engine results page (SERP) and a different heading for your webpage.

Optimize your images

Pictures and other images are great for your website.

But you need to make sure they are optimized properly if you want these images to improve your SEO ranking.

I’m referring to factors such as the file format and size.

Huge images can slow your page loading time, which, as I’ve said, hurts your ranking.

Resize or compress your images to optimize them.

You can also use your images to sneak in keywords by naming them accordingly.

For example, let’s say you have a website that sells toiletries or other bath products.

Instead of naming an image something like “shampoo1,” you could name it “best shampoo for long hair.”

You can also strategically use keywords in the title of your image as well as the caption or description.


Are you are trying to improve your search engine ranking to have good rank in Google for your site? Ask question in Yahoo? Have to explore more about how I can free up my page rank in yahoo. The google internet search engine algorithm, is updated approximately monthly by Google, in order to keep it at the top in the rankings. With higher levels of importance placed on recently updated content that matches well with keywords and specific searches acquired through Google Adwords and similar advertising platforms, including sponsored links.

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